In the face of powerful enemies, the strategy adopted by the Poseidon Clan is exactly the same as that of the Naga Clan and even the land humans-the quality is not enough, the quantity is to make up.

In less than twenty seconds, dozens of powerful oppressive forces gathered together to fight the evil dragon Spitz.

This time, it was enough for Spitz to fight.

Although I wanted to see Spitz's heroic posture in battle, I couldn't find his huge figure for a long time. I could only hear the loud noise when the collision, and see the energy fluctuations barely visible to the naked eye.

When I was wondering whether to come closer and look again, an erratic figure suddenly appeared in front of me, frightening me.

Look intently, slim, slender, madness in high coldness, who is not Shilock?

"Huh?" I asked curiously: "Why are you here?"

"I feel your magic wave" Shilock stretched out a finger, pressed his chin, and smiled charmingly: "I'm here to protect you."

"Protect me?" I shook my head, "It's not necessary, right? There are a lot of adventurers like me in the Sea God Clan. As long as I keep a low profile, no one will want to find me."

"Oh? Really?" Shilock's golden eyes were full of cunning, completely inconsistent with the usual crazy appearance. The next second, she pointed at the direction when I came: "Look, there~"

As expected, a group of adventurers were waving their weapons, rushing towards me with bluffing, no, to be precise, it was towards Shilock.

"Look," Shilock smiled gradually crazy: "Those are all chasing you, and they said you don't need protection?"

I felt helpless and smiled bitterly: "If you guessed correctly, they didn't find me."

"Oh?" Shilock smiled: "It's not you, who else?"


"Puff...hip hop, haha, haha!"

With a burst of presumptuous laughter, Shilock's figure suddenly became erratic, like smoke and mist, with no fixed shape at all.

At the moment when Shilock disappeared, the adventurers who rushed all stopped at the same place, looking around, but Shilock was still not found.

One of the adventurers in the team shouted at me from a distance: "Which troop are you from? Tell me your number!"

I was speechless.

force? Serial number? Where do I know what it is!

I'm here not for the name, but to kill people!

Seeing my delay in answering, a group of adventurers suddenly fought out and charged again.

And this time, the object of their charge was me.

However, the group of adventurers had not run ten steps yet, and a wave of erratic purple shadows passed by, wrapping them around. In the next second, the adventurers were like wheat that had been cut down.

Now that I was ready to fight, my expression relaxed, and I put my posture away, and Silok's voice faintly sounded in my ears: "Look, they still came at you~ hehehehehe..."

I nodded helplessly, and had to admit this fact. Although the instigator of all this was Silok, I don't know why, but I didn't have the thought to blame her.

At this moment, a huge oppressive force came from far to near.

That's right, the target of this oppressive force is me!

Without even thinking about it, I suddenly drew my sword, the two swords interlaced, and stood in front of me. At the same time, a huge sword crashed down, hitting the point where the two swords interlaced!

With the sudden drop of force, my palms hurt severely, and my arm joints creaked lightly, and I was faintly overwhelmed.

However, I dare not relax at all, because this force is truly amazing, definitely stronger than any national force that I have fought seriously before. Once I relax a little, this force will penetrate in and completely destroy me. Defense.

I know too much about the danger of the defense being destroyed. I remember that the first time the defense was destroyed was when I encountered a tauren boss. I was directly smashed with one arm and a leg broken, and my ribs were broken and the internal organs were damaged. But it has survived to this day, making me never forget to have a defense in any battle.

It's the same now.

My eyes became fierce in an instant, and the power hidden in my body burst out in an instant. Except for the killing intent, I can say that I showed all the cards. For that matter, this huge force still forced me to keep lowering my body. Bend your knees.

With the continuous release of strength, the ground under my feet could no longer bear the burden, groaning, and then cracking and turning into two cobwebs.

I gritted my teeth, a pair of wolf eyes staring at the middle-aged man who was constantly pressing on me. From the depths of the middle-aged man’s eyes, I read multiple meanings at the same time: surprise, doubt, and coldness. ..... There is even anger and jealousy.

The huge strength continues to increase, it is hard to describe how big it is, and my body seems to have awakened the talent of resistance at the same time. Driven by the will, I resist this huge strength stubbornly, even if my arms have screamed. My legs are already overwhelmed, but my will keeps telling me: hold on, hold on...


There was a low voice like a wolf howling from between my teeth. I could feel that at the moment the sound burst out, my pressure suddenly lightened. Did I break through the shackles and my strength improved?

Just when I was stunned, an erratic figure suddenly appeared beside the man, a slender palm firmly held the man’s wrist, and then, with a wave of the show hand, the man flew upside down. Go out and fall three meters away.

"Don't hurt him" Shilock's voice was erratic, like a misty singing.

It wasn't until this time that I suddenly realized that it was not my strength that increased in an instant, but that Shilock rescued me.

"Who are you?" The adventurer holding a huge sword stared at Shilock coldly, and asked in a deep voice, "Why attack the sacred Poseidon!"

"Holy? Ha ha ha ha ha" Shilock laughed uncontrollably, "Where is it sacred? Is your blood gold? Or is your torso made of silver? Or your food is crystal? Puff ha ha ha ha!"

"You... asshole!" The great sword adventurer obviously couldn't hear Shilock smashing his own race. He was furious and sprinted towards Shilock.

Shilock stood in place, watching the rushing man with cold eyes, as if the man who came was not a murderous adventurer, but a piece of paper coming with the wind.

"Huh, hum, hum, hum, haha, haha" Looking at the approaching adventurer, Shilock suddenly burst into laughter, raised his finger, and pointed at the rushing adventurer: "On fighting, I'm not as good as that woman, but dealing with you is like pinching an ant to death."

Having said that, spread his five fingers and grab it.

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