I am sure that my plan will not be implemented smoothly at the beginning, and may even encounter great obstacles. At this time, it depends on the prestige of the Queen Medusa.

As long as she is willing to stage a hundred or eighty times of killing chickens and screaming monkeys, and then using profit to lure them, those businessmen who value profit and despise justice will definitely obediently obey, especially the richer, the faster they will be softened. After all, a comfortable life will corrupt their will and frustrate them. To destroy their persistence, destroy their courage.

So I am not worried about the integration plan. The only thing that bothers me is the Naga Chamber of Commerce.

Whether it is on land or under the sea, things like the Chamber of Commerce will only be the private property of those in power. It's like a golden rule, with no exceptions.

For example, the Erri City Chamber of Commerce, standing behind the Carter family, the York Seoul Chamber of Commerce, standing behind the Simmons family, the Dasay City Chamber of Commerce, standing behind the Fergus Chamber of Commerce, the Fort Witch Chamber of Commerce, standing behind It was Master Dewey, the Moonlight City Chamber of Commerce, and I was standing behind him, and the reason was me because I was also the grandson-in-law of the Fairy Queen and the fiance of the Fairy Queen.

I represent the two majesties of the Fairy Queen and the Fairy Queen.

I believe that standing behind the Naga Chamber of Commerce is either a member of the Medusa royal family or the so-called sea god.

By the way, don’t you say that gods are all outside of the Three Realms and are not among the five elements. If the sea **** standing behind the chamber of commerce is really a **** of the sea, then you can be sure that these guys who call themselves **** of the sea are definitely not gods, just a group of self-righteous people. Powerful sea creatures.

Moreover, through the ancestors of the Queen Medusa, who dared to organize an army to defeat the Poseidon is enough to show that the strength of this stuff, or this group of guys, is at best exaggerated, and it cannot be compared with the true ruler of the ocean. That kind of existence is far beyond the apostle level. , Maybe even a level with some guys in the forest surrounding the Fairy Forest.

The level of extinction!

If you want to destroy that kind of existence, only God in the true sense can do it.

Therefore, I have a plan. If the Seagod clan standing behind the Chamber of Commerce is really the seagod, I will immediately organize a team to have a feast for the slaughter of the gods. I have all thoughts about the players. Evil Dragon Spitz will definitely not refuse. After all, the relationship is there. It is already at the level of iron buddies. The maker Luke should not reject me. After all, his castle was nominated by me to build. Although there are interests in the process, as long as there is no danger to life , He is bound to agree-this is the best opportunity to make good friends with the Naga clan, multiple friends and multiple paths.

Flame Devourer Antoun might refuse...After all, he and I have a weak relationship, not a friend, I can only say that I know someone, and I owe him a favor, which is to treat. In the case of Akahavi, without his advice, Akahavi would not be able to receive timely treatment, and if he did not receive timely treatment, Akahavi would undoubtedly die.

Akahavi is a permanent wanted criminal in Moonlight City. His death may not cause any loss to Moonlight City, but it will cause great harm to the heart of the Elf Queen and even the Elf Queen. After all, no matter what he has ever walked on. Which way, in the fairy queen's heart, he will always be his grandson, and in the fairy queen's heart, he will always be her irreplaceable relative.

Although Anthun can't count on it, he believes that the addition of Longfoot Rotes, the Maker Luke and the evil dragon Spitz will definitely be able to beat the sea god.

If this is not enough to win, I still have something to do-don't forget the Black Plague Dirich and Rogue Shilock.

Although I don't know what is the unknown bond between these two and me, judging from their attitude towards me, I am sure that as long as I make a request, as long as it is not excessive, they will do their best to help.

Heh heh heh, by then, four apostles, and a presence second only to the apostle in strength, such a team, is enough to easily upset any country in the Hefeng Continent.

This kind of combat power is placed in the deep sea, and it must be second to none-except for the existence of detachment.

Thinking of this, my smile gradually perverted: Tushen, I haven't done this before, and I get excited when I think about it!

After spending most of the night, I returned to the dormitory, and fell asleep with wet clothes.

I couldn’t sleep well this time, the wet feeling and the sound of my clothes smashing when I turned over made me awake all night, and then early the next morning, the Naga warrior babbled unceremoniously. Knocking on the door disturbed the people and made me even more unhappy.

So when I hurried on the road that day, when I encountered a giant sea monster of more than 30 meters in the way, my two angry swords came out and killed the sea monster, and was successfully swallowed by the sea monster.

However, I was still fearless when I was swallowed, because firstly I could breathe, and secondly, its corrosive liquid could hardly cause substantial damage to my body. The outer skin has just been corroded by a layer, and it has grown back immediately. , And soon I discovered that the speed of skin corrosion is far less than the speed of self-healing, so for me, the two most threatening factors are all excluded, I am afraid of a wool?

So condensed the killing intent, and launched a ruthless and violent destruction in the sea monster's stomach.

Cutting and cutting, I found that the toughness of the flesh in front of me seemed a bit strong. After thinking about it, I instantly realized that this is the outer skin of the sea monster!

So he slashed harder, and after a few minutes, with a slight hiss, the tough outer skin broke.

I got out of my head and met a smaller figure and a smaller fist...

Slowly opened my eyes, I felt the pain in my chest still, opened my mouth, and barely took a deep breath. An abrupt and uncontrollable vomiting sensation surged in an instant. With a wow, I vomited a mouthful of blood and felt sour instantly. Extremely.

"Xiao Yi!" A sorrowful cry sounded in my ears, the voice of the phoenix.

"Cough" groaned, I slowly said: "What happened...what?"

"What else could happen?" Barbara glared at Phoenix, baring her teeth and said, "You were almost beaten to death by her."

Turning my neck with difficulty, looking at the crying Phoenix with red eyes and rain, I couldn't help grinning, "A... punch?"

In other words, with my current physical strength, even if my body is exposed to missiles, it can guarantee no damage, but I was almost beaten to death by Phoenix's petite fist...Are you a Superman?

Accompanied by the laughter, I couldn't help but cough a few times and vomited blood again. This time, I felt more comfortable, probably because of vomiting the congestion in my chest.

After taking a few deep breaths, I swam around slowly. After making sure that there were no problems except for the softness of my hands and feet, I swam to Phoenix and comforted her: "Okay, don't be sad, you see that I am not Good."

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