The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2247: Suspicious building ruins

On the second day, near noon, our group finally arrived at the destination.

This is an extremely common building ruin, with ruined walls, broken stones and broken walls, and there are traces of dilapidation everywhere.

The vines that covered the ground and walls had long since dried up, leaving only a piece of inorganic matter that was as hard as a fossil.

I broke off a small piece of vine fossils and rubbed it with a slight force. The hard dark green fossils turned into fly ash, and dissipated in the empty ruins with the breeze passing by.

"No one has been here for many years." I clapped my hands and said to Kailan, "Otherwise the vines here would not be so complete."

"Even if someone comes, they won't pay attention to these worthless vine fossils," Kailan retorted.

"That's not necessarily" I shook my head and smiled: "Human curiosity and desire for destruction are powerful. Once human adventurers successfully arrive here and face the ruins of ancient buildings, what do you think they will do?"

Kailan thought for a while: "Start a thrilling adventure game?"

"Your idea is correct, but the description is very euphemistic" I sneered: "Once human adventurers set foot here, they will be impatient to enter the building, sweeping away valuable things, worthless things, or seemingly Things that are not valuable will be ruthlessly destroyed by them. In the end, maybe a fire will be set to burn these words as vines, including the entire ruins, to fly ash."

"You think human beings are too vicious," Kailan mumbled dissatisfiedly.

"Vicious?" I sneered: "The malevolence of human beings doesn't stop there. Persecution, killing, crossing rivers and bridges, and treachery are all innate methods of human beings. Moreover, it is only to burn a ruin. How can it be considered malicious? You don’t have access to historical documents. What you hear is the historical bridges that have been beautified by people. Real history is crueler than you think. Real humans are worse than you think. Let’s take the simplest example. A certain city lord, in order to conceal people’s eyes and ears, even besieged an entire village of innocent residents. This is a real case recorded in historical documents..."

"How do you know it is real?" Kailan retorted.

"It's very simple. The author of that historical document is the grandson of the last fairy emperor Felid Rupert—His Majesty Felid Alexander, who is known as the Holy King by the world, this person...I I understand quite well that he is a pragmatic monarch who never speaks falsely, and because of this, I have a trusting attitude towards most of the things he has said and most of the history I have recorded."

"Filide Alexander... this name has been circulated in the neighborhood. It is said that Carter Adams, the first monarch of Ayri City, once set up an ancestral motto, requiring all successors to the legendary The monarch, the most famous king of humanity during the melee period, Philade Alexander studied, worked hard and kept making progress..."

"Wait" I interrupted Kailan quickly and asked, "How did you know the Carter family's ancestral training?"

"It's circulated in the market," Kailan said: "You have also lived in Ere City for a long time. Haven't you even heard of this?"

I was a little embarrassed and shook my head.

When living in Eredi City, you were either running for a living or adjusting the contradiction between Phoenix and Barbara. How could there be time to take care of that stuff!

After going around the ruins, it took more than half an hour to return to the starting point. I asked Kailan: "Can you give me a direction. Which building shall we explore first?"

Kailan smiled and stared at me: "Are you making a bad idea again?"

I shouted wrong, but felt that since this is the site of the Celestial Clan Research Institute and Kailan is a descendant of the Celestial Clan, this first exploration target should naturally be chosen by her, and it can be regarded as a kind of care for her identity.

Whoever thinks, this woman is ignorant of good people, thinking that I am playing some tricks!

Stop it, okay!

I'm okay with my fiancée, what conspiracy and tricks!

Seeing my strong tone and sincere attitude, then she watched me for a few seconds, turning her eyes a few times, and then she said: "Let's start with the nearest one."

The ruins of the building she was referring to were already in dilapidated condition. There were only two walls left, and even the roof was gone. There was no need to go into the house to see. Standing outside, you could see everything in the house—unless it was dark. Door secret room.

With a sigh, I stepped into the ruined house first, looked around, fumbled around, knocked on the wall for a while, and then smashed the ground.

Leaning on the only remaining door frame, Kailan turned his gaze from the mechanical bird on his shoulder to my body, and joked: "You fumble and knock on the ground, I understand, but why do you want Knock on the walls? There are only two lone walls left, and the walls are so thin, don't you think there is something to hide inside?"

"Hiding or not hiding, you will know after testing."

With that said, I drew out the big sword, condensed the killing intent, and aimed at the two walls, it was a few fierce and unparalleled knives.

Even though the wall is very thin, it is only a fraction of the current wall, but it is very strong. The feeling of cutting on it is not much different from the tactile feedback given to me when cutting stones.

In other words, the hardness of the wall is no different from that of a stone.

"Yes, it's quite hard." I praised, and again applied force, cut out a square of half a meter in length and width from the solid wall, and handed it to the deporter.

Kailan on the side looked a little in a daze. After a while, she said: "Will you cut down the wall and move it away?"

"Yes" I nodded: "These walls are of a type that I have never seen or heard of. Although they are thinner, they are much harder than today's walls. If you can make them The composition of the dwarves will be analyzed and copied and refined, if you think about it, the architectural standards of the dwarves will be raised."

"You can really take care of your father-in-law!" Kailan's tone was a bit jealous.

"I just want to think more about my family, but I don't have much favoritism."

"Uh-huh~ is that really the case?" Kailan smiled like a little fox.

"What do you mean?" I asked back: "If I am really partial, I won't accompany you to risk insurance. Don't think that my purpose is just to possess the technology of the Celestial Clan. In fact, I hope. Through this trip, you can find a sense of belonging that truly belongs to you, and let you understand that, as a Celestial Clan, you are not alone, because there are still many Celestial Clan people left behind and are condensed to the extreme technology essence. To you..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard a crisp click, and then, the ground of the whole house began to tremble, as if in an aftershock.

"What's the matter?" Kailan quickly left the door frame and ran up to me a few steps with a look of horror.

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