Seeing Kailan's unpredictable appearance, I really don't want to discourage her, but is it really necessary to guess this question?

The only merchant who has had contact with her is Daphne's.

The answer is clear, but I still had to put on an ignorant expression, pretending to explode in curiosity, and asked: "Who, so kind, bought the broken robot?"

The corners of Kailan's lips curled up, and she smiled slyly, like a little fox: "It's Daphne from the Maflo family!"

Next, Kailan recounted the process of meeting Daphne that was unforgettable for her.

She spoke very emotionally, and I listened very carefully, unconsciously, a vivid picture jumped out.

Dressed in a pale blue robe, Kailan Lori, holding in her arms a dilapidated little robot whose internal components have been completely burned out, stood in front of the Maflo shop in a panic expression. From time to time, he probed his head and peeped into the door.

That day, Mr. Mafro just went out to do errands, and the shop was taken care of by Mr. Mafro's daughter, the small shopkeeper of Mafro's material shop with an indifferent expression, Daphne.

Peering into her head, Kailan glanced at Daphne's indifferent expression and eyes. She was nervous and panicked. For some reason, she was a little afraid of this loli who was her age.

Especially afraid of her cold eyes.

She flinched because of fear. Kailan hugged the little robot, and squatted at the door cringingly. A face that was thin and sallow because of chronic malnutrition was full of hesitation and pain.

Yes, at this moment, she is not only hesitant, but also very painful.

She hadn't eaten anything for several days. At this moment, her stomach aches.

At the time, she didn't know that this was a stomach cramp caused by a long-term lack of good food, but she felt that she might be dying.

Death is not terrible. After all, her father and mother are dead, in the dungeon, under the sharp claws of monsters.

If she dies too, can she live happily in heaven with her parents who love her?

However, who will fulfill the parents' last wishes?

The machine that is half-installed for the equipment enhancement machine, the machine that has condensed his father's life's hard work, will it turn into a pile of worthless scrap iron in the end?

In order to fulfill her parents' last wish, she must live strong, at least until the day when the equipment enhancement machine is completely manufactured.

As a result, little Kailan, risking the pressure of being driven away, insulted, or even beaten, cautiously stepped into the threshold of the shop.

She only stepped into the threshold, stopped, and timidly looked at Daphne who was standing at the counter, watching her expression tremblingly.

Seeing that Daphne didn't feel any displeasure, she cautiously approached the counter, put the little robot on the counter, and asked timidly, " much can I sell?"

Daphne picked up the robot, looked at it carefully, and then asked, "Can you move?"

Kailan shook her head.

Daphne frowned deeply. She thought for a long time, then put the robot on the counter again, sighed, and said: "Neither can it move nor look good. If you pay according to the metal price... A copper coin."

Five copper coins are enough for a little Lori like Kailan to eat for two days, but what about after two days? Is it going to continue to be hungry again? What should I do with the equipment enhancement machine?

A series of thoughts occupied Kailan's little head, and her deep worries about the future completely shattered the hope that had just emerged in her heart.

"Yes, can you have more?" Kailan plucked up the courage and asked tentatively.

Daphne shook her head, and Kailan was desperate.

Carrying five copper coins, Kailan walked out blankly.

The inheritance left by his parents has long been smashed into the equipment enhancement machine. The current home is already surrounded by houses, and the only valuable thing left, this little robot left by his father, has only sold five copper coins.

Five copper coins are only enough to support two days' worth of food...After that, I might starve to death, or be killed by monsters in the dungeon, just like my father and mother.

Kailan became more and more afraid as she thought about it, and finally, she shed tears of despair.

Just as she stepped out of the shop with her forefoot, a calm but lacking emotion sounded from the bottom of the shop: "Stand there, don't move."

Kailan stopped subconsciously, turned her head, and saw Daphne with an indifferent expression, holding a bulging bag, walked up to her unhurriedly, and stuffed the bag into her arms: "Take it."

Kailan lowered her head subconsciously, and through the slightly opened pocket, Kailan saw the dim yellow gleam of coins, she was surprised, this turned out to be a bag full of copper coins!

How much does it cost!

At that time, Kailan was not as greedy for money as she is now. At the moment of that copper coin, her first reaction was - at a loss.

She looked at Daphne blankly, trying to say something, but her trembling lips could not make a sound.

"Take it," Daphne said indifferently: "This is the pocket money I saved. It's my personal property."

Because she was too excited, Kailan choked up. After a while, she stopped crying and asked, "Why?"

"No reason." Daphne turned around, walking, and said lightly: "If you have to find a reason, I like that little robot very much."

It wasn't until this moment that Kailan suddenly realized that Daphne, who had been stern, was not actually a cold person, she had a bright and kind heart than gold.

After what happened, Kailan heard from the neighbors. It is said that Mr. Mafro returned home and found that there were five copper coins missing in the drawer, so he asked Daphne, where did the money go?

Daphne kept her mouth silent, so Mr. Mafro decided that the five copper coins had been used by his daughter without permission to buy snacks.

In order to punish Daphne for such a bad problem of silently spending money, he severely punished Daphne and swollen her left palm up,

It's just that although Daphne suffered physical pain, she met Kailan, a dear friend by chance, by chance. After a long period of life, it was painful and happy.

Speaking of this, Kailan looked solemnly and said, "So, Xiaoyi, if one day you have a conflict with my Daphne, I will definitely help her, not you."

"Good job!" I patted her fragrant shoulder cheerfully: "This is friendship, great friendship!"

The sound of fighting gradually died down. Although the mechanical creatures were brave and fearless, they were still not enough to look at the powerful expellors.

It may be found that the mechanical creatures cannot cause damage to the expeller, or it may be that the group of mechanical creatures are so tired of giving away their heads, they are even and uniform, leaving like a low tide.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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