The mocking words, like a sharp knife, stung his pride and cut his face.

Green Wilder's clenched fists have turned white, and his trembling hands interpret the burning of his heart.

Seeing his split eyes and vomiting blood for three liters, I feel very refreshed.

special envoy?

Haha, shit.

People who dare not even go to the battlefield, dare to ask me a question?

With a sneer, I didn't plan to close it as soon as I saw it, anyway, Liangzi had already knotted it, and it was simply bigger.

With the mentality of not looking for trouble and not afraid of trouble, I continued: "Leave the matter of Titan aside, what about Goliath? Who is holding that monster that is stronger and more terrifying than Titan? I think. Needless to say, your Excellency should also be very clear, yes, it is Achilles, the Dwarf Legion and my Destroyer Legion, and the army of Darcy City? They are all hiding in the position, comatose and scared. Fear, one by one, like a quail, he didn't even dare to lift his head, for fear that he would be called out to fight."

The smiles of the surrounding elders and dignitaries became more intense, not only sneers, but also sneers.

Green Wilder still didn't speak. He was a wise man. Knowing any words at this time could become a laughingstock for self-inflicted humiliation.

Slowly sitting back in my seat, putting my hands on my knees, I continued: "Goliath's thing, also set aside, let's talk about the strongest giant monster that came out at the end, Atlas. ....."

"Enough, enough" Green Wilder interrupted me rudely, his face was gloomy, his eyes were darker, like a wounded wolf staring at the hunter who hurt him.


"You are a special envoy, and your task is to find me to verify the truth. Please bear with me before the truth is fully revealed, so that I can defend myself, defend Moonlight City, and defend the truth."

"Special Envoy, please also listen to Elder An Xiaoyi's explanation before you can make a conclusion, don't you?"

Elder Prisla looked at Green Wilder coldly. Although this old witch did not deal with me, it was limited to internal struggles. Once there is an invasion by foreign forces, as the elder, she will immediately change. The old hen who protects the little chicken cubs puts all her strength into the foreign struggle.

It is so clear that internal and external fights can be treated separately, even the dwarves and goblins of Fort Witch can't do it.

At least until now, I haven't collected any evidence that can prove that elves and fairies unite outsiders to attack insiders for the sake of political status.

The only time there was such a sign was when the Fairy Queen intended to appoint Emily to accompany the Carter's eldest master, but I was upset by it.

Moreover, it proved afterwards that although the Fairy Queen had assigned the task of escort, she also drafted a secret decree. As long as someone had wrong intentions with Emily and others, they could cut it first and then play it later. At that time, all the responsibilities would be borne by the Fairy Queen alone.

Faced with the highest authority in Moonlight City, which is like a steel plate, even if Green Wilder is wise and cunning, and then conspiracy is repeated, there is nothing to do.

And what makes him most helpless is that from the beginning to the end, he can't get any reason, no reason, what kind of argument?

In this world where the weak and the overwhelmingly powerful, if you want to occupy the moral commanding heights, you must either have a strong fist or ample reasons, and you will not take any of it, just come here to find abuse.

Green Wild's eyes dimmed and a trace of regret was revealed.

Regret it?

Feeling the loss in Wilder’s eyes, I sighed silently in my heart, but I sighed and sighed. He would never die with a stick. If I didn’t say it, he would have no place to show himself, and if I didn’t say it, he would be ashamed to die. Find out what excuses to argue with me endlessly!

Instead of letting him be endlessly entangled, it is better to kill him with a stick!

I hid the sympathy that had just penetrated, and looked at Green Wilder with cold eyes, and looked at this special envoy from Dasai City with a mission to inquire about crimes, and a sneer evoked a sneer at the corner of my mouth: "I I don’t know how much the Special Envoy knows about the process of fighting Atlas. Please be patient and listen to my final explanation."

"Atlas is the most powerful of the three giants. It not only has the strongest physique, but also the most powerful. In order to contain it, I sent all the members of the Destroyer Corps, even I personally went into battle and dealt with it. I have to say that its power is beyond imagination. In order to be able to delay time, I almost broke into it."

With that said, I began to talk about the entire battle. As for Phoenix's two amazing shots, I took it over naturally.

"Do you know the feeling of being held tightly in the palm of your hand and even the air in your lungs being squeezed out? That kind of despair, that kind of helpless feeling, just like a mouse pinched in your hand, you know Is that feeling? Oh, sorry, I forgot, you are not an adventurer, you are just a lobbyist, a messenger, a special envoy who came here to inquire about sins, you have never fought, you have never tried the kind of dying It feels like you just keep using your tongue and your cleverness to move among the big and powerful, to please them, or to bully an honest person like me."

" are a bit too much, Elder An Xiaoyi!" Green Wilder said coldly.

"Excessive?" I couldn't help laughing. The laughter was harsh and desolate: "If you really think I'm too much, then try my experience first. The experience at the time of death, the giant is gone, but I can Assign a mecha puppet similar to the giant figure, hold your body tightly in the palm of your hand, and keep squeezing it with force. Don’t worry, you will not die. After all, you are a special envoy and take the emperor’s life. I just want you Having the qualification to have an equal dialogue with me, at least, allows you to experience the despair I have experienced, oh, of course, if you accidentally get pinched to death, please rest assured, I will be responsible for the rest of your family’s life, I will Let your wife and children live a carefree life like a nobleman, so you will be scornful."

After waving his hand, the guards of the own hall stepped forward and reached out to grab Green Wilder. The latter, after realizing that he was really dragged out of the hall, kept struggling, constantly howling, and constantly facing the two The empress, the elders, and the dignitaries asked for help, but he was desperate to find that the look in the eyes of everyone present to him was cold and cruel.

When I was about to be dragged out of the hall, I said coldly: "Wait."

The guard stopped.

"come back."

The guard dragged Green Wild, who was scared into a cold sweat, like a dog to death, and threw it in the middle of the hall like a garbage bag.

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