I understand the theory, but the actual operation is a big problem.

How can I know where the space barrier is relatively thick, and where is the space barrier relatively weak?

So I asked the fairy queen for help on this issue.

It may be that after my grandson-in-law died, it would be difficult for Xiao Leimi to find a wishful man like me, so she answered this question in detail with a mindset of answering all questions. Rely on magic fluctuations to distinguish.

I was instantly disappointed.

I thought her old man could come up with any whimsical ideas, or unexpected methods, but she didn't expect that she still wanted me to use magic waves to solve the problem.

This is simply...

"Grandma, are you kidding me, can magic waves really penetrate the barriers of space?"

With a mentality of collapse, I asked desperately.

"Of course, I can lie to you?"

"...What you said may be true, but I tried this method just now, and it didn't work at all. It was bounced off by the space barrier in an instant."

"That's the wrong method you used." The fairy queen said: "You have to concentrate the magic power and release it in a certain area. Remember, the smaller the area, the better."

Understood, it is to grab a point and fight hard.

"Then after finding the weak spot?" I asked, "What can I do to destroy it?"

"It's easy," the fairy queen said: "Concentrate the power of fading, aim at the weak spot and violently attack until it breaks it."

"Yes, thank you grandma for helping me."

I finally got better, hung up the call, began to gather magic power, aimed at the space barrier in front of me, and started to release magic waves.

At first, the surge of magic wave resembled a wave hitting a rock, being bounced, crushed, and dispelled, but as I continued to increase the intensity of the magic wave, the strength of the space barrier's rebound was relatively weak. Not long after, The space barrier was penetrated by magic waves.

After penetration, the magic wave spread at an extremely fast speed, and the thickness of the space barrier in front of him was measured in the blink of an eye.

Although this space looks tall and tall, the space barrier seems extremely thick, but what I never expected is that the thickness of the space barrier in front of me is only about one meter, and it is the kind of unevenness like the moon. .

I instantly thought of the words of the fairy queen, and the name that the shameless man called himself.

What the strongest master of space power, this level is a scum in front of the fairy queen!

Looking at the magical space of the Queen’s Grandma, it is not only a vast area, but also scattered across mountains and rivers. There are countless dense forests, wild flowers, fruits and herbs, and the singing of birds, beasts and insects. It is full of vitality and even more luxuriant than the outside world.

Looking at the magical space of the yummy man, it is like Saitama-sensei's head, hairless!

It was bald, and looked very desolate, and the outer layer of the barrier that wrapped the magic space was also pitted and scarred, even if you wanted to play, it might not be round.

It's really an uncarving wood!

Speaking in secret, I continued to explore the thickness of the space barrier.

In about a quarter of an hour, I finally measured all the thickness of the space barrier in front of me, which was more than one meter thick and half a meter thin.

Very good, now that the thickness has been measured, then I...

Change a wall, and then measure.

I am not a fool who hangs on a rope. Since I want to break the space barrier, I naturally have to choose the weakest place to start.

The detection progress of the second space barrier is obviously much faster than that of the first one. It only takes ten minutes. The detection speed of the third space barrier is faster, which only takes more than five minutes. The detection speed of the barrier has been accelerated by two minutes, and it took only three minutes to complete.

The fifth side was even quicker, and it took just over two minutes.

So far, all the space barriers I can explore have been explored.

Some people may question, isn't a cuboid with six sides? Why is the detection finished after only five sides are detected?

That's because-I can't fly!

The sixth space barrier is in the sky, and it cannot be detected unless it flies into the sky.

Although the figure in the consciousness space seems to have unlocked one or some of the seals in my body, this is not all of it after all, at most it allows me to restore the use of magic power.

Therefore, it is impossible to fly in the air like Xiao Lemi.

However, it is sufficient to detect only five barriers, because I found that a piece of ground in the southeast corner of the barrier on the ground is very weak. The result of the detection told me that the thickness of the barrier was less than 20 cm.

This was so good news that it couldn't be better, so I smashed the ground with all my strength.

With the fall of one knife after another, the space barrier finally screamed, and half an hour later, accompanied by the sound of broken glass, the space barrier shattered.

Countless fragments splashed and hovered in the air, like countless broken mirror fragments. I could even see my reflection on it: Although the appearance is still ordinary, the color of the pupil seems to have changed slightly, from the original pureness. Black has turned into a slightly brownish color.

Could it be said that removing the seal will also affect my appearance?

I wondered.

As the space barrier shattered, I was sucked in by the powerful space airflow, and in the next second, I reappeared in place.

"Oh, come out!" Spitz said in surprise: "I thought you would come out after killing him."

"It's not that troublesome" I said: "Since I dare to bear it, it means I can carry it down. You know, I rarely fight uncertain battles."

"Sometimes your fighting style is indeed close to the wretched style, but sometimes once you get excited, you will do things desperately. To be honest, I have never reported the hope that you can break the space barrier by yourself. I just think if you don’t If you come out, just kill this little guy, but you didn't expect you to come out alive."

"I said, listening to your tone, why is there a disappointed tone?"

"Oh huh? Did you tell me this?" Spitz tutted: "It's really a fairy, it's keen."

My face suddenly turned black: "Hey, hey, don't you really want me to be sealed and unable to come out?"

"How is it possible!" Spitz slapped the stubborn man in the air, turning his head and said: "I just want to let you accept my love while you are still weak, and wait for you to become stronger in the future. My love."

"Hey, I knew you were not at ease!" I despised him, and I said, "If you have such a powerful existence, is there anything that can't be done?"

"Yes, there are many, but now it's useless even if I tell you." Spitz shook his head, slapped the stumbling man flying again, and said: "When you reach that level, naturally you will know."

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