Coming like a tide, and then receding like a tide.

The behavior of mechanical creatures is really weird.

But having said that, why did they leave in a hurry?

Is it possible that the old nest was taken?

Uh, it's really hard to understand.

The sudden departure of the mechanical creature was a good result for me.

After all, if I continue to consume it like this, I'm almost desperate-I can't fight forever, just stop eating and drinking.

Kailan and I, with a group of expellers, found a fairly spacious clearing in the jungle as a place to rest and camp.

After eating some snacks and drooling, I signaled the expellors to report the situation on the other side of the island.

From an objective perspective, the deporter roughly described the situation of the islands, first the scenery, secondly the geographical structure, then the biological species active in the jungle, and finally the possible location of the research institute.

After hearing the description of the deporter, I have a general understanding of the island.

In general, this island is almost a desolate island, because on the island, except for the lush vegetation, there is no sign of any biological existence.

Here is the paradise of mechanical creatures.

When I asked if they were attacked by mechanical creatures, the Destroyer frankly said that this riot of mechanical creatures is likely to be related to them.

"Why is this?" I wondered.

"Return to my lord, there is a suspicious building on the other side of the island. Within a few hundred meters of it, no mechanical creature can be found."

"Is there a suspicious building without mechanical creatures?" Rubbing my chin, I muttered to myself, raised my head, and exchanged gazes with Kailan. The latter nodded slightly. The meaning couldn't be more clear. This is a okay building. It may be the site of the institute.

"If you judge, how likely is it that the building is a research institute?"

I looked straight at the indelible light spots hidden inside the Destroyer’s helmet.

"Thirty percent."

"Okay, then take a gamble." I stood up, patted the grass clippings on my butt, waved my hand, and said, "Go, go to the other end of the island, and move on towards the suspicious building."

Following my order, the expellors automatically divided into two rows, guarding Kailan and me in the middle, and strode towards the other end of the island.

Along the way, I chatted with Kailan from time to time to pass the boring trip.

The island is not big, but it is not small. The land area is about the same as that of the capital of Ai Ruicheng.

If you want to penetrate the island, you have to walk for a long time at least-this is still under the premise of a rapid march.

If we travel at such an unpleasant speed, we won't arrive at the suspicious building until tomorrow.

Although it may be a day's delay, I don't feel a pity at all. On the contrary, I think that a day's delay is the most normal situation.

After all, after participating in a big battle, Kailan and I consumed a lot of energy. If we had another rush march, we would definitely get down tired.

Moreover, despite the fact that the expeller does not seem to have any damage, long-term, uninterrupted movement will not only accelerate the consumption of the magic value contained in the core, but also cause wear and tear on the solid parts.

Once the wear is obvious and it affects the operation, I have to find Tyrannosaurus King Bakar for after-sales maintenance.

I doubt that Bakar’s elders will agree to this request. After all, for him, the expellers are just a group of failed technological products. Since they can be given to me without hesitation, it is enough to prove that they are in Bakar’s mind. The location is now—probably a bit better than trash.

If there is wear and tear, but there is no repair point, this situation is not too bad for me. In order to prevent this situation from happening early, I must pay great attention to it. To use it, this is not snow storage, but another kind of protection.

The sky was getting dark, and deep in the jungle, there was another creepy sound of metal hitting the ground.

But the current location, surrounded by vegetation, is not suitable for camping, so I made a gesture and moved on.

After returning for nearly a hundred meters, I finally found an open space.

I set up the tent, boiled the water, threw all the dried vegetables and dried meat into the small pot, simmered for more than half an hour, and the tangy aroma overflowed uncontrollably, and got into the nostrils of Kailan and I. Moving our greedy worms.

"Can you eat it?" Kailan drooled, looking at the small pot, all blue light appeared in her eyes, like a hungry wolf.

Obviously, she was really hungry.

"Wait a little longer" reached out and blocked her hand that was about to lift the lid of the pot, I said unhurriedly: "The taste is not the best now."

"The taste is almost okay." Kailan sucked her saliva and couldn't wait to say: "The main thing is that I can eat enough. I feel that now I can eat a cow!"

After a few more minutes of boredom, when Kailan was so mad to chew on the bark, I finally opened the lid.

The tangy aroma envelops Kailan and me, the emerald green vegetables and the slightly dark red jerky, constantly rolling up and down, like a peerless beauty, moving Kailan's heartstrings and attracting her eyes.


This was the sound of Kailan swallowing saliva. She threw away the small bowl in her hand, couldn't wait to find a basin, and handed it over.

I tapped the back of her hand with a spoon, and said with a smile, "What are you doing with a washbasin? Don't look at this pot is not as big as it is, even if you pour it all in, it may not be full. Besides, Can you eat such a big pot? Hurry up and bring the bowl over, otherwise I won't give it to you!"

Kailan had no choice but to throw away the washbasin and once again held up his job.

Kailan, who was starving, seemed to lose her mind a bit. She took a mouthful of the steaming vegetable broth, and screamed hot, but she was still reluctant to throw away the bowl in her hand and spit out the soup in her mouth.

I wanted to blame her, but I was touched by her embarrassed and pathetic appearance.

Since she was a child, it was difficult for this girl to eat a decent full meal. Until she confirmed her relationship with me, and with my financial support, she finally lived a life of eating and drinking, drinking and drinking, and enjoying the delicacy of the sea and the mountains. .

It's just that she has cultivated some unruly habits that she has cultivated since she was a child, but they can't be changed.

But even if everyone hates these habits, as long as I like them, it's okay. After all, these habits are not only proof of Kailan's miserable childhood, but also a symbol of her true temperament.

After the meal, Kailan felt his bulging stomach and hummed a little song in satisfaction.

I washed the pot, cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, and put them away one by one. Then I entered the tent and glanced at Kailan with a satisfied expression. I wanted to laugh a little, but also a little helpless.

"How do you look like a child?"

"What's wrong with a child?" Kailan retorted: "Cry if you want to cry, laugh if you want to laugh, don't care about other people's eyes, don't care about others' words, just be happy, that's enough."

Yes, as long as you are happy, it is enough.

Before I knew it, I thought of Lizi.

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