The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2229: Founder of Equipment Strengthening Machine

Hefeng Continent has never lacked the strong.

This has always been the case since ancient times.

In the ancient times, there were two great races against the sky, the ancient fairies and the ancient elves. They were called the darlings of the gods of creation, but in fact, their potential and demonstrated strength fully fit this title.

During the reign of the fairies, the strongest race was the fairies clan, and among the many fairies, the best members were the fairies royal family.

They have part of the ancient goblin bloodline. Once the bloodline power is awakened, they will have half the strength of the ancient goblin. If they can get the blessing of the artifact, their strength can be increased by at least 30%.

This strength, even in the ancient period, was enough to run wild, not to mention the period of the fairy rule when the overall strength was greatly reduced.

In the face of such strong men, the vast majority of humans choose to surrender. This behavior may seem spineless, but in fact it is the most wise move.

After all, the weak must have the consciousness of the weak, and it is the most stupid act to catch up with one's life for the so-called backbone.

But under the general trend of everyone surrendering to the fairies clan, there are many fools who choose to be mavericks, thinking that they are the sons of heaven, and have the ability to overthrow the fairies clan regime and establish a new dynasty.

So this group of fools determined a set of plans after layers of planning, and the most important point of this set of plans was to assassinate the fairy emperor.

The fools were of average strength, and even if they attacked in groups, they were not enough to fight by the fairy emperor alone, so they found blood purification.

I have to compliment here, the head of the **** purification is really awesome, ahem, I especially point out the courage, and even took the task of fools.

When I read this, I have already thought of the end of the **** purification, but I am curious why the **** purification can still be passed down to this day, can it be said that the fairy emperor's mind is really as vast as the vast sea, as high as the sky, even if a group of **** fools plan Can he endure murdering him?

In order to clarify the truth, I read on again.

After reading it, I have to sigh, good luck makes people, good luck makes people.

The thing is like this, the blood-purified group of hot-blooded fools, under the instigation of a group of fools, formulated an assassination plan, and when the Goblin Emperor was alone to sacrifice his ancestors, they brazenly launched the assassination.

Then, the group died.

I don't even think about it. Will the fairy emperor worship the ancestor without carrying the artifact passed down by the ancestor?

The fairy emperor equipped with a magical weapon can razor mountains and rivers to the ground with a wave of his hand. If you want to kill you group of ants who don't know the height of the sky, you don't need to wave your hand, just use the moonlight scepter to gently hit the ground.

Nearly a hundred elites were wiped out in World War I, and **** purification was directly disabled.

But at this time, even if they wanted to withdraw, it was impossible. This fairy emperor held a lot of grudges. After figuring out the identity of the assassin, he immediately launched an arrest and hunt.

Within a few months, nearly ten thousand thieves and assassins were executed. The fools were almost killed. Even the **** purification had to hide in the darkest corner, and they didn't even dare to let the fart, for fear of causing a murder. .

However, at this moment, on the back of the giant sky curtain, a powerful man suddenly descended, and the terrifying aura shocked the giant sky curtain. At the same time, it also frightened many creatures on the continent to tremble.

Coincidentally, there are many believers living on the back of that giant sky curtain.

The believers believe in an organization called GBL Sect, also known as the Great Blue Truth Sect. This sect has continued to this day. According to Akahavi, the current headquarters of GBL Sect is in Dasai City.

Closer to home.

The believers were frightened by the sudden breath of the strong, and soon became the slaves of the strong, storing water every day and splashing it on the body of the strong to keep the strong moist.

The believers who became slaves naturally had no way to communicate with other believers. Soon, the news that some believers had lost their information was passed on to the GBL headquarters.

In order to save his family members, the leader personally petitioned and was interviewed by the emperor emperor. During the conversation, the leader truthfully reported the fact that the followers had lost contact.

Although these believers are nominally GBL believers, in fact, they are even the subjects of the fairy emperor. In order to establish a good image for the majority of the people, he waved his hand and blatantly stated that he would attack the strong.

But the attack cannot be blind, it must be planned, purposeful, and sacrificed in order to achieve the ultimate goal.

The plan and purpose, the fairy emperor had already thought about it, but this sacrifice...

Soon, the fairy emperor thought of blood purification, an organization that had assassinated himself.

Since he even dared to assassinate himself, it seems that **** purification does not lack the brave generation.

Therefore, it was decreed to inform the world that if the **** purification can calm the strong on the back of the Skyshroud beast and find the message of the GBL teaching the missing believer, he can be exonerated and regain good citizenship.

It is not easy to be chased all day long. In order to cleanse his identity and become a good citizen, almost overnight, all the elites of blood purification gathered near the Royal Plaza.

The black pressure overwhelmed the strong, causing a lot of trouble to the pedestrians, but it made the fairy emperor very pleased, and immediately ordered all the members to ride in the Magata to kill the strong.

After a series of fierce battles, nearly half of them were **** purifying elites, and all became the efforts of the strong. The remaining half took the Magadha and hurriedly fled the scene.

After flying back to the mainland in embarrassment, their first reaction was to rush into the palace and plead guilty.

Fortunately, the fairy emperor was tolerant of people who made mistakes, and did not hold them accountable. Instead, after asking the cause of their failure, he sent them back to the **** purification, and informed the world, removing the charge of **** purification.

After that, there will be no **** purification.

In order to prevent being enslaved, the fairy emperor had to visit certain living technologists, but unfortunately no one was immune to mental attacks. At this moment, a beautiful girl who claimed to be a descendant of the Celestial people took the initiative to visit the fairy emperor. , And expressed the ability to produce that can be immune to mental damage.

Facing the opportunity that might help him win, the fairy emperor naturally held on tightly. After he confirmed that the girl was right, he opened the royal laboratory to her.

Soon after, a gray bracelet was developed under the hands of the girl.

This thing is really useful, and with its protection, mental attacks are almost ineffective.

In order to avenge the dead people, the emperor emperor drove him personally, and launched the strongest blow against the dying octopus-shaped strong man. In an instant, the world shook, and the poor sky curtain beast was blown into pieces of meat.

The triumphant fairy emperor, with a group of adventurers, took the Magadha and returned to his homeland, enjoying the praise and respect of the masses of people, and became a heroic character, and was included in the heroic biography of the fairy reign. in.

Oh, by the way, I must mention that the girl who made the gray bracelet, her name is Kaili, is a roaming gunner, and it is said that she is also the founder of the equipment enhancement machine.

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