Father Taylor disagrees with me to rescue the apostle's granddaughter.

In his opinion, no matter the apostle or the planet where the apostle is located, it should explode, explode on the spot, bang, and then the world will be clean.

I understand that this is the feeling of licking the calf, and it is chaotic if it is caring.

Understand, so moved.

But moved to moved, should do, still do.

After all, promises are worthless if they are not kept.

For the next two months, I can be said to be upgrading monsters during the day, lightly narrating love words with the fiancees at night, and sleeping with Bai Yunying and Xiao Leimi in the middle of the night.

Such back and forth has become a habit.

Although this habit made Kailan and other freedom-loving fiancees quite uncomfortable, they did not refuse for the first time, but cooperated with me very gently.

From their performance, I know that they are still aware that before long, I may have to leave home, and this time, I may be away from home for a long time.

But none of them asked, no one mentioned, they all pretended that nothing happened, they just accompany me quietly, enjoying the warmth before parting.

For two full months, my fiancees and I have basically experienced everything except for not making any offspring reproduction.

I have to admit that I am very selfish, not taking into account the feelings of my fiancées, just thinking about greed.

But I actually don't know if I can come back alive this time.

Just like Father Taylor said, since the Demon Realm can produce the existence of apostles, it must not be a place of benevolence. There may be peace in it, but in the calm, there are waves hidden. If you are not careful, it is not a ship overturning and death. Impossible.

Therefore, I just want to be gentle with the fiancees who don’t cross the border before leaving. It is not only a kind of comfort, but also a kind of farewell.

Time is like flowing water, non-stop.

Even if I want to stay together with my fiancées until the sky is old, even if I pray in my heart every day, time passes slowly and slowly, but it still passes mercilessly.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

On this day, someone knocked on the door of the room, it was Luke.

The appearance of the little old man caused great pressure on Old Taylor, but the others did not respond. Perhaps this is the gap between strengths.

The old man can feel Luke's strength because his strength has reached the line that is strong enough, but the others are far behind, and they can't detect the desperate pressure.

The little old man Luke sat down on the sofa with a sullen voice, looked at it for a while with his teacup, and asked me sullenly, "Are you ready?"

Pouting, I shook my head.

He didn't feel the slightest surprise. He picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and asked, "How long will it take?"

"I don't know" I shook my head again.

Hearing my words, Luke's movements stopped. He stared at me for a long time before he said, "Don't want to go?"

"I don't want to go" I said truthfully.


Luke was not angry or excited, but quietly finished drinking the tea and gently put down the cup, but did not get up and leave, but still stared at me.

The clock is ticking non-stop, the birds outside the window are also chirping non-stop, the fiancees upstairs are also frolicking non-stop, the male compatriots in the yard are also drinking and laughing non-stop, only in the lobby , Luke and I, as well as Father Taylor, who seemed to sit aside carelessly, were always alert to Luke and prepared to die to save me. They were always silent.

Luke stared at me for three full minutes before he said, "How do you master space magic?"

"Not bad" I said: "I have a feeling, as long as you give me the coordinates, I can now cross into the devil world."

"Your words" Luke picked up the teapot by himself, poured the tea slowly, and said, "No problem."

"That's it." I nodded. "When will we leave?"

"The sooner the better."

"Then do it now."

I stood up and just took a step, I heard Father Taylor calling me behind him.

Looking back, the old man looked indifferent, but his lips kept shaking. After a long time, he waved his hand and said, "Go early and return early."

"Okay, Grandpa."

Before leaving the gate, I stopped again, turned around, and looked at Luke: "Can I ask you something?"

If Luke didn't hear it, he slowly held up the teacup and sipped the tea quietly.

"During my absence, whoever dared to beat my fiancée, or hurt my family or my friend, would kill him."

Luke did not nod or shook his head, but slowly said, "Becky, please."

I smiled and beat my chest with my fist.

This is a silent agreement.

I believe that Luke will be able to complete our agreement, just like me, I will do my best to complete our agreement.

As soon as she walked out of the gate, Shalan, who was standing not far away, laughed at me strangely: "This is like a final farewell."

Alice pulled her sleeves, Saran stopped teasing me, Alice said: "Please, help me find out his whereabouts, if he is still alive..."

"I'll find out his whereabouts, but you haven't answered me yet. If he dies, what are you going to do? Is it a martyrdom? Or continue to live? Or hide his identity and die alone? Anyway, before you answer me Before the question, even if I inquire about the news, I will not tell you. Of course, this news includes both the news of his death and the news that he is alive, so please answer earlier."

After all, I took out three call crystals from my arms and handed them: "This is the latest product. You can only establish a one-line contact with me. If you think about it, tell me as soon as possible. If you are embarrassed to say it, just Let them tell me, but don’t make up lies for my intelligence, or even if he is alive, I won’t bring him back."

"You are really bad!" Shalan cursed in a low voice.

"As you said, my personality is quite bad, but just now, it's only a milder side. You haven't really seen my worst side, otherwise, I must have escaped long ago."

Shalan disapproved of what I said.

Socia calmly took the call crystal, held it in his palm, and looked quietly.

Alice held the crystal tightly in her hand.

Saying goodbye to the three, I walked into the Fairy Forest and came to the clearing where I often go.

In that clearing area, several people were waiting.

Di Ruiji and Shilock stood one by one, moving their steps from time to time, seeming to be doing some strange rituals.

I stepped forward and asked Spitz, who was waiting, and said, "What are they doing?"

"Looking for a foothold."

A low voice sounded, not Spitz, but Bakar.

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