However, the old man has a poor appetite, and only a little bit makes it difficult to swallow.

Anyway, I have done my best. As for whether to eat or not, and how much to eat, it is his problem, it has nothing to do with me.

Kailan and I gobbled up and ate three bowls in a row, before we put down the dishes and chopsticks contentedly, and sat snuggling at the foot of the mountain for a nap.

Although the wind is bitter and the ground is cold like ice, there is a wool blanket to cover the floor, which is comfortable and comfortable. Even if the cold wind blows on the face occasionally, it is like a knife, but we are both. You are not a delicate person, and we should sleep as we go to sleep despite the cold wind.

Take a break, lift up your eyelids, and first glance at the few half-dead people lying in the snow. The village chief is seriously injured because of his old age, and his heart is desperate. Two days.

If it weren't for superstition, I had to come to obstruct it, and cooperate with the adventurers, intent on getting rid of me and Kailan, how could it be such a miserable situation?

Sad, sigh.

Looking at the young man, although he lost a leg, he was still full of energy, holding the broken leg, lying in the snow, and humming endlessly.

As for the few adventurers, their faces were lying on the ground, especially the leading adventurer's face is the most ugly.

Please Bai Jingyu to continue to monitor the few people lying in the snow. Kailan and I recalled the mechanical bird and had a small meeting to discuss the method of finding the key.

I think it's useless to just fly around in the sky. It's better to fly higher and overlook the earth. Maybe you can find clues.

Kailan thought whether this key was also a mimic creature, like a mechanical bird.

Mechanical Bird denied this. It stated that the original intention of designing the key was to extend the technology of the Celestial Clan to suitable descendants. The reason why Kailan, who has no interest in becoming a mechanic, was recognized by Mechanical Bird was entirely There are two situations. One is that Kailan’s father is a mechanic, and she can be regarded as a continuation of half the lineage of mechanics. The other is that by accident, the mechanical bird was flying around in the forest and happened to hit the descendants of the Celestial race. Below, he appeared directly, after confirming the magic fluctuation, he wanted to make a master-servant contract with Kailan, so it went so smoothly.

At the moment, this research base is owned by the roaming gunner, and its key characteristics must also be related to the roaming gunner occupation.

I asked Kailan, what is special about the roaming gunner profession?

Kailan touched her face: "If you want to say something special, there seems to be only two things."

"Which is different?"

"Revolver and physical skills."

Kailan's revolver technique is extremely accurate, there is no need to question it, but it is another...

"Can you roam the gunner's physical skills?"

"Yes," Kailan said, and there was a body-fitting performance on the spot, such as instant kicks, round kicks, back kicks, topspin kicks, kicks, etc. The five-flower horse gate was dazzling.

"Clean posture, wonderful physique! Worthy of being the descendant of the roaming gunner" The Mechanical Bird exclaimed heartily.

"But, how can this be proved?" I wondered: "Is it possible to use a set of skills on the top of the research base to be allowed to pass? Or is it necessary to use the most violent offensive and aim at the metal shell? Output to pass?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Kailan stroked the messy hair, dissatisfied: "I am a flesh and blood body, how can I fight metal?"

"Aren't you already fading?" I wondered: "Covering the whole body with the power of fading is enough to contend with metal."

"But—it hurts!" Kailan pouted and muttered: "Even if the hands and feet won't hurt, the pain is still inevitable."

"That's all right." I said, "I'm afraid of pain, and I want to get the treasures uploaded by my ancestors. It's basically a fish and a bear's paw. You can't have both!"

Kailan bit her lip hard and hesitated.

At this time, the mechanical bird also assisted: "Master, there can be a design drawing of a revolver inside. There are all kinds of revolvers. Not to mention the ordinary ones. There are also enchanted and even magic revolvers. There are many guns..."

"Okay!" Kailan bit her teeth, and her heart flared: "It's done!"

After all, she condensed the power of fading and ran straight to the top of the research base, facing the ground with a meal.

After the output, without stopping, he drew out the revolver and fired randomly at the ground.

The bullet hit the metal shell, and the feedback sound was the same as the sound of a shovel hitting the surface of the pot.

Not much time, she has shot nearly a hundred bullets, and the bullet bag hanging around her waist has also become deflated, like dough squashed by a hydraulic press.

However, the metal mountain bag still did not respond.

Kailan spread his hands helplessly, her expression tired and disappointed.

"Uh...not valid?" I murmured.

"Is it the wrong method?" The mechanical bird was also confused: "No, this is indeed a roaming gunner research base, but why, is it impossible to activate the door opening mechanism?"

Kailan grinned down the mountain, hissing in the cold air, and constantly rubbing her hands.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked with concern: "Is it cold?"

"It's not cold, but it's cold." Kailan took a breath and said, "It just hurts."

I hurriedly rubbed her, and asked Kailan, "You are standing on it, do you notice any signs of being different?"

"No" She shook her head: "Like the mechanics research base, there is no flaw at all. I think, unless you use absolutely powerful firepower to force damage from the outside, you can't do it."

"That won't work." The mechanical bird hurriedly stopped: "Once the outer protective layer is destroyed by force, the fragile objects inside the base are very likely to be devastated. Even if you successfully enter the base, you will only be able to get it. It will be a mess."

"What should I do?" Kailan glared at the mechanical bird: "I order you as the master to come up with a way to break the gate of the base as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will use tough methods to let the roaming gunner research the base. Go to hell!"

"Good idea!" I agreed: "If you can't get it, then it will be completely destroyed. Anyway, it is impossible to let it fall into the hands of others."

The mechanical bird uttered a helpless tone: "Master, why do you not look like a Celestial Clan at all?"

"Why not like it!" Kailan stared at it: "White skin, beautiful, slender figure, neat physical skills, good marksmanship, most of the advantages of the Celestial people, I have taken over, huh~"

At the end, she threw a wink to me with satisfaction and quickly caught it.

The mechanical bird was even more helpless, but could not disobey the master's order, so he fluttered his wings again and hovered over the mountain pack.

This time, it hovered not only the mountain bag, but also the surrounding area of ​​100 meters.

But soon, its search range narrowed back to the vicinity of the mountain bag.

This search took more than an hour. Seeing the sun's deflection, I thought that there will probably be no results today. At this moment, the mechanical bird fluttered back, although the tone was still a cold mechanical sound. But the joy in words cannot be concealed: "Master, found it!"

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