"The country's community, the race is prosperous, how can you treat it like this?"

The fairy queen looked stern, her eyes furious, and her sturdy momentum suddenly released, as if it were real, it made me panic.

"Uh...cough, your old anger, just a joke from me, but don't take it seriously, if you really make your old man angry, my sin will be great."

"Huh, in the future, if you can't make this kind of joke, you should try not to make it. The national community is not allowed to play, and the prosperity of the race should be treated with caution..."

"Yes, yes, what you said is right, I was wrong, and I shouldn't be talking nonsense."

It was easy to persuade the Lafayette to be happy, and I grinned my gun with a distressed look, and learned the royal rules.

I was not accustomed to being restrained, only to perfuse the fairy queen, I had to learn the royal rules of conduct.

After just one hour of duck-filling learning method, I finally mastered 60%, but I never learned the remaining 40%.

Seeing that there was still time left, the fairy queen forced me to continue to learn the 40% rules, but it turned out to be good. This 40% did not learn, and the previous 60% failed to be consolidated and strengthened in time, so I forgot about it without much effort. 50% of them.

Good this time, Sesame did not pick up, and the watermelon was lost again.

I looked at the Fairy Queen with a sad expression. The latter had a more desperate expression than me. She smiled like a self-defeating woman: "No matter, these days, the royal image is often destroyed by you. What if it is destroyed again?"

I was puzzled. When did I ruin the royal image?

However, the fairy queen's mood is very unstable now, I dare not ask, but wait first, when she is in a good mood, it is not too late to get to the bottom.

The magic airship that Kailan was riding in landed on this continent an hour after the fairy queen abandoned herself.

A plump and **** body, wrapped in a dark blue cloth robe, slender waist, tied with two off-white buckles, red and green striped feathers, gently wrapped around her arms, and high on the shoulders High uplift, fluttering with the wind.

The thick hairpin firmly fixed the long hair that she pulled up at random behind her head, and the hair tips that bloomed like fireworks added a little chic meaning to her.

A pair of brown sunglasses, worn on the forehead, happened to be stuck on the messy floral bangs, which actually played the role of a hair band.

The delicate face has just the right delicate features. In those very determined eyes, there are tens of thousands of amorous feelings. The thin lips have a slight cynical charm, which completely removes her dusty temperament. destroy.

If you don’t see that smile, some people may say that this is a cold and proud girl with outstanding temperament. However, after seeing that smile, the impression suddenly turns around 180 degrees-this woman is absolutely free, definitely It is the most difficult wolf to tame!

However, the facts are often unexpected. Only those who really understand Kailan will know that the smile is a blooming rose, both attractive and dangerous. If you don’t pay attention, you will be stabbed, even Die.

Kailan, who was standing on the spiral staircase, raised her eyes and found me suddenly, her smile suddenly converged, but she was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

She quickly stepped down the spiral staircase, came to me quickly, stretched her arms, and gave me a big hug directly.

Although the hug didn't come suddenly, it was quite enthusiastic, and it made me a little bit at a loss.


A long and euphemistic voice was the voice of Kailan giving me a kiss on the spot. This passionate act completely calmed the audience.

Except for the Fairy Queen, almost all the elves who came to greet them had a shocked expression, including the Fairy Queen.

A few seconds later, everyone who had reacted was very ashamed. They turned their heads and bowed their heads, their eyes evasive, and they refused to meet me, let alone look at Kailan, who was smiling like a flower.

The elf queen is also a member of the shy army.


With a light cough to ease the embarrassment, I pulled Kailan away from my body and introduced the fairy queen to her: "This is the fairy queen patriarch, one of the two empresses of Moonlight City."

"His Majesty the Fairy Queen," Kailan shook hands with the Queen's grandmother generously, and smiled: "I heard Xiaoyi mentioned you, saying that you are a heroine, courageous, strategic and courageous. , There are methods, it is a model worthy of waiting for me to learn..."

The fairy queen was quite pleased, nodded slightly, and a smug smile swept across her mouth.

"...But before Xiaoyi mentioned it, I also heard of your deeds from the elders around me. It seems to be a little bit different from Xiaoyi's understanding of you, or it is exactly the same as the heroine. ......"

Kailan didn't seem to see the slightly gloomy expression of the Fairy Queen, and continued to say to herself: "When the elders talked about you, they said that you were a domineering woman. The cruel behavior and the cruel methods are outrageous. An elder gave an example, saying that you once trapped tens of thousands of people on the island in order to compete for the mineral deposits on an island. This story has always been regarded as a nightmare by my childhood, and even once thought that you were synonymous with the devil. ."

When Kailan said this, I was frightened, and I kept pulling her catkins forcefully, indicating that she was enough, but I didn’t realize that she was really a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, so she dared to accuse her old man in front of the fairy queen. You are my fiancee, she dare not move you?

Not only me, but the other entourages were also shocked, and even several guards quietly moved their steps, waiting for the order of the Queen to take the rude person on the spot.

The elf queen was shocked and anxious. She could see that she was extremely dissatisfied with Kailan's rude words, but she didn't want to have **** with this talented girl who made equipment strengthening machines because of this incident.

The fairy queen did not speak for a long time, and her slightly heavy face only lasted for a few seconds, before it turned from cloudy to clear, and staring at Kailan for a moment, she said calmly: "Now, after seeing me, you have What do you think?"

"Now I think the same as Xiao Yi" Kailan said with a smile: "You have killed many members of the human race, but that is not killing innocent people. Through the power of the New Heroic Guild, I found the historical truth of the year. The document clearly states that the cause of the matter was that you robbed the island’s mineral deposits in order to increase the military strength of Moonlight City. The historical environment at that time was your Moonlight City and the Carter family’s Ai During the worst period of the relationship between the two countries, the two countries continued to have frictions, and it was even referred to as a small-scale war. However, after you used tough and cold-blooded means to trap tens of thousands of elites in the city, the relationship between the two countries has suddenly undergone a qualitative change. Ruicheng took the initiative to send a messenger to negotiate a peace. Everyone knows that Ruicheng is afraid."

"You have ended a war that is about to ignite with only the lives of tens of thousands of people. You have made great contributions, even if you are called a hero, it is not an exaggeration!"

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