My first reaction was-a beast?

But it soon occurred to me that this is the Demon Realm, not the Hefeng Continent, and the forest here is also a blank area that I didn't know about. I don't know whether there are birds flying in it, or animals strolling.

Thinking of this, I suddenly became alert and placed Xilan's demon knife gently on my knees, just waiting for the other side to show up.

If the opponent is a fierce beast or monster, I will draw my sword at each other without hesitation, not to cut the enemy, but to protect myself.

While I was always on guard, the rustle stopped abruptly, just behind a green wall made of branches and leaves two meters away from me.

I didn't move or open my eyes. I didn't even activate the magic wave. I just sat quietly on the spot, relying on the breath perception that I had honed over the years, locking the opponent's position and observing everything around me.

If the other party is a cruel beast, he must be crouching on the ground at this moment and watching me quietly, to see if I am asleep, to see if there is any existence around me that can threaten its life, and to see if there are deadly traps around me. .

Often the hungry beasts at this time are the quietest, even if the term Jingruo virgin is used to describe it.

But once it is sensed that there is no unit that can cause life-threatening danger to it, it is not as simple as getting rid of a rabbit, but as a flood or a landslide.

As the saying goes, it is nothing more than one hit kills, that's it.

However, at the moment of the transition between static and dynamic, a strong killing intent will be released. This process will probably last about two seconds.

These two seconds are the contest between life and death, grasping, life, uncontrollable, and death.

It's that simple, it's that direct.

Time flowed bit by bit, and the whole world seemed to be quiet. I leaned on the tree while snoring lightly, while holding the handle of the knife tightly, pretending to take a nap, and ready to attack at any time.

However, at this highly tense moment, a voice full of disharmony sounded and floated into my ears. It was the snoring of a terrier.

I can’t help but twitch at the corners of my mouth. This little terrier lives really freely. I don’t look at the surrounding atmosphere at all. I come, eat and sleep when I want, and I am not afraid of being a bite by the monsters living in this forest. have eaten?

Just as I was worried about it, the rustling sounded again. This time, it was not the sound of trampling on the fallen leaves of the lawn, but the sound of separating the green wall.

It will finally appear.

The closed eyelids slightly narrowed a gap at the moment the sound rang. Through the gap, I saw a robed monster standing one meter away from me, quietly looking at me.

and many more!


I condensed my gaze on the gown monster's head and observed it carefully. After a few seconds, my high-hanging heart slightly lowered, but at the same time, my vigilance rose again.

One meter away from me is not a robe monster, but a human being. It is a woman wearing a blue robe, a sky blue skirt and brown boots. As for whether it is a woman or a girl, I cannot tell for the time being, because she His dress is too conservative, and his appearance is also considered mature or immature, and immature is not considered immature.

This woman came to me with light steps. She leaned over and looked at me for a moment. During this time, I could say that I was in a state of full alertness. As long as this woman moved slightly, I would draw the sword. Rise and defeat her first.

Fortunately, this woman did not act strangely. She just looked at me curiously. After a moment, when she turned her back, bent her back, and stretched her arms, she picked up the sleeping little terrier on the ground.

The little terrier who was holding the neck of fate awakened instantly. It looked around blankly. After seeing the person carrying it, instead of panic, it made a coquettish and intimate cry.

It seems that this woman is the owner of the terrier.

I secretly said in my heart.

The blue-robed woman was not moved by the little hunting dog's aegyo, but instead carried it to the front and scolded it fiercely.

However, the little hound seemed to be accustomed to being reprimanded for a long time, and after two bows, he continued to pretend to be cute.

Moe things are like this, no matter how big a mistake they make, they can be forgiven for a simple reason-Moe is justice.

Obviously, this little terrier is also in this category.

When it made another coquettish and cute attack on the woman, the blue-robed woman's psychological defense was finally defeated. She intimately hugged the little terrier in her arms and rubbed the dog's head vigorously.

The little terrier was sobbing, but embarrassed to dodge. After all, the act of running to the stranger alone is indeed dangerous and wrong. Fortunately, the stranger in front of him is not very hungry, he did not drool at it, let alone. Catch it, pluck it, peel it, and roast it raw.

what! Praise the great will!

I guess, at this moment, Beagle must be thinking this way.

The blue-robed woman held the little milk dog tightly in her arms, and then looked at me with a scrutiny gaze. After a while, her pretty good voice sounded: "You are not asleep, are you?"

Although it was revealed, I still didn't move, because I didn't know if the other party really knew that I was pretending to be asleep, or it was just a trick.

So, I continued to pretend to sleep, as if I really fell asleep.

"Don't you want to wake up?" The woman squatted down and looked at me. The dark blue pupils burst out with a pure halo. Although the halo was pure, but for some reason, it gave me a dangerous feeling.

Like... the dangerous cheetah.

After looking at me for a while, the woman slowly got up and muttered: "Since you want to pretend to sleep, then continue to pretend to be asleep. Anyway, without my guidance, it is difficult for you to get out of this witch forest."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

"and many more!"

I finally couldn't stand it, leaning on the handle of the knife, and slowly got up.

Just as I was standing still, a hot red magic missile slammed into my face.

I instantly released the magic wave, and at the moment I covered the magic missile, I took the magic wave back.

Through the instant perception, I knew that the magical value contained in this magic missile was not much. Even if it was hit by it, it would not hurt me, but the saying goes well: pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger can live a long time.

So, I decided to pretend to be weak.

Seeing the magic missile flying over, I quickly drew out the demon knife, gripped the handle with my right hand, and put my left hand on the back of the knife for load bearing. At the same time, I pretended to exert force with both arms, and pushed hard against the magic missile.

With a bang, my body was hit by the shock wave of the explosion and flew out—actually, my feet were forced to make an imperceptible back jump.

The moment I landed, I slanted my feet and let my body fall freely. The next second, I fell on my back and fell on my back.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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