It was noisy all night and couldn't sleep peacefully.

I doubt very much that the Celestial people who design and manufacture mechanical beasts are likely to be proficient in the art of war and good at night attacks. Otherwise, the mechanical beasts will not be able to attack continuously for a whole night until the sky is twilight. .

Rubbing his swollen and astringent eyes, and pounding his temples on both sides, he barely lifted his spirits.

With a sigh, he awakened Kailan who was lying next to him, who was snoring.

Unlike my sensitive nerves, Kailan's nerves are world-class.

Kailan, who was immersed in the harsh metal collision, was able to keep a sweet sleep, I don't think I can admire it.

Glancing at the wet corners of her mouth, I handed her a soaked handkerchief: "wiping the corners of the mouth and cheek is all saliva."

"Huh!" Kailan was surprised: "Really? Left or right?"

"Both sides."

After breakfast, we continued to excavate.

The place to dig this time is the foot of the mountain.

In my opinion, if you want to figure out the entrance of a metal creation, you must first figure out its shape, and the most direct and simple way to figure out the shape is to restore its full appearance.

Therefore, I had to dig up the soil at the foot of the mountain to see if the ground at the foot was also made of metal.

This project lasted about two hours. I was disappointed to find that the ground of this island is the same as other islands. Below the soil layer, there is a deeper layer of soil, and further down is the rock.

In other words, only the mountain bag is unique.

After that, I dug the land between the two mountain packs to a depth of more than two meters, the same ordinary soil layer and hard rock.

Well, it's a real hammer, the mountain bag is the research institute of the Celestial people.

Here comes the question, where is the entrance of the institute?

The mountain bag is flat and smooth on all sides, even if it is slightly mottled, it is caused by the same point in the folding shovel multiple times.

Would it be impossible for me to dig three feet into the ground and dig a tunnel underneath?

This is also a way, but it is getting more and more troublesome. Maybe it will cause some people's ideas and reveal the secrets of the trip.

Once the secret spreads like wildfire and falls into the hands of Eri City, they are likely to use the site as an excuse to either seal the sea forbidden island or ask for a share.

In either case, there are losses.

As a last resort, I had to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor, walking around on the mountain bag, looking for the entrance.

Kailan also followed me, but she was not looking for the entrance seriously, but teasing the mechanical bird. This scene made me very excited.

"Hey, can't you stop teasing it?" I said unpleasantly: "Don't forget, your purpose is not to play, but to find the legacy of your ancestors."

"It's enough if you find it," Kailan said while rubbing the smooth body of the mechanical bird: "I'm just accompanying guests."

"Accompanying guest? Don't tease, okay!" I was a little angry: "This is the legacy of your ancestors. When did you become a accompany guest?"

"I didn't intend to come here." Kailan shrugged and said casually: "I just followed you because the research institute to search for the Celestials might use me. After all, I am your fiancée, helping your fiancé. , Is also the duty of my fiancee."

Well, I seem to have said that at the beginning. I knew it earlier and I should add the sentence ‘this is also your duty and obligation’.

It's useless to move with emotion, understand reason, don't want to listen, and have nothing to do, so I have to use profit to induce it.

When I promised to give her a hundred extra pocket money every month, Kailan showed a disdainful expression and said lightly: "I don't lack that gold coin."

But when I took back the 1% of my monthly allowance again, Kailan accused me of being stingy, and approached me again, pretending to be pitiful.

Once again, the condition to increase the share of pocket money by 1%, Kailan readily agreed, and found the entrance solemnly.

It's good to promise early, but I want to come here, so I'm not tired!

With Kailan's participation, the progress of the search portal-there is still no progress.

This oval metal creation that resembles a bowl on the ground does not seem to have any gaps, and it is simply invulnerable.

What should I do?

Standing at the top, looking down at the surrounding me, fell into distress.

"Would you like to try brute force?" Taidachi issued a suggestion: "Anyway, it's just a pile of hard metal. As long as you carry the killing intent and cut a few more knives, there is no metal that cannot be destroyed."

"What if I damage the contents?" I asked rhetorically.

Odachi disagrees: "If it is the site of a research institute, this method will definitely work. Unless it is a storage warehouse and it is full of things, the situation you said may happen, but do you think it is like a storage warehouse?"

That’s right. It looks like a base for research and experimentation. It has nothing to do with warehouses or anything. But I’m not afraid of 10,000, just in case, the people like to build this kind of warehouse in case. do?

"Then there is no way." Dadachi understood my thoughts, and said in a long voice, "I can only listen to-heaven-by-fate."

After sighing, I decided to discuss with Kailan, after all, she is a genuine descendant of the Celestial race.

I found Kailan, who was lying on the ground and constantly looking for the entrance, and told her of my thoughts. After listening, the latter agreed with my suggestion without even thinking.

"Since the descendants of the Celestial race are sure to do this, why am I hesitating?"

I continued to cheer myself up in my heart. When the courage overflowed all over my body, I raised the big sword, condensed the killing intent, and aimed it at the center of the mountain bag with a fierce blow.

The melodious metal sound rang open the hard shell with just a knife.

It is a pity that this shell is not only one layer, there are many layers waiting for my explosion.

Just when I was full of resentment and planned to fight the metal shell to the end, roars came from the depths of the jungle.

The sound is getting louder and more urgent, which means that the people who make the sound are getting closer to where I am.

As the saying goes: You have money in your hands and don't panic in your heart.

We have the Destroyer guarding the surroundings, and I also have the strength that is not weak, and coupled with occupying the commanding heights, even if there are enemies rushing into the battle, it will not be able to kill for a while, so I feel confident and boldly prepare.

Boom boom boom... The sound was like a beast running, shaking the ground constantly trembling, I held the Odachi firmly, and condensed the majestic killing intent, and at the same time tightened my muscles, ready to give The incoming enemy made a heavy blow.

On the side, Kailan also took out the revolver, and the delicate pistol circled around her index finger, and a dazzling white light firmly wrapped her slender hand holding the gun.

"It's dazzling" I asked, "Is this the combat technique you have learned after mastering the power of transformation?"

"This is a silver bullet" Kailan squinted and slowly said, "It was the first combat technique I mastered after becoming a shooter."

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