I was shocked by the exquisite disguise of the cannibal flower. I unconsciously stretched out my thumb and praised: "This wave of disguise is excellent. I will give you 82 points. The remaining 18 points will be divided into three parts. You-six six six!"

Obviously, the piranha seems to be completely incomprehensible. It is still as quiet as a virgin, pretending to be a quiet flower bud that is shyly waiting to be let go.

Fortunately, the person who came this time was me. If I was replaced by someone who loves flowers, at this moment, I am afraid that I would have been eaten by the flowers and become flower fertilizer.

It's just that if it is really eaten, it might be a good talk, after all, it is also a gentleman's act for those who love flowers to die.

I don’t intend to have any evil with these cannibal petals. First of all, they are the aboriginal people of this forest. Second, they are just plants fixed in the soil, not walking and jumping animals. As long as they don’t provoke them, they will not attack actively. .

With this mindset, I went back one hundred meters, and then I realized that I was beaten in the face.

Although the piranha that swallowed my knife just now can't walk, it doesn't mean that there are no walking piranhas in this forest!

I saw groups of three or five piranhas that looked delicate and beautiful, constantly moving their rhizomes, pouring towards me.

The speed at which they move is no different from the speed at which ordinary people run, but they can't stand the large number!

With just a glance, the hordes of piranhas turned into a sea of ​​hundreds of flowers, and the ultimate goal of this sea of ​​flowers is obviously me!

Are they coming to prey on me?

With a squeak, he drew the sword out of its sheath, and the Odachi made its debut again.

However, this group of piranhas didn't seem to have much intelligence, and when faced with the sharp Odachi, they still rushed towards me fiercely.

But for me, this kind of scene that can kill the intensive phobia does not cause me much substantial harm.

The knife just now has tested the general strength of the Piranha-although it has a good mouth and bite force, it is still wishful thinking to threaten an adventurer of my level.

In particular, I am still an attacking adventurer, and my weapon is a special Tachi with a sharp blade and extremely long blade. Faced with all the unusual, the piranha encounters Waterloo.

The sharp teeth that used to be able to tear the prey into pieces are less than the slightest advantage in this confrontation. On the contrary, the flaw in the attack range is very small. In this battle, it's'shining bright' and completely becomes the inducement of the group's extinction. .

The Odachi with its killing intent is called an unstoppable force. Almost every sword can sweep 100% in all directions without encountering any obstacles.

Looking at the cannibal flowers, although the quantity is indeed quite large, no matter how large the quantity is, the quality is not good, and it is just a bunch of defective products.

Ever since, the charge without fear of death has become a worthless act of giving people away.

Fortunately, there is no report function here, otherwise I will definitely report the piranha as a collective gift.

The battle lasted for about an hour. I just finished warming up here and I was about to enter a frenetic state. The piranha group over there was wiped out.

To be sure, the strength of these cannibals is far less than the cannibals in the underground city of Hefeng Continent. Fortunately, I used to compare them with the cannibals before, which is shameful.

To solve the problem of losing the piranha, I habitually used the tip of a knife to pick the corpses everywhere, wondering if I could find anything like copper coins, silver coins, or materials, but I didn't find anything.

Until then, I suddenly found that the corpse of the piranha had not turned into fly ash.

Since the corpse of the piranha did not turn into fly ash, that is to say, it was not created by the God of Creation and used to spawn monsters and upgrades. Naturally, there would be no coins and materials.

"Really, what am I looking forward to!"

With a snort, I stand angrily.

Within a dozen steps, I listened to Ota Dadao: "Isn't this full of flowers and sharp fangs considered recyclable materials?"

As soon as this remark came out, I was immediately stunned.

That's right, I'm particularly biased by the habit of spawning monsters in the Hefeng Continent. The flower corpses all over the ground, and the fangs and teeth, are not all good materials!

Thinking of this, I turned back and started picking up flower corpses and teeth.

However, there are hundreds of corpses all over the floor, and there are hundreds of them. How can they be brought out?

Well, even if I have that power, I don't have a suitable shipping tool!

After struggling for a while, I sighed helplessly, and converged most of the flower corpses (mainly the severely broken flower corpses and the horrible-looking flower corpses), and threw them into the cannibal flowers one by one.

The latter ate the corpses of the same kind without hesitation, and what they ate was called a relish, creaking and chewing noises one after another, forming a strange and terrifying song.

The remaining dozen or so piranhas were **** with vines, carried on my shoulders, and slowly moved forward in the chosen direction.

On the way, Odachi joked me maliciously: "You are really bad enough to feed the same kind of corpses to the same kind of food."

"Bad?" I shook my head: "You think too much, I just use everything."

Odachi is not easy to argue with the argument of “making the best use of everything”. After all, if the flower corpse is left on the ground, it will only decay or dry, and become fertilizer in the soil. It can’t nourish the cannibal flowers. Throw them to the flowers and let the flowers help to digest them. When one day in the future, they will grow up and they can move freely. I will harvest again.

Doing so will not only be environmentally friendly, but also sanitary, but also promote ecological development and promote economic flow.

Think of it this way, isn't it just making the best use of everything!

After another hour, I encountered three waves of piranhas, two waves of strange monsters, and a wave of ferocious unknown bees. The first two are easy to handle. After all, they are quite large and easy to be cut. Finally, One kind almost disfigured me.

The poison of this bee can actually work on me!

So I can be sure that what it secretes is definitely not poison, but a liquid with special effects. Once this liquid enters the blood, it will paralyze my body with a slight pain.

A bee may not be so good, but a group of bees, even me, can't bear it.

So chased by the swarm of bees, I hugged my head and ran out thousands of meters away, finally getting rid of the swarm's attack.

I was leaning on my knees, panting heavily, and secretly said in my heart: "For the first time, this is really the first time. I encountered a bee species that does not secrete toxins but secretes a special liquid. Should I grab one and go back? What about research? Surely Master Dewey will be very happy to see this new species."

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