I am not a noble, and I don’t pay attention to those complicated and useless etiquettes. I’m just surprised that Simmons Locke didn’t close his eyes for two consecutive days and nights. He is not too young anymore. Can you survive so much? ?

Thinking of this, I was a little worried and said, "Your Majesty, is your body safe?"

"Thanks to the grace of the God of Creation, and the priest of the imperial physician, although he did not close his eyes for two days and nights, his Majesty is still vigorous."

"So awesome!" I exclaimed: "If I didn't sleep all night, I would probably be able to doze off while standing the next day."

The secretary covered her mouth and chuckled: "My lord, you can really make a joke."

Kailan, who was holding my arm and walking side by side with me, suddenly asked, "What kind of person is the Lord of York City?"

"I'm a very energetic middle-aged and elderly person" I said: "And I have a bad temper. When I get angry, I will eat human flesh. After a while, don't annoy his old man, or I will cut off two catties of meat from your thighs. Stir-fry chili and eat."

Kailan was taken aback, and then hehehe laughed non-stop: "You actually bluff me, I don't believe it!"

I curled my lips, turned to the secretary, and said helplessly: "Look, there is no sense of humor."

The secretary smirked twice and whispered: "I don't like this joke either."

"Well, I also admit that this is not a funny joke, let's turn this page." After finishing speaking, I became serious again and asked the secretary: "You just said that the situation in mainland China is not optimistic? Can you explain it to me? One or two, why are you not optimistic?"

The secretary pondered for a moment, and said, "I wonder how much do you know about Hefeng Mainland civil organizations?"

"One point" I said seriously: "There is only one point, that is their name."

"I don't know what the adults are referring to?"

"Imperial Alchemist Guild, GBL Cult, Blood Purification, Rotating Demon Society, Suan Workshop, and Xuantong Anti-Magic Group."

"My lord knows so comprehensively." The secretary showed a standard professional smile and said, "You have ordered the ancient organizations of Hefeng Continent."

"Musan Mazan, just hearsay" I smiled and rubbed my nose, and said, "Then beauties, what is the relationship between civil organizations and the situation on the mainland?"

"The relationship is very deep." She looked terrified and said: "If you want to know more, you might as well ask your Majesty in person, I believe your Majesty will not hesitate to tell."

"I hope so" I responded with a smile.

After that, all the conversations were unnutritious topics, and the main purpose was to kill boredom.

After entering the palace, I came to the side hall and saw Simmons Locke sitting at the table drinking tea. I bowed and said, "Caomin An Xiaoyi..."

"Okay, don't mess with those silly heads, sit down and talk."

I gave two chuckles, moved two chairs, and sat down in front of him with Kailan, with a look of concern: "Listening to the secretary, you haven't closed your eyes for two days and nights?"

"Isn't it?" Simmons Locke said irritably, "I haven't rested for two days and two nights, so I have to work on these messy things!"

"Since you feel upset, why don't you put it down and let me go to Moonlight City to rest for two days?"

"I have a good intention, but how can I have this idle time?" Simmons Locke stuffed a stack of documents into my hand and said, "You can also take a look and you will understand."

Seeing his solemn expression and serious tone, even if he doesn't open it, he knows that it is definitely not a good thing.

After hesitating, I opened the file.

The documents recorded are all tragedies that have occurred in the past month. Most of the victims were descendants of legendary heroes, and a small number of emerging guild leaders. As for the murderers, one-third belonged to the **** guild. People, one third are hired killers, and another third are members of some unknown organization.

After reading it, I returned the file to Simmons Locke, and I asked in a low voice, "These are...homicides?"

"It's not just a murder case." He shook his head, his eyes flashed suddenly, staring at me, and said: "Don't you see any clues?"

"Look out a little."

"Tell me," he ordered.

"Almost all the victims are young people, nine out of ten of them are descendants of legendary heroes, and another tenth are leaders of the rapidly rising emerging guilds. These people have the same characteristic, that is, excellence."

"Very good, go on."

"Most outstanding young people have one thing in common, that is, proud, proud people, on the way forward, most of them will face difficulties and constantly create new records. This is an advantage. At the same time, their The shortcomings are also obvious. Because of pride, they are not willing to give in to others. This is likely to offend certain organizations and invite death."

Simmons Locke nodded with satisfaction: "Your thoughts are the same as mine. These are excellent pillars. I have deliberately trained them to become the next-generation pillars of York Seoul. It's a pity... hey, It’s because I didn't think well enough to be taken advantage of!"

He slapped the table angrily, and the sudden loud noise made Kailan a jump, and also alarmed the guard outside the door.

With a light click, the door was opened, and ten heavily armed guards entered one after another, guarding the surroundings with Kailan with a vigilant look.

Simmons Lock put his hand: "Get out."

The guards quickly exited the room and closed the door.

Kailan took a deep breath and whispered: "I was scared to death. The look in their eyes just now is terrible!"

I patted her hand and comforted: "It's okay, just get used to it. After all, it's a personal guard, and the eyes are not fierce. How can I shock the assassin and guard the master?"

Simmons Locke smiled apologetically and said: "It's not peaceful these days. There are more guards, which shocked you."

"Don't mind. We are only frightened. Your comfort is the big thing. If there is any accident, it is not just the loss of you alone, but the loss of your entire family and even the entire York City."

Simmons Locke leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, and smiled bitterly: "It stands to reason that at my age, I should have abdicated long ago and let my grandchildren be at home. Alas, there is no way. Several sons and daughters are not up for it, one by one, they can't even reach the tenth level, without strength as a basis, how can I sit securely in this position?"

"With all due respect, Carter Horton is not even an adventurer..."

"He is an exception!" Simmons Locke said: "No, not just him, the Carter family is an exception. Except for the ancestors of the Carter family, Carter Adams, who is a wizard of heaven and earth, no one has reached the summit of the Carter family. What they rely on is all conspiracy and tricks, full of abductions and tricks, using various tactics to confuse the people and induce the people to believe in them blindly. These are the most shameless and despicable acts!"

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