In order to respond to the call of fate and to follow the arrangements of fate, the great-grandson Jun Yi stepped on the road of doing things without hesitation, and went further and further on this road.

After a series of battles, and then Lianzhan, he stood on the edge of a cliff on the seabed one day, laughed three times up to the sky, and then said loudly: "I'm invincible ah ah ah ah -"

Then the sad thing happened.

Because of his awakening of the bloodline power, his voice was much louder than he thought, and the vibration from the sound from his throat was also louder than he thought. This vibration passed through the medium, that is, the sea, swishing towards the direction. It swayed in all directions, of course, the one who suffered the most from the fluctuations was the sea facing him.

The wave rushed over and slammed into the edge of the other sea cliff opposite the sea cliff, and finally caused the sea cliff to collapse and collapse.

Originally, the collapse and collapse of the sea cliff on the opposite side could not cause any harm to the great-grandson. Even if it directly hit the great-grandson’s head, it would cause at most one hundred points of damage to him, provided that his blood volume exceeded 10,000.

So the great-grandson Jun didn't care about the collapse of Haiya at all, just like the words he shouted, he thought he was invincible.

However, he hadn't figured it out. Just about two kilometers below the two sea cliffs, a baby sea monster about a kilometer in length happened to pass by and was hit by the sea cliff.

In fact, this smash did not cause any harm to the baby sea monster. The feeling of being smashed was similar to the raindrops on the head, but don’t forget, the opponent is a baby sea monster, and all the young creatures have one. A curious and playful heart.

The sea monster swam up in the direction of the falling rock, and the huge head protruding out of the abyss happened to meet the great grandson who was proud of the spring breeze and roared again.

The great-grandson's unpleasant roar instantly poured into the sea monster's ears, and I don't know whether the sound was too unpleasant, or the sea monster just had a mental confusion. The baby sea monster trembled first, and then stopped moving, just like a sculpture.

This scene made the Mori Fairies who were startled by the sea monsters extremely excited. They thought that since their masters could scream to death even monsters of this level, they were truly invincible in the world!

But the facts are like a slap in the face, and the slap is fast and loud.

The baby monster was angered.

It opened a flat palm with five fingers, and slapped it at the Mori fairy army, then another slap, and then another slap...

When there was no more noise in the ears, the sea monster finally continued to dive into the deep sea contentedly.

This unwarranted disaster directly destroyed 99.9% of the Mori Fairy army, and the remaining dozens of people traveled to the clan's land, telling the bad news to the elders and others.

After hearing this, the elder was also shocked-you think you are awesome, everyone can understand that, after all, we have opened up the territory for millions of kilometers. It is okay to expand, but the expansion is expansion. This is all right, the tens of thousands of elite soldiers that have been accumulated so easily have been slapped by other sea monsters. What do you let this race do? If you encounter a strong enemy at this time, how to fight?

The more the elder listened, the more aggrieved, he simply convened all the elders and held a secret meeting, and the content of the meeting was...this Rotes didn’t say, but I don’t think he knew, after all, it was so secret. Meetings are neither recorded in the annals of history nor can they be leaked to others.

But in the tens of thousands of years after that, when Lottus was transferred to the Hefeng Continent, was crusade, and fell into the sea on the verge of death, this wave of radical Pysen goblins transformed into a Poseidon clan and built this The sea **** clan land, separated the sea water through the barrier, and then lived a life like a human on the ground.

During this period, they did not forget to expel some guys who did not look like humans.

This group of forest fairies, unlike humans, was desperate, and had to go to the group of submarine kinsmen who had a more gentle temperament, but the latter accepted them.

In other words, this group of mild-tempered forest fairies accept not only the descendants of forest fairies who do not look like humans, but also a huge number of seabed natives.

These submarine aborigines are refugees whose homes have been destroyed by the radical Paisin fairies. In desperation, the refugees have left their homes. With the help of the forest fairies, the refugees can settle down. After living for a long time, they regard this place as home.

Because the aborigines of the seabed have respect and gratitude for the gentle Pysen fairies, and passed on this gratitude from generation to generation, so that after dozens of generations, they regarded the gentle Pysen fairies as a royal family and waited for themselves. People treat them like their people and live in this cognitive way.

Later, the non-human fairy spirits who took refuge in were regarded as refugees just like them by the aborigines of the sea, ate and lived with them, and served the gentle Pyson fairy together.

At first, the guys who had taken refuge in this group were not happy, but couldn't stand the long-term influence, the habit was formed, and everything became natural.

Their children and grandchildren also put down their bodies, prided themselves on being courtiers, and together with others, served the gentle Pysen fairies.

And the leader of the moderate Pysian fairy, after learning that the radical Pysian fairy had been renamed Poseidon, thought over and over again, and felt that it was not appropriate to continue to call himself Sen fairy, so he also changed his ancestor name to Naga.

And Naga means ‘leader’ and ‘powerful’ in the language of the native people under the sea, which is exactly in line with the cognition of the ancestor elves of the gentle Pysen fairy.

After more than 100 million years, the identity of the first generation of Mori Fairy was gradually forgotten by the world, and the documents that recorded this period of history were also put aside with the change of time, and finally lost far away.

Fortunately, this part of the historical documents was picked up by Rotes, who was healed, so that it would not be completely lost.

History has been forgotten, and what is in exchange for it-a fabricated history.

Just like Iao's cognition of the Poseidon Clan, he thought that the Poseidon Clan was really the descendant of the gods, the master of the ocean, and even the ancestor of this planet.

But in fact, they are nothing more than the legacy of the forest fairy who was driven into the sea.

But they didn't know it—that period of history, and all the documents that recorded that period of history, were all purposely discarded by the Poseidon rulers with ulterior motives.

Some people may say that the destruction is more thorough, but don’t forget that the impact of destroying historical documents and the historical documents of the last arrow is different. Once the wall has ears, the actions and deeds of the rulers of the Poseidon clan will be made public and become the people I heard that my monarch used violent means to destroy historical documents. It can be seen that my monarch and his ancestors must have hidden some hidden secrets!

In this way, it would greatly damage the face of the ruler of the Poseidon Race.

For the ruler, face is really important.

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