In order to keep the pocket money, he did not hesitate to play poignantly and play pitifully, appearing on Kailan, which is also ingenious. After all, what this woman is really good at is the mature and charming charm that confuses the eyes of men.

I raised my palm to stop Kailan's fake cry, squatted down, folded the front end of the shovel halfway, and poke at the position where Kailan had just dropped the shovel.

There was a muffled noise, and the face of the shovel touched something hard.

This is not the sound of shoveling a stone. Under the soil, within a few inches, there should be metal!

Passing the other half of the shovel head to Kailan, I waved the shovel in my hand, shoveling the soil, and commanded: "Dig!"

Kailan still looked at me pitifully: "Pocket money..."

"As long as you dig well, you won't cut your pocket money," I promised.

Kailan was overjoyed, no longer pretending to be elegant, or pretending to be weak, waving a shovel, digging harder than me, that is, raising soil is very irregular, raising it is called a flying sky, not only staying The deporters around were hit, even I was not spared.

After vomiting a few mouthfuls of sand, I wiped my face severely. I gave Kailan an angry look. Unexpectedly, this woman was addicted to digging, and she kept digging without raising her head.

More than twenty minutes later.

Kailan leaned against the raised mound without an image, holding a half-folded shovel in his right hand, and holding a water bag in his left hand, slamming his mouth.

The sweet water ran down the corners of her mouth and into the skirt of her clothes, but she did not care about it, just poured it hard.

After drinking half a bag of water, Kailan was finally refreshed, his arm dropped randomly, and the water bag fell on the ground with a bang, splashing out a lot of clean water.

I shook my head, walked to the front, leaned over to pick up the water bag, wiped the sand around the mouth of the bag, took a sip to my mouth, took the plug from her palm, and twisted it carefully. Then I preached: Girl, so ignorant, in what manner?"

"You still know that I'm a girl!" Kailan blanked my eyes, "How can I ask a girl to do such a tiring job!"

"You didn't meet, that's why I said that." Sitting cross-legged across from her, I said solemnly: "The children of those farming households, regardless of gender, have to learn to do farm work, raise chickens and pigs, and plow the fields. Didn't rely on their hard-working hands to do it? Just digging the ground once, and complaining and complaining, this is wrong."

"It's nothing wrong!" Kailan retorted, "They are used to farming a lot. Naturally, they don't feel bitter or tired. But I am different. I have never done this kind of thing since I was a child. Once, of course you will be too tired! Besides, don't look at it. Most of the ground is from my own hands!"

Glancing at the dug potholes, I really have nothing to blame for Kailan.

Although I was digging more beautifully and cleanly than her, Kailan, who came up crazy, was digging and digging faster than me by many times. It was just a little embarrassed, like a dog chewing.

"Well, you are right, this time, it is really hard for you."

I adhered to the principle of complimenting her when I did a good deed, and smiled and praised her.

Hearing my praise of her, Kailan's eyes lit up, and she climbed along the pole: "Then my pocket money, can I double it?"

"Don't even think about it!" I rebuffed: "Your pocket money every month is enough for the residents of a block to live for several years, and it has doubled? Do you want to go to heaven?"

"God?" Kailan wiped the sweat dripping from her temples, looked up at the sky, and curled her lips: "Unless there is a legendary flying tool, how can you go up?"

Well, the Hefeng Continent does not have the stalk of "want to fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun".

Just as I guessed, under a few inches of soil, there is a huge metal creation.

I don't know what it looked like, but the only thing I can be sure of is that it is big enough and very big. I even suspect that this island is its main body.

In order to be able to identify its body more intuitively, I increased my digging efforts and lifted up the unexcavated surface one by one, and piled all the mounds at the foot of the mountain.

As the soil surface was thoroughly cleaned up, the appearance of the metal creation gradually emerged.

With some dim light, I recognized its original appearance-this is an oval fortress base, surrounded by unknown metals that reflect silver-gray metallic light. The hardness of this metal is stronger than that of high-grade stainless steel. But not as good as Mithril, the demon sword and the big sword with killing intent can cause damage to it.

"This is probably the research institute, right?" Kailan stood at the foot of the oval fortress base, stroked the cold metal, thoughtfully: "Somehow, there is always a familiar feeling, as if you have met a long-lost friend."

"It's a bit too quick for you to feel like this," I quipped her.

"What's the matter?" Kailan blanked my eyes: "I mean it, it's so familiar."

Her words suddenly evoked my memories. Yes, sometimes, I will find familiar feelings in some strange things...

"This is probably the cause of the previous life, or it is the resonance of blood," Dadachi said suddenly.

"Well said" I said silently in my heart: "Just like the first time I met Di Ruiji, although I have never seen it before, there is a strange sense of familiarity, as if we are old friends we have not seen for many years. In general, and DiRigi does not seem to be unfamiliar with me. This may be related to the fairy blood flowing in my body, but it is a pity that my blood is sealed."

"I've been sealed, it won't be enough to unlock the seal," Taitato said disapprovingly: "As long as the seal is unlocked, what should belong to you still belongs to you."

"That's right," I agreed.

Since Kailan is a member of the Celestial Clan, no matter whether she has the talent for technology or not, the blood flowing in her veins will force her to become familiar with the legacy left by her ancestors.

This is a kind of emotion that originates from blood, and cannot be let go.

"Can you find the entrance?" I asked.

Kailan shook her head.

"Since I have already developed a sense of familiarity, why don't I even know where the entrance is?" Because I was so boring, I made a strong argument.

Kailan rolled her eyes: "Do you have to know if you are familiar?"

I have nothing to say.

Looking at the dimming sky and the black lights, it is definitely not suitable for searching the entrance, and we have not much physical strength left. We will stop here today. The task of finding the entrance should be carried out tomorrow.

So he took out the cloth and brackets from his luggage, set up a tent quickly, and then lit a fire and cooked food.

Since almost all of the islands are mechanical creatures, it is difficult to find a living thing, so fresh meat can't be eaten, and you can only eat dried meat that you carry with you.

Kailan doesn't have any problem with dried meat, just complaining constantly that I didn't bring wine.

Faced with her complaint, I just smiled and said in my heart: I want to, but dare to bring it? Once you bring wine, you must drink it secretly, and you must make a mistake.

Thinking of this woman holding a wine bottle with red cheeks, lying down on the spot and falling asleep, I am grateful for not bringing wine.

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