Simmons Locke's chest was violently up and down, and he was excited like an angry lion.

I hurriedly stepped forward and comforted me: "Don't be excited, you are quite old, why are you still so impulsive?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Simmons Locke's face finally turned from white to red, and gradually returned to normal. After a long time, he let out a cold snort and said from his nostrils: "I just can't get used to that kind of hard power, it's all based on conspiracy. Shameless uppermost!"

It is very rare that he did not classify people like Carter Horton as trash, but treated them as shameless. Presumably, he was also a little afraid of trickery.

"At the moment, Ai Ruicheng is also in dire straits. We might as well watch it from the sidelines to confirm whether a regime that relies solely on conspiracy rather than hard power can survive this calamity? And whether it is qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with other monarchs. Row."

"It doesn't need to be confirmed." Simmons Lock waved his hand: "Carter Horton's hard power is inadequate, but he is very sluggish in power. He has done many things to solve problems with the help of public opinion. This time it was caused by disasters. Mutiny will surely be resolved easily."

"Uh...Since Carter Horton won't fall for the time being, we might as well take our gaze back and focus on what's in front of you, what do you think?"

Simmons Rock nodded slightly and let out a heavy nasal sound.

I took the teapot from the table and poured a cup of tea for Simmons Rock, Kailan and I.

Holding a teacup, looking at a piece of light green tea floating on the water, I couldn't help but fall into thought. After a while, I suddenly woke up and realized that Simmons Rock and Kailan were staring at me without blinking. With a awkward smile, I said: "Sorry, I just slipped the number."

"It's okay." Simmons Rock didn't mind. He took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes slightly, and was silent for a few seconds. Then he said leisurely: "Does the meditation just now give you any inspiration?"

"Yes, but not many."

His eyes opened suddenly, and there were two bright lights, so sharp that it was difficult for people to look at him: "Talk and listen."

"I wonder how much your Majesty knows about blood purification?"

"It is an organization inherited from the era of the reign of the fairies. It had planned to assassinate the emperor, but was unsuccessful and was slaughtered. Finally, it had to hide among the people and disappeared for a long time. Until the disaster came, its members volunteered to eliminate the disaster. The opportunity is to make up for it, and then it can continue."

After swallowing and sorting out his thoughts, he continued: "The most glorious period of the organization was about the middle and late stages of the melee. It once supported six small countries and two medium-sized countries, and it rose to become one of the many non-governmental organizations. giant."

"After the end of the melee period and the arrival of the legendary hero period, the **** purification once wanted to dominate the party with the accumulated financial and material resources over the years, and to continue to maintain the hegemonic rule of the melee period, but was by Carter Adams and other dozens of the most outstanding Legendary heroes led thousands of troops to defeat them after several years."

"After the defeat, the **** purification has to dormant among the people again. This is all I know about the **** purification."

"But it looks like it hasn't learned well."

"Hanging in secret, accumulating strength, assassinating the unruly generation, deliberately reducing the talents, delaying the progress of the country's strength, huh, it hasn't learned how to behave, it's just getting worse and unruly!"

Simmons Locke's eyes turned round, as if only a little bit, he could get out of the box.

"Actually, it's not just your country. As far as I know, Dasai City and Moonlight City have had similar experiences. Even my fiancee and I were almost killed."

Simmons Locke glanced at Kailan: "Is that her?"

"No, it's Jin Siqi, my fiancee in Dasai City, the current president of the new Heroic Guild."

"The New Heroic Guild, um, I have heard of this name. It is said that it has already aspired to the top of the newly promoted guild, and its scale and background are comparable to that of the Cyber ​​Roses..."

At this point, Simmons Lock frowned: "A guild leader of this level will also be assassinated? Could it be that she didn't bring a guard?"

"I brought the guard, but the scene... you know, in the face of disasters, everyone will be negligent."

"Oh, I see, I was assassinated during the confrontation with the disaster" Simmons Locke sighed softly, "This group of silverfish will really choose opportunities."

"No, fortunately, my personal guard responded promptly and captured the assassin. Through torture, I learned that the person behind the scenes was the **** purification."

"Not long afterwards, the **** purified man turned out to be a special envoy of Darcy City and came to Moonlight City and forced me to apologize! Fortunately, I was still smart, and there was a big boss who helped me and finally drove the goods out. However, that night, when I returned home, I met them again at the gate. The counterfeit envoy gave me a box of gold and silver jewels coated with poison with a face of sincerity. Fortunately, I saw through them in time and sent them. Beheaded at the door."

Sighing, I said again: "After a while, it was still calm, but just a few days ago, I was attacked by an assassin again. The assassin who came this time is said to be in the top ten in the assassin's party."

"That battle was thrilling. Fortunately, my own people helped me take care of him and saved my life."

"Blood purification, it's true that the crime deserves ten thousand deaths" Simmons Locke murmured, and then he chuckled again and said: "I am very curious, how did they make you apologize?"

"What else?" I curled my lips and said helplessly: "In the battle to expel the calamity, I nearly survived many times, but the old duke of the army has been turning a deaf ear to it, and he didn't even mean to help. This made me very sad. Disappointed, I took a group of people and left the battlefield early, but before I left, I had blinded the last giant's eye and had his body half disabled. Just be careful. If you procrastinate for a while, you will be able to retreat."

"But I heard that in order to expel the disaster, Dasai City has suffered heavy casualties, and nearly half of the adventurers have been thrown into the wilderness. This is somewhat different from the conclusion you gave."

"Do you believe me or rumors?"

Simmons Rock said seriously: "Naturally believe in you."

"That's it." Tan Tanshou, I said: "This is how public opinion is, how can it be stimulated, how can it be discredited, if I guess correctly, now I am in the eyes of the people of Dasai City The image is no different from a deserter."

"Not only Darcy City, there are also some discordant voices in the country talking about this."

"You have seen it. Many people have never even seen me or even know who I am. Just because they are interesting, they smear me together, wipe and wipe, and it will be dark. If they want to wash, they can't wash it off. "

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