Straightforward rejection is like a sharp knife that can easily cut off the fragile dignity. Although it will be painful for a while, it will not cause long-term effects.

For a moment, Green Wilder even exposed his murderous intent, but only for a moment, he calmed down, as if nothing had happened, and once again put on a enthusiastic smirk.

This man does not seem to be a lobbyist who climbs up only on his lips. At least when he faces the knife that tears his dignity, he can constrain his murderous intentions in time. With this, he is also qualified enough to be appreciated by the Orc King.

But it is limited to appreciation.

If I'm not wrong, the Orc King shouldn't re-use this kind of person. Compared to a sly mouth, but his own combat power is scumbag, his old man prefers strong, but bad words.

If they are strong and eloquent, this kind of person is a national treasure in the eyes of the orc king.

Thinking of this, and looking at Green Wild’s confident expression, I was also curious about what was in the box.

"My elder" Wilder smiled brightly like a flower in midsummer: "Please don't refuse so resolutely. Why don't you look at our sincerity first, and then make plans?"

"Okay" I smiled slightly and said, "I'll wait and see."

With a crackling sound, the iron lock bounced back, and Wilder took off the iron lock and slowly opened the lid of the box. His movements were extremely slow, and his eyes kept peeking at me as if to see my impatient expression.

However, as the lid of the box got bigger and bigger, Wilder's expectations continued to fall.

To be honest, if I haven’t touched the artifacts, the ancient documents, the coffin of Felid Alexander, or the strange and precious objects, maybe this moment, my eyes I will be attracted by the box, and my mood will rise with Wilder's action of opening the lid.

But there is no if in this world.

The lid was lifted, and I was so bored that I almost fell asleep, glanced inside, and suddenly lost interest.

The box is not big, but it contains a lot of things, and everything is precious, but this pair of colorful gadgets is not attractive to me.

"Enchanting stone?" I asked.

"Enchanting Stone" Wilder rubbed his hands and smiled, like a cunning goblin merchant.

"What are you doing to show me this?" I asked again: "Could it be that this is the kindness you mean?"

"These enchanting stones are all high-quality goods. As long as you contact a craftsman with matching abilities, you can forge many pieces of enchanting equipment."

I nodded: "Go on."

"Your Majesty knows that you have no shortage of gold, silver, jewelry, and rights and status. What you really lack is these materials that can forge high-end equipment." He said, opening another box and showing it to me: "Look. , The best high-grade stainless steel, the blocks are the most perfect raw materials after the most perfect purification and forging."

I squinted and stared at him coldly: "Is it my thing as long as I promise you a certain condition, or certain conditions?"

"The elder is a sensible person" Green Wilder smiled and said, "As the saying goes, there is a loss to gain. I wonder if the elder is satisfied with these enchanted stones and raw materials?"

"Enchanting stone, a good thing, high-grade stainless steel that has been purified dozens or hundreds of times, is also a good thing. Those of you who can take out these two things at the same time and give them to me, you must have a big picture, um, let me Think about it..."

"It's time to think about it, elder" Wilder said with a face of profiteers, bewildered: "As long as you promise to do us a small favor, these treasures are all yours."

"Well, this is not an easy question to answer. You didn't say at all what the ‘little favor’ you need my help is. Such vague behavior is not the beginning of a good deal."

"Don't worry," Wilder smiled: "The price you need to pay is only a little bit. To you, it's the size of a sesame."

Glancing at Wilder, I nodded with a sneer, and circled him and the four entourages. After not taking a few steps, I nodded, took a few more steps, and nodded again.

Soon, Green Wilder seemed a little impatient: "Elder An Xiaoyi, have you decided yet? Is it to accept our goodwill or..."

Looking up at Green Wilder, I suddenly drew my sword out of its sheath, and cut the four of them in the middle.

After a few seconds, the expression of astonishment solidified on the faces of the four people, and the wailing sound did not continue until half a minute later.

These four fat guys, until they died, didn't understand why I suddenly hurt the killer.

"Lord and elder, what are you doing!"

Green Wilder trembled with fright, and the questioning voice was frightened.

When, when, when.

After knocking on the door three times, I whispered: "Send Xiao Zhi out."

Not much time, a dark thing jumped from a high altitude, this thing was extremely huge, but when it landed, it only made a puff.

Gently patted Xiao Zhi on the back, and pointed to the four corpses: "Here, see these eight pieces of meat, eat them."

Xiao Zhi stared at me with a ‘squeak’, obviously reluctant to eat corpses, especially human corpses.

"It's not that you haven't eaten it before, let's talk about it, now I am asking you to help clean the ground, don't worry, I will roast beef for you in the evening and cook it by myself, how about?"

Xiao Zhi made a reluctant ‘squeak’, but couldn’t bear the temptation of roast beef. After glaring at me, he began to clean the ground.

When Xiao Zhi approached Green Wilder, this guy was so scared that he sat down on the ground, all over his body and his expression was even more exciting.

"Why, can you withstand poisoning, but don't have the courage to watch Xiaozhi sweep the ground?"

Green Wild's face turned green. He raised his hand, pointed at me tremblingly, and said: " did you know?"

"It's very simple." When I stretched out my hand, I took out a piece of red water drop-shaped ore from the box and showed it to him: "Here, look good, the powder on this, if I guess right, it should belong to the skin. A chronic toxin that seeps into the body."

"In such a dark sky, you can actually see the poisonous powder on it!" Green Wilder shouted in an incredible tone.

In fact, I didn't notice the poisonous powder at all, but when I kept going around a few people, I noticed the unusual signal that the tree house gave me back.

It constantly shook the branches and pointed at several boxes with the tip of the branches. This made me alert and suspected that there were hidden hands in these boxes. However, when Green Wild opened After the box, I didn't find any mechanism hidden inside, that is to say, the hidden hand in the box is not a mechanism, but something more hidden.

Almost instantly, I thought of poison.

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