Kailan smiled and asked hurriedly, "Did you find the key?"



The mechanical bird, which flew down from a height of more than ten meters, was slapped and slapped by Kailan before it could land.

The small body made an irregular spiral movement, drawing a twisted line, and finally fell to the ground with a snap.

Thanks to its strong parts and excellent workmanship, it was not broken into parts.

After fainting for a long time, the mechanical bird finally flew up again. It asked Kailan with a dazed expression, "Master, why are you hitting me?"

"Dare to ask me why!" Kailan said with hands on hips, angrily, "You have learned to lie about information? You didn't find the key, but you said you found it!"

The mechanical bird is called an innocent. It wants to rest on Kailan’s shoulders, but does not dare to get close to her who is burning with anger. It can only flap its wings and float in the air. A pair of mechanical eyes flashes constantly, seeming to beg Kay. Lan, or asking me for help.

"Forget it, Kailan" stretched out my hand to embrace her soft shoulders, and I whispered softly: "Squeeze the anger first, let it finish the sentence."

Kailan snorted heavily, no longer speaking, her beautiful eyes shot two fierce lights, and she stared at the mechanical bird.

The mechanical bird stepped back half a meter unconsciously before shrinking its neck, and said, "Master, although I did not find the key, I found the location that may be the gate of the research base."

When my eyes lit up, I was pleasantly surprised: "Have you found the door?"

"Not sure yet, just guessing" the mechanical bird said truthfully.

After pondering for a few seconds, I asked again: "How likely is it?"

"Seven percent."

"Enough!" I snapped my fingers and said to Kailan with joy: "As long as we find the door, even if we don't have the key, we can use violence to open it."

"Don't you worry that the facilities inside will be broken?"

"If it is a gate, there must be no problem." I said: "No matter what period, the vicinity of the gate is not a good place to store valuables. Unless the roaming gunmen are stupid, they will never pile valuables at the gate, but The farther the distance is, the better. Because of this, even if we use violent means to destroy the gate, at most we will only damage some worthless things. If we only destroy part of the worthless things in exchange for the essence of the entire research base, do you think , Is this trade-off worthwhile?"

After thinking about it, Kailan reluctantly nodded her head for the difficulty: "If you can find the key, you won't have to be so troublesome."

After speaking, she glared at the mechanical bird again.

Leading the way by the mechanical bird, we soon came to the gate of the suspected research base.

This is the east side of the metal mountain bag. I carefully observed the location pointed by the mechanical bird, but could not find the slightest flaw. So with suspicion, I asked the mechanical bird and said, "There is no gap here, it will really be. The door? Isn't it your illusion?"

After careful observation, Kailan agreed with me, and then she started gearing up and cracking the joints, probably doing warm-up exercises to beat the mechanical bird in a while.

The mechanical bird flew high in surprise, and defended: "According to the magic fluctuations, this is really the location of the gate."

After thinking about it for a moment, I stopped Kailan who was about to shoot the mechanical bird down, and said seriously: "I know you are in a bad mood and you are slightly angry, but please suppress your anger, calm down, and think about it. Suspicion is indeed a bit premature. In case, as it judges, this is where the door is located, aren't we going to hurt an innocent and loyal subordinate?"

"Who is your subordinate!" The mechanical bird yelled: "I have one and only one master, and that is the great heavenly girl in front of me."

Kailan dismissed the mechanical bird's flattery. Right now, what she cared most was whether this place was the entrance to the research base.

She frowned, stared at the metal shell for a while, and asked me: "What should I do? Is it better to demonstrate physical skills and spear skills separately as before?"

Reaching into his pocket and touching it for a while, Kailan pulled out angrily, her palms empty: "But my bullets are empty."

"I remember, your bullet is specially made, right?"

She nodded: "I made it myself."

"If you buy it, can you buy the same model?"

"If it is a bullet customized for a revolver, it would be fine, but the shooters who look around the Hefeng Continent use only half of the guns, and the revolvers are even more pitiful, even one in a thousand. Nothing."

"It is true that shooters rarely use revolvers. I am also very puzzled about this problem." Scratching my head, I wondered: "It stands to reason that revolvers are powerful. Why does this happen?"

"It's not because of the small number of bullets, the slow rate of fire, and the average power!" Kailan almost complained, and said: "Compared with automatic pistols, a revolver with only six rounds has more than half the ammunition. In terms of rate of fire, it is far inferior to automatic pistols and some hand crossbows, and in terms of power, it is not as good as a single shot. All in all, it is a weapon like the revolver that is quite satisfactory and not outstanding, except for our roaming gunners. No one wants to use it anymore."

Listening to her saying this, I was even more curious: "Since everyone knows that they are quite satisfactory, why would the roaming gunner choose the revolver as a conventional weapon?"

"Because the duty of the roaming gunner is not to fight on the battlefield, but to harass and assassinate" Mechanical Bird explained for Kailan: "The well-regulated revolver just meets all the requirements for harassment and assassination."

"I understand the harassment, but assassination... Are you sure that the loud popping of the revolver won't attract the enemy's attention?"

"Who said that shooting is necessary for assassination?" The mechanical bird retorted: "They all carry knives, and some use revolvers as hammers. The effect is great."

I'm speechless, well, I'm ignorant and single-minded. It turns out that the roaming gunman may not shoot when assassinating, and the revolver will probably be used as a hammer... But this way, there is a pistol. What is it for?

It's better to prepare a good hammer!

Kailan was also very dissatisfied with the mechanical bird's answer: "Since you want to use the revolver as a hammer, why not just bring the hammer in?"

"Of course not, master" said the mechanical bird: "The hammer is very long and easy to be found, while the revolver is very short and easy to hide."

Hey, there is this saying?

I can be regarded as serving, a big one.

In order not to delay the process, I contacted Simmons Locke and asked him to order the blacksmith to create a batch of bullets in the shortest time according to the universal revolver bullet model. The number does not need to be large, but it must be exquisite, and The finished product should be fast and use it urgently!

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