"You were almost dead just now."

Odachi's tone was calm as water.

Me: (っ°Д°;)っ

"You are joking?"

Odachi sneered, disdain to answer.

what? how is this possible? Almost stunned? Hahaha, you are definitely kidding me! There was no sneak attack just now, and there was not even any threat warning. How could it be...

"That piece of bread."

Just as I was thinking about it, Otachi said nonchalantly, "You were almost poisoned by that piece of bread."

"Poison to death? Are you teasing me?" I beat my chest: "I am immune to poison!"

"Yes, your physical fitness is indeed very strong, not only immune to biological toxins, but also immune to bacteria and viruses, but one thing you may not understand is that any immunity has an upper limit, and this piece of bread baked by Phoenix The toxin of the virus has gone far beyond the on-line of poison immunity."

My eyes twitched, and I couldn't say a word for a long time. After a while, I said: "How is this possible? Those raw materials are the healthiest green foods, and they are not poisonous like potassium cyanide or arsenic. ....."

"No, no, your common sense is too restrictive." Taita Too Yoshihide righteously said: "Don't underestimate any black cuisine maker, know that black cuisine is stronger than tigers."

Using Odachi to help me answer my questions, I finally accepted the reality that I was almost poisoned to death by Phoenix's dark food.

So life is full of ‘surprises’, one who is inattentive and doesn’t even know how to die.

Thinking of this, I quickly took out the call crystal, dialed Kagali's call, and told her not to let Phoenix approach the kitchen, remember!

Although Kagali was confused by my mindless reminder, she still made a promise not to let Phoenix enter the kitchen.

After receiving her promise, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, and my hanging heart was let go.

The reason why I notified Kagali instead of contacting Phoenix directly is that it is really anything related to me. Phoenix will think about it. Once I directly tell her not to approach the kitchen, she will definitely think of her cooking very well. Things like unpalatable things, and then instantly fall into the mood of negativity.

In order not to make her depressed, I can only make a circle and inform her "enemy" Kagali about the incident. Although they don't usually deal with each other, Phoenix will still show in the small things like cooking. With a generous mind, don't care about Kagali.

Therefore, bypassing the Phoenix to notify Kajiali is the key to solving the problem.

...And Phoenix’s cooking is indeed terrifying, and I don’t want to see a scene of corpses all over the place when I go back.

After solving this problem, I touched my belly, but I didn't feel any hunger anymore, which was a bit surprised.

Daidachi answered this question for me in time—"You should be clear about the weight of that palm-sized piece of bread."

"Yes" I nodded, agreeing: "It is full of love..."

"No, you think too much, I mean, except for a small part of the bread that is flour, the rest is either sugar, butter, or cream, all high-calorie products... you got it."

Thinking of the bitter, salty and sweet complex taste when I just chewed the bread, I suddenly fell into a panic: "Oh my God, stop talking!"

"Yo roar? Are you scared?" Dadachi smirked.

"No, I just don't want to extinguish the hot, burning love."

"Oh, you're just scared," Otato teased.

Too lazy to continue arguing with it, I continued to rest on the tree.

While I was half asleep and half awake, a faint sound of footsteps came, and I slowly opened my eyes and stared ahead.

Not long after, the grass in front of me trembled for a while, and in the next second, a cute-looking little hound came out, with a little pink tongue, and ran towards me.

"Hey, this little thing is so cute."

Seeing Gou Xinxi, I stretched out my hand and touched its dog's head. However, because of the barrier between the guards, I didn't feel anything, so I withdrew my hand dumbly.

Coyote stared at me, staring at me with curiosity and longing.


I put the handguard in front of me wondering, and I glanced at the front and back for a few times, and suddenly realized that Coyotito was attracted by the smell of the bread on the handguard!

Although half of the bread baked by Phoenix is ​​burnt, half of it is just right, fragrant, sweet, and very attractive.

"The greedy little guy."

Reaching out into his arms, he took out a piece of qualified bread that was the same size as a palm, but was baked by Florence's hand, tore off a piece, and handed it to the puppy.

The puppy was not alert, opened his mouth, licked the bread into his mouth with a whimper, and then squeaked and feasted on it.

After eating a whole bread, the puppy lay down on the ground contentedly, burped, and fell asleep unsuspectingly. This scene seemed very interesting to me.

In other words, is this dog not afraid of being carried away?

"Have you eaten dog meat?" Odachi asked suddenly.

"I haven't eaten it, why...Hey, are you not making any other bad ideas?"

"How could it be?" Ota said innocently, "I'm just thinking about how to survive for a longer time."

"Then you can't just think of eating when you see a living thing, the dog is so cute..."

"Stop! I shudder when you heard this" Datadao said: "I remember the last guy who said that a rabbit is such a cute, eating a rabbit is just like a gluttony, it is called a mouth full of oil, don't you also Toast it and eat it."

"Eh? This doesn't sound like you can say it," I teased it: "Did you just encourage me to eat it without telling me what you said?"

"That was teasing you" Otadao said, "Don't you think it is strange?"

"Strange?" I wondered: "Where is it strange?"

"In such a crisis-ridden forest, there will be puppies, and this puppies is not a highly lethal species, and don't you think it is familiar?"

"Familiar?" Shaking my head, I denied: "Don't think, do you know this dog?"

"How could I know it!" Odachi said loudly, "I just remind you that you should have seen this breed of dog, haven't you?"

"Hey, I heard you say that... it's a bit familiar." He stretched out his fingers and stunned the puppy's chubby belly: "But how about seeing it? It's not that it's only in Hefeng Mainland. dog."

"But this kind of dog is not a wild dog breed found in the forest. It should be a beagle breed that lives in a country or town. If I am not mistaken, the owner of this dog should be nearby."

As soon as the voice fell, there was another faint footstep coming from the front left of me, and in the middle, there was a crisp sound of withered branches breaking.

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