The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2208: Light Slashing Rock Sword

"You didn't take it? Who took it?"

Loki didn't say a word, but kept winking.

"Just talk! What are you doing with your eyebrows?"

"Boss" Rocky looked distressed: "It's not that I don't want to say it, but I don't dare to say it."

"Why dare you not say?"

"I'm afraid of being beaten..."

I sneered: "Don't you think I can beat people?"

Loki's face twitched, and he said helplessly: "You still don't want to embarrass me. When he stole your call crystal, I slid and said, "This is the boss's thing, you can't take it." He gave me a slap and threatened me not to inform me, boss, you don’t know, he took a hard shot, I saw it, and he hasn’t recovered yet."

As he said, he raised his sleeves, and saw several scorching scabs on his slender arm, sticking to it like an earthworm.

Seeing his lingering palpitations, I suddenly had eyebrows. I looked through the window, staring at some lawless little Lori, and whispered: "Could it be, Princess Analetta?"

After listening, Rocky nodded repeatedly.

I sighed softly, and said in my heart: "Sure enough."

This little princess Analetta was restrained by royal rules since she was a child, and was disciplined by Emily. Her ecstatic character has been greatly suppressed. Now she can easily get rid of the shackles of the palace. Emily is busy with guild affairs and has no time to His discipline came and went two times, and this ecstatic temperament was suddenly released like a wild horse without restraint.

As the saying goes: It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality.

The same applies to character. It is easy to change from being cautious to presumptuous, and it is even more difficult to return from presumptuous to restrained.

The little princess, who has become unscrupulous now, naturally does not like to be restrained by anyone. This side just stole my things, and there was an immediate warning from Loki with a persuasive taste, and her immature mind immediately rose. Rebellion, not only occupied my call crystal, but also beat Loki with the fat and warned him not to inform him.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile: Luo was basically kind, but did bad things, no matter what, as long as the little girl can stop some, let alone a call crystal, there are three and five, I also give it.

Early the next morning, I came to the palace again, first asked for the seal of hand, and then went to the palace forbidden area with the elf queen.

The forbidden area of ​​Moonlight City is divided into several areas. Some areas are dedicated to storing artifacts, some are dedicated to collecting ancient documents, some are dedicated to collecting exotic treasures, and some are dedicated to storing exotic techniques and their designs.

Needless to say, the items stored in the first two forbidden places naturally don’t need to be said, but this rare treasure and the **** skills and design drawings made me a little curious.

The Elf Queen didn't hide it, and immediately took me into the last two forbidden areas.

This forbidden place for storing rare and exotic treasures is like a treasure house on earth, gold and silver jewelry, jade agate, jade crystal, fine gold and mithril, piles, clusters, dazzling and dazzling.

Going further in, I even saw many unseen and unheard mineral treasures.

Passing through the room where the mineral deposits are stacked, I came to an underground vegetation breeding base. The vegetation cultivated here is not ordinary flowers, flowers, and grasses, but a variety of rare medicinal materials, which can cure diseases, detoxify, and live and die. Human flesh and bones.

It's just that I searched for a while, but I didn't see the blind medicinal material that I am most familiar with. It can also be said that it is the blind poison I know the most.


This kind of purple and red entangled small flowers gave me an unforgettable memory. It not only made me encounter strong enemies, but also brought me a beautiful marriage.

With a smile on my lips, I was quite happy, and asked, "Why is there no Saradika?"

Naturally, the elf queen didn't know what I was thinking in my heart, nor did I know the past that I experienced. After a while, she said: "That kind of flower only grows in the dungeon. Even if it is transplanted, it won't live long."

"That's really a pity" I shook my head: "It is said that Saradika has the effect of bringing back the dead."

"That's the case." The elf queen picked up the kettle and poured some water on one of the pots of unknown flowers: "Anyone who is dying, as long as there is a breath, can live again after drinking Saradika's juice. come."

Having said that, she paused, recalled a little, and said: "You should be no stranger to that matter."

"Which thing?"

"The Dwarf King" said the elf queen: "The Dwarf King was also saved by Saradika."

"Yes, no stranger" I nodded.

Subsequently, we went to another forbidden area.

This forbidden area is not as dazzling as the forbidden area of ​​rare and exotic treasures, only a piece of broken small crafts, and pieces of drawings that look dilapidated.

"these are......"

"These are fragments left over from the ancient times. I don't know exactly what they are used for. These are equipment design drawings left over from the ancient times, but most of them are damaged and difficult to repair. The few pieces you are looking at now are broken. The most serious one is hopeless for basic restoration."

As the elf queen said, she walked to a blueprint that looked relatively complete and waved her hand, saying: "These blueprints were designed by skilled craftsmen during the era of the fairy rule. Most equipment can reach the level of enchanting equipment. Only limited to the lack of materials, there is no way to make them one by one."

Putting on the special gloves set aside, I picked up a drawing and examined it carefully.

This is a design drawing of a giant sword. At the top of the drawing, a few large characters are clearly written in elven text: Hanguang Slashing Rock Sword.

At the bottom of the drawing, there is a line of small words explaining: a sharp sword that can cut rocks.

A giant sword that can cut rocks, not crush them. Well, it seems that the ancient craftsmen were indeed famous.

After reading it, I pointed to the few lines at the bottom and asked: "Speaking of these crystals, elemental crystals...what are they?"

"These" The Elf Queen shook her head: "I don't know either."

"This is difficult." I spread my hands and put the drawing back into the crystal box: "I don't even know what the material is, how is this made?"

"So no one cares about it here, and it doesn't even need to be fortified."

There is indeed no need for fortification, let alone whether the content of the drawing can be understood, even if it is understood, the material on it is unheard of, let alone whether it can be obtained.

I don't even have all the materials. What's the use of these drawings?

Wipe your ass? Or blow your nose? Or stack of paper airplanes?

Forget it. Wiping the buttocks is too hard, blowing the nose is too easy to get wet, and the paper plane is too soft. Unless anyone can recognize the material on it, otherwise, these are waste paper and are useless.


Just when I lost interest and planned to leave here, a flash of light suddenly flashed in my mind.

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