If you want to figure out the appearance and source of the materials on the drawings, you don't necessarily need to ask ‘people’ for advice. Other creatures can also do the job, such as Yadyan and Bingnas, and the pair of half-elves.

In addition, the high priest of the orc race may also know that after all, she is also an old birthday star who has lived from the time of the fairy reign to the present day, so knowledgeable is certain.

With these two kinds of insurance, my already silent heart gradually throbbed.

Picking one out of the drawings, I asked the elf queen: "Can I take this home?"

The elf queen was startled when she heard the words, and then looked at me with a complicated expression: "This is the secret treasure of the forbidden land."

"I know, so I only take it home for one night, and I will send it back tomorrow."

"This..." The empress was embarrassed, her eyebrows full of entanglement.

Seeing her hard to choose, I couldn't continue to be embarrassed, so I had to put the drawing back in place, and when I pulled out my hand, I felt sorry.

"Take it, take it back."

The sound was like a gnat, but it was clearly audible. Although the face of the elf queen was struggling, the light from her beautiful eyes was unusually firm.

I thought for a while, and tentatively said: "Can you?"

She nodded hard: "If it's just one night."

"Thank you" I quickly took out the drawing again, rolled it up a bit, and held it carefully in my hand.

If you change someone else and take the drawing in this way, maybe the Elf Queen will be furious on the spot and drive it out. For no other reason, the sweat in the palm of the hand will easily damage the drawing.

But I don't have any concerns in this regard. Meteorite handguards are not only highly breathable, but also absorb sweat. As long as the outer layer is not wet, the inner layer will not penetrate into the outer layer at all.

Holding the drawings, we chatted all the way, and soon we came to the forbidden area where historical documents are located.

Facing the thousands of volumes of historical documents in front of me, it was as if I was in a flat boat, and facing the huge waves caused by the hurricane, it was all such pressure and powerless.

Fortunately, the Elf Queen is an expert in reading. One of us looked from left to right, and the other turned from right to left, and started a journey of reading ancient documents.

A whole day was fleeting, and we both read nearly one-third of the literature, but did not find any records related to blood purification.

For the remaining two-thirds, I plan to take two days to complete it all in one effort.

At the beginning of the evening, I did not go home directly. Instead, I had dinner with the two queens in the palace.

After dinner, I ran to the arena again and had a fun and lively discussion with Emily, who had already been waiting there.

After washing a little, he put on his handguards, took the drawings, and walked home with Emily.

On the way, Emily asked me about the disaster, especially about the three giants.

"Which one do you want to know?" I asked her.

"All three want to know" Emily's eyes flickered slightly and said: "And I want to know their strength even more."

"They are very strong." In the first sentence, I affirmed the strength of the three giants: "A lot stronger than me, maybe even stronger than Achilles, especially that Atlas, even though I am Be careful, be careful, you almost died in its hands."

Emily's pupils shrank slightly, and a sharp light burst out, that was a look eager to fight.

"Are you... sorry?"

She did not speak, but her slightly lost eyes had already explained everything.

"Yes, it's so easy to encounter such a powerful monster. It's a pity that I couldn't fight one, but I think that since the two queens did not let you go, they naturally have their reasons. If you feel unwilling , Tomorrow I can help you to dig out the truth."

"No need" Emily shook her head: "I can understand."

"Really, that's good. I was worried that you would feel resentful just now, and I was afraid that you would do stupid things because of this."

"I won't be fooling around" Emily said lightly: "I know very well, first of all, I am the personal guard of Her Majesty the Elf Queen, secondly, I am the president of the Rose Legion, and finally, I am an adventurer."

The primary and secondary points are very clear, as expected to be Emily.

Although the words are very clear, Yu Guangzhong, Emily's face is still disappointed.

After thinking for a moment, I held her catkins, Emily did not struggle, just glanced at me suspiciously, and I smiled at her: "If you desire to fight the strong, I can send the Destroyer Legion as Sparring."

After listening, Emily shook her head, nodded again, and then smiled lightly, like a bright shooting star across the sky: "Thank you."

"Which one of us and whom?" I was a little embarrassed, scratching my head, and said with a smile.

When I got home, everyone was preparing dinner. I called Yadyan over to make three chapters with it. First, I couldn’t touch the drawings, secondly I couldn’t breathe, and finally I didn’t get excited. After Yadyan impatiently agreed, I would The drawing is gently unfolded and laid flat on the table.

Yadeyan glanced at the drawing, spat out a small spark, and almost sprayed on the drawing. I was so shocked that I reached out and grabbed the small spark and extinguished it.

"What are you doing?" Yadyan asked impatiently.

"I told you, don't breathe fire, if this is lit, what shall I take back for business?"

"Is it lit?" Ya Deyan sneered, "Can this paper be lit?"

He stretched out his hand abruptly and took the drawing in his hand, shocked my heart suddenly and almost jumped up on the spot: "You..."

As soon as the words were spoken, the second half of the sentence was stuck in the throat, and I couldn't spit it out.

In Yadyan's burning little hand, the drawing swayed in the flame intact. Then Yadyan spit out the flame again and sprayed it on the drawing, but the latter was still fine.

This scene gave me a deep sense of unreality.

Can paper coexist with flame?

Yadyan shook the drawing, his eyes became more contemptuous: "Usually learn more about common sense of life, communicate more with the craftsmen, and use your brain more, don't be like wood bumps."

"Why... why is this?"

"This is an equipment design drawing. It is a magic scroll drawn by a master craftsman. It is mainly used to describe the most proud work of the master craftsman. Do you think such a design drawing might be burned by ordinary fire?"

Seeing that I was very cooperative and shook his head, it continued: "This kind of design not only sets fire, but is also waterproof and anti-corrosion. If it is preserved in a good environment, it can even be retained for hundreds of millions of years. However, your design is compatible with I’ve seen different things before, and I always feel...a bit fake."

Fake...This was taken from the forbidden area of ​​the palace, how could it be a fake!

However, after another thought, I seemed to understand what Yadyan wanted to express.

It is the equipment design drawing made by the ancient master craftsman, and the one I brought back in front of me is probably an A product that the ancient master craftsman imitated by referring to the ancient master craftsman's method.

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