At dusk, it is slightly cool.

Stained with sweat, Emily and I walked home side by side.

Just like in the past, we had a hearty battle in the palace arena, and then she took a bath, I waited, waited for the beauty to get out of the bath, and changed into new clothes, and then we both walked home facing the sunset direction.

The wet hair bun still drips crystal water droplets from time to time, and in the romantic twilight afterglow, it draws one after another crystal thin lines.

"This war is more tragic and difficult than I thought."

Emily didn't look at me, but her indifferent voice was telling me the voice of her heart.

"In fact, it's okay." I spread my hands. "If it wasn't for the inaction of some guys, I wouldn't be in danger."

"That's why I said it was more tragic and difficult than I thought."

"It turned out to be what I meant." I nodded and chuckled: "You are right."

"If, then...I was by your side, would you still challenge Atlas rashly?"

Emily turned to me suddenly, with a hint of expectation in her calm expression.

"If you were by my side, I might have plunged into the war earlier, and put aside all worries and move forward."


"Because you are my trusted lover, I can trust your back and life with confidence."

Emily was startled slightly. She sighed lightly and asked, "Isn't it worth entrusting Phoenix and others?"

I shook my head: "They are still weak and have not grown up. Before that, I will not give them any responsibilities or burdens. That will only make them feel troubled."

"You are pampering them like this."

Emily retracted her gaze and continued to look at the sunset.

"It's not arrogance, but the time has not come. As long as the time comes, they will naturally change and become responsible and responsible girls."

"When will this opportunity arrive?"

She turned her face, and under the shower of afterglow, most of her body radiated golden light.

Looking at her with a slightly puzzled look, I smiled slightly: "I don't know."

Emily is not a person who is inquiring into the bottom line, so we quickly put aside the topic about the ‘growth’ of our fiancées. Instead, we quietly enjoyed the tranquility that belongs to the two of us on the streets in the evening.

This romantic atmosphere was so uncontrollable that it lasted only a short ten minutes.

It's not that romance has a short lifespan, it's that something out of date just got in and ruined the atmosphere.

Such an untimely thing is the Dasay City envoy, Green Wilder.

This cargo wandered anxiously in front of my house. At his feet, he placed a few small boxes. Two or three meters away from him, there were four sturdy men standing. They looked like adventurers. Judging by their invisible breath, these four people added together, they are not enough to beat me with one hand.

I sneered and said in my heart: Is it hard to come to soft? Want to know it with affection, move it with reason, then treat it with courtesy, and then use your ingenuity and use your clever tongue to convince me?

Haha, do you really treat me as a little friend with an uncivilized IQ?

After a sneer, I raised my voice: "Oh, isn't this an envoy? How come you have time to walk in front of my house?"

When I heard the voice, Green Wilder discovered me. He hurried over and smiled enthusiastically: "The elders are talking and laughing. I’m here for the first time. I want to visit the elder’s residence the next morning, but I’m just busy. Official business, helpless, no, official business is over, I will rush to visit you."

I smiled: "Since I'm here, why don't I enter the house?"

Green Wild's complexion didn't change, but he corrected his positive expression, and said: "The elder is joking, and he is humble in his lower body. How can he dare to enter the mansion casually without the permission of the elder? That is very disrespectful!"

"Oh, huh?" I was happy: "Your Excellency was in the court. When facing me, he did not hesitate to verbally criticize the next one. Those deep questions are firmly engraved in my heart and remind me from time to time. , Dare not or forget."

Wilder smirked and said: "The elders should stop making jokes about things in the courtroom. In that environment, you are just doing business, as your Majesty’s mouth, to say what your Majesty wants to say. But out of this court, in private, I still admire you very much."

"Worship me?" I chuckled, "Why do you worship me?"

"I adore your bravery and fearlessness, admiration of your awe-inspiring righteousness, admiration of your hard work for the prosperity and growth of Dasai City, and your efforts to promote international relations..."

Everyone loves to listen to good words, and I am no exception, but if I want to win my favor with a few witty words and let me relax my vigilance, it is really too small.

Ignoring his flattery, I winked at Emily, which means you go back first, and I will deal with it here.

Emily was impatient to wait, but she was worried that I would need her help, so she stayed by her side. Seeing me let go, she naturally turned around and entered the tree house without hesitation.

Green Wilder's eyes seemed to have met a magnet of iron, and he kept glancing at Emily, knowing that the latter's shadow had disappeared in the tree house, and he came back to his senses, swallowed and looked at it. On four weeks, in a deliberate tone, he whispered: "My elder, there are some things, I hope I can talk with you in the secret room."

"Why?" I wondered.

"Because... it is not suitable to be humane to the outside world."

"Then don't say it." I waved my hand: "I don't want to listen anyway, and I'm not interested."

Green Wilder didn't expect me to come here, staring at the door of the tree house with a bitter expression, he hesitated and said: " this the way the elder treats guests?"

"The way of hospitality?" I frowned: "What kind of hospitality?"

"Um...I, I am your guest."

"Are you a guest?" I chuckled, "What kidding, did I invite you over? And did I welcome you over?"

Shaking my head, I sighed softly, and said, "You and I are just strangers, and strangers with a bad relationship. Why should I treat you as a guest? Why do you ask me to treat you as a guest? Do you think you are carrying you? With a few boxes and a few thugs coming over, can you threaten me and force me to treat you as a guest? Did you wake up? Or are you dreaming?"

Green Wilder blushed, he coughed heavily, and said, "Elder An Xiaoyi, please restrain yourself. I came here with kindness on this trip."

"Does your kindness mean Xingshi asks sin?" Leaning on the door, I hugged my arms and said coldly: "If it is, please take back this kindness, I can't bear it."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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