Seeing the giant golden giant standing at the end of the hall for a long time, motionless, like a colossus, I suddenly felt the heart to attack.

Slowly put the half of the big sword into its sheath, and I pressed against the root of the wall and walked slowly towards the giant.

On the way, I carefully drew out the demon sword, and at the same time took off the hollow fish spine tied around my waist with my left hand, and held it firmly in my hand.

One step, two steps...ten steps...

The closer I get to the giant, the more nervous I get.

As an elf, Ice Naes has an extremely keen perception of magic fluctuations, and the golden giant that can make it feel fearful will probably be the strongest enemy I have encountered in this sky city so far.

After all, both Lucas and the Destroyer of the Sky have a very high evaluation of the Golden Demon Platani, especially the latter, not only recognized its strength, but even described it as a platform without mercy. The killing machine of the heart.

If this is the case, this will probably be a tough battle.

The closer I get to the golden giant, the slower and calmer my steps will become. Afterwards, every step I take will take almost ten seconds.

When I was still more than ten meters away from it, the giant's blue-gray eyeballs suddenly turned, and the slightly darker pupils stared at me. In an instant, the invisible coercion pressed on, as if blowing face. The gust of wind made my breathing hard.

"Judgment...Not a Celestial Clan...Identity...Goblin...The degree of danger...First level."

The icy mechanical sound pierced the hall. It was the voice of the golden giant in front of it, but its huge mouth did not squirm. Those voices were all emitted from the back of its head. The location... is exactly what I believe Where the nuclear is located.

While staring at the golden giant, I began to think about how to climb onto its shoulders and how to break the defense.

When I was thinking about a solution, I felt that there seemed to be a foreign body hanging above my head. When I subconsciously looked up, my heart contracted and was sluggish for a second. Then I suddenly woke up, exerted force on my left leg, and jumped out with a swish. .

As soon as the front foot fell on the ground, there was a loud noise coming from where I was standing.

It was three stalagmites with blunt front and back tips, condensed above my head without warning, and then fell silently.

If there is no such strange feeling, or if there is a feeling but I don't look up, then I will definitely be injured by the stalagmites at this moment, or maybe I will be severely injured.

"Good yin moves" I wiped my sweat in a panic, and at the same time put on a fighting stance, ready to wait.

The golden giant still stood on the spot like a statue, motionless, only a pair of eyes, like a gangrene with bones, followed me from beginning to end.

Looking up again, I saw three unformed stalagmites: "Did you use your eyes as a radar to lock the target before you start the attack?"

"If it's the's a bit troublesome," I whispered.

After a while, I didn’t hear a response. I lowered my head in wonder, and then I remembered that in order to increase the success rate of the sneak attack, I had left the Odachi at the entrance. Now I only have the Demon Sword and the Hollow Spine. bone.

The demon sword is quite sharp, but it doesn't fit well with the killing intent, and it can't be completely integrated like the Odachi.

As for the hollow-bone fish spine, this is a relatively hard bone. Its hardness is about the same as that of high-grade stainless steel, but there is still a big gap compared with the enchantment level weapon such as the demon sword.

"Hehehe, the sneak attack was unsuccessful, and the main weapon was not around. It's simply that stealing chickens is not a counterattack!"

I laughed at myself, and I retreated continuously, one to avoid the stalagmites falling from the top, and the other to quickly get away from the battlefield, retrieve the main weapon, and prepare for another battle.

The golden giant didn't care about my departure at all. It just locked me firmly with those big blue-gray eyes. Every ten seconds, three stalagmites would fall. This situation continued until I returned to the entrance position.

The reason for stopping is probably not because the cast distance is too far, but because it saw four other invaders.

"Elf...four...threatness...level three."

The icy mechanical sound came from the golden giant's neck again, and soon resounded through the hall.

"It found us!" Yadyan slapped me angrily, "I blame you!"

I smiled bitterly: "The sneak attack is not successful. I have to retrieve my weapon again to have the power to fight."

"Huh! I'll find an excuse!" Yadyan rolled my eyes.

"What to do?" Bingnas looked horrified.

"What else can I do?" Yadyan spit a fireball and suddenly became fierce: "We can only have a hard-to-hard contest with it!"

After all, Ya Deyan took the lead and floated out first.

Two maiden elves followed closely, and at the very end was Bingnas with a look of panic. It was so frightened that its body trembled slightly.

"It's okay" I comforted it: "We can defeat it, we can definitely, believe in us, and believe in yourself."

Bingnas looked at me tremblingly.

I returned it with a warm smile: "We are the elves and fairies of the same clan. We are the darling of the **** of creation. There is no reason to lose to the stinky dragon's subordinates. Are you right?"

Bingnas thought for a while tremblingly, then nodded.

In fact, this sentence is not only comforting it, but also comforting myself.

The five of us gathered together and stood in front of the golden giant. Yadyan didn't talk any nonsense. He opened his mouth directly and took a breath at the golden giant.

The scorching flame was cone-shaped, spreading from one point, and quickly enveloping the golden giant.

In the scorching heat tossing over and over again, the golden giant neither melted nor deformed, the burly body is still burly and tall, and the force of force is still very pressing.

When the flame breath lasted for a full minute, three huge stalagmites smashed down, smashing Yadyan directly.

I was shocked, and I was about to go to rescue, but I saw countless small fireballs emerging from the gap between the stalagmites, and quickly gathered together to form a small burning fireball again.

"Hmph, want to kill me with a physical attack? It's just wishful thinking!" Yadyan disdainfully said: "I am a purebred elf! The body of a purebred elf is made of magical elements! Except for hollow bone fish and a few magical devourers Outside of existence, no one can do anything we can do!"

Listening to its domineering, I couldn't help clapping my hands: "Well said! Hurry up, keep burning it! It's best to melt it!"

Yadyan ignored me and turned to Bingnas and said, "Well, it's time for you to play."

Bingnas hesitated, switched to the position where Yadyan was just now, opened his mouth, spit out layers of ice mist, and froze directly towards the golden giant.

Watching the battle behind it, I asked Yadyan wonderingly: "Why didn't you burn it?"

"It's useless" Yadyan rolled his eyes: "The smelly dragon is really willing to pay for it. This giant's magic power is so powerful that it is about to catch up with the whole body of me. The flames I spit out can't burn it at all. Magic envelope."

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