Green Wild’s face was rather gloomy, and he finally understood that he had fallen into my trap. However, the truth was irreversible.

Even if he wants to deny what he has said, he cannot deny the positive energy that national power can bring in the army.

If an army consists of only a group of ordinary adventurers, then they are called elites at best, and once national forces are involved, they can be called trump cards.

In other words, if the number of adventurers is used to measure the energy that a country can bring, the number is far more than one thousand or three thousand adventurers. It should be even higher. But since this standard was put forward by Wilder himself, I He no longer corrected it, but followed his words and answered his questions about Moonlight City step by step.

"Your Excellency must be aware. In order to assist in the battle, Moonlight City even reluctantly cut love and sent a powerful elder, that is, Grandpa Taylor, who has not yet returned to China. You may also have heard about Grandpa Taylor's strength, don't say anything. The power of the country, maybe three or five, may not be his opponents, but if the number is too large, it will be unreliable. Therefore, I reduced the strength of his old man to two national powers, which is equivalent to dispatching at least six Thousands of level ten adventurers assist in the battle. Can you accept this algorithm and this answer?"

Green Wilder nodded gloomily.

He is not stupid, so he doesn't do silly things like slanderous things. Facing the facts, even if he is bitter, he has to swallow.

Seeing that he recognized me with a tangled expression on my face, I smiled and continued: "If only 6,000 level ten adventurers are sent as reinforcements, Moonlight City does appear to be stingy. So, let's do this. , Not finished yet."

"In addition to Grandpa Taylor, the legendary heroic servant Achilles is also the reinforcements sent by Moonlight City to assist in the suppression of disasters."

Hearing this, Green Wild couldn't help: "Achilles was already a resident of our Dasai city before the disaster broke out. Why should it be related to your country?"

"Who said Achilles was a resident of Dassai City?" I sneered, and said: "He has always been from Eri City, but he only lives in Dasai City temporarily. Why would you give Achilles a change for no reason? Nationality? Have Achilles' consent been sought?"

Green Wilder's face became stiff, his brows furrowed, and he retorted, "Even if Achilles is a native of Ere City, why do you count his merits in your country?"

"Because Achilles is loyal to me, are you satisfied with this?"

"How do you convince me of such unfounded remarks?"

"I didn't let you believe it, I'm just explaining the facts. If you don't believe it, you can question Achilles face to face after returning to the country to see if he is really loyal to me."

When I said this, I smiled confidently.

In front of outsiders, Achilles will definitely swear allegiance to me, even if he is unwilling in his heart, he will definitely do so, because his true allegiance to Carter Rodney and Carter Eva is still in my asylum. under.

Seeing Green Wilder's silence, I continued: "Your Excellency's purpose here is to question my guilt of fleeing. Actually, this matter is big or small. You said I escaped. Guilty, yes, and I have been punished for it. His Majesty the Orc King has deprived me of my position as prime minister. Wouldn't you think that the position of a prime minister is no match for the guilt of fleeing?"

Wilder's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "It's a capital crime to escape before the battle."

"Well, just as you said, fleeing before the battle is a capital crime, not to mention the position of the prime minister, even the emperor should be killed, then let's look at another situation, why I said that escape before the battle? It’s not a big deal. First of all, I just said that I only cheered in the past, not to participate in the war. Originally, my mission was to wave the flag and cheer on the sidelines, cheering on the drums, to make the soldiers more brave and the enemy lose their courage. , My mission is the same, but in fact, who is the person who really contained the disaster? As a special envoy, you should have inquired clearly before coming."

With a sneer, I said: "It is the two strong men dispatched by Moonlight City, the warriors of the Dwarf Guild, as well as my Destroyer Legion and my family. As for the adventurers who reach Cyber ​​City, with all due respect, in the third When a giant appeared, he was shocked. Oh, sorry, I shouldn’t generalize. There are still seven or eight courageous descendants of legendary heroes. They attacked the giant without hesitation. These people, despite their strength Not helpful, but in my opinion, they are the real power of Dasai City, they have not insulted their ancestors, and they truly conform to the six characters of legendary hero descendants. They are not like some people who are either timid or fearful or rely on one. I opened my mouth and came over aggressively to ask my guilt."

Green Wilde's complexion suddenly hard to see the ferociousness, his fists clenched, his veins violent, and he wished he could beat me violently. However, under the aggressive eyes of the elders and nobles, he had to suppress his anger and continue to listen. I sneered.

"Who defeated the Titans? You shouldn't be ignorant. Could it be that you thought it was the Iron Wolf Guild and the Rose Legion of Dasai City? Oh, funny, they are only responsible for dismembering the completely paralyzed Titan, but only It was this job that almost wiped them out. If they hadn't been treated by Grandpa Taylor in time, none of them would be able to go back alive."

A sneer came from a few steps away, from Elder Sibo Ling.

Wilder was so angry that he was about to explode, but I still don't intend to let him go. Since you are ordered to come here to inquire about the crime, be prepared to be ridiculed and mocked by me.

Moreover, I dismissed his anger, even scorned his identity as the descendant of the legendary hero.

As a descendant of a legendary hero, he can't be seen in the battlefield fight. Instead, he came to me with the headband of Dasai City's envoy. What is the reason!

Hefeng Continent respects martial arts, but not political means. It is not good to say it. Any conspiracy and tricks are just a piece of paper in front of absolute power, and a hole is a hole when you reach out.

Therefore, if you don’t want to be ridiculed by me, and if you want to have an upright dialogue with me, you have to show your ability, and show off the ability to surpass me. Only in this way can I be qualified to be treated squarely by me. I asked my teacher to ask the crime, hehe, let me get rid of my patron first.

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