Whether it is'the beginning of man, nature is inherently good' or'the beginning of man, nature is inherently evil', this is inconclusive.

But for one thing, I know very well that once human beings get used to being evil, it will be difficult to return to the trajectory of being good.

This is not because of nature, but because evil is often accompanied by laziness and ease, as well as stimuli that are always present.

They are like a puddle of mud, which can not only conceal the brilliance of nature, but also drag humans into the mud without liberation.

Therefore, in the face of the parasites that often do evil, such as these who are stationed around the town, constantly squeezing and plundering the town's materials, and drawing the blood of the people, the best way is to kill them all.

Some people might say, what about the women and children who were looted? Should they also be sentenced to death together?

My answer is: Of course not.

Because before the massacre, I will gather these women and children in one place and ask them if they want to leave and return to their hometown where they have been away for a long time, and see their relatives who have been away for a long time.

Some of the women and children showed desire, so I let them go, and the rest of them gave up their choice. This can be seen from their hopeless eyes.

Not to mention that they were devastated to a terrible level.

So, I chose to give them relief.

Don't call me cruel, because in my opinion, freedom and death are both liberation.

Just like high-flying eagles, before they die, they will soar again for the last time. They will keep flying high, flying high until exhausted, until the last moment of life, and then draw the most poignant straight line. Falling down the mountain stream.

Isn't this also a relief?

"Regardless of the Hefeng Continent, the Demon World, or even any planet in the universe, as long as there is life, there will be light and darkness, there will be killing and plunder, there will be injustice and hatred, this is the essence of life. It is also the essence of evolution, and it is also a necessary factor for maintaining the balance of the ecological chain. Facing this rule, I can do nothing. Listen well, not because I don’t want to, but I cannot, because this is a rule set by God, a rule of destiny."

"So, you kill all those women and children who give up their choices?"

The blue witch questioned me with a puzzled face.

"Yes" I nodded and said: "As I just explained to you, they have lost hope. People who have no hope, even if they live, will only be walking dead."

"That's not the reason you deprived them of their lives!" The Blue Witch suddenly became a little angry.

"Of course not," I said lightly: "This is just an excuse for me to deprive them of their lives. I have no reason to deprive them of life, even for dying people..."

I stopped suddenly, looked at her, and asked, "But if I don't kill them, they will be burned to death by flames. Which way of death do you think is better?"

"You don't need to set fire!" said the blue witch: "Mr. Ryan only asked you to destroy the band of thieves, but didn't let you set the nest on fire!"

"Fire is just the last resort to clean up the remnants of life" I said: "Maybe there are thieves I ignored, and I don't plan to let go of even one."

"You do it...it's cruel."

The blue witch said: "Even I will release some women and children who have no power to bind chickens."

"You are not me, and this is my style of doing things. If you are not used to it, don't follow."

"I don't!" Without even thinking about it, the Blue Witch refused: "I want to follow you. I want to see how cruel your heart is!"

"up to you."

Replied casually, and I proceeded towards the next band of thieves.

The second thieves group was built as luxurious as the first thieves group, and their fate was very similar to the first thieves group.

However, in the second band of thieves, among the women and children who were looted, a large part chose to return to their homeland.

Most of these people come from that barren town, and there are even two daughters of the chaebol in that town. Although they are not prostitutes, they also have inheritance rights and belong to the ranks of noble women.

But when they were looted into the nest of thieves, they lived a dark life every day, and the day-to-day torture made them almost collapsed several times.

Fortunately, they always hold on to the idea that their family will find someone to rescue them one day.

However, after a few years, they did not hear the news, their hearts gradually became cold, and their will gradually became numb, and they lived a life like walking dead.

But today, they saw hope again, because me, the Blue Witch, and a cute little hound, completely destroyed the band of thieves.

As I stared at the blazing fire, the two ladies were staring at me with grateful eyes.

"Excuse me, did your father send someone to save us back?"

One of the ladies asked boldly.

"Your father is a troubadour?" I asked back.

The lady shook her head.

"Your father is a troubadour?" I asked another lady.

The other lady also shook her head.

"That's not it."

In an instant, the eyes of the two noble ladies dimmed at the same time.

The blue witch looked inexplicable, but she also noticed something wrong with my words and touched my arm.

I was indifferent to her reminder.

Staring for a moment, I turned and walked in the direction of the third band of thieves.

This time, not only the Blue Witch and the Beagle followed closely, but the two ladies also followed me.

Stopped, I looked at the two women and asked in confusion, "Is there something wrong?"

"I, we..." One of the noble women murmured and couldn't tell, the noble woman next to her quickly explained: "You saved us, and we want to follow you from now on."

"No need" I said lightly: "Go back, go back to your home."

"Go back?" The two ladies looked miserable for an instant, and one of them smiled sadly: "We are in disregard of our lives and deaths. We never want to go back to such a home."

"Please take us in," another lady plopped down on her knees, begging.

"Go back" I still said lightly: "Go back to your home."

Looking at the sad and puzzled eyes of the two women, I continued: "Since your family is ruthless, don't have any expectations. Go back to your home, regain your status, regain your property, and leave the family. , Start anew."

"You mean...let us fight for property and rebuild the family?" The two ladies looked at me with discussing eyes.

"I just provide suggestions. As for how to do it, it's all your business, it has nothing to do with me." At this point, I paused, and then said: "Also, the thing to save you is just wrong and easy. For this, you don’t need to be grateful to me, and I don’t need you to repay me."

After saying this, leave straight away.

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