The Blue Witch followed at last, not even the little terrier.

According to the words of the blue witch, she is not familiar with the world. Should I be deceived, shall I take responsibility?

Think about it, too, living in the woods for tens of millions of years, it’s not bad to have not become a wild monkey, no matter how to deal with people and things, let alone the skills and pitfalls in words-she has always been in the forest. If you don’t agree, you will fight, either you die or I live. Why do you need to distinguish between true and false?

So I had to take dry food, fill a water bag, pack my bag, and head towards the lair of the weaker band of thieves.

Thanks to the fact that there are not many powerful adventurers near this wild town, this has made many weak bandit gangs dispel the idea of ​​moving the nest from time to time.

Living in one place is naturally to look after the place decently, so when I look at the thieves’ lair, I can’t help but wonder if I have come to the wrong place-it’s not like a run-down thieves’ lair, it’s more like Small village!

"I said...we didn't find the wrong place, right?" I asked unsure.

"There can be no mistake!" The Blue Witch said firmly: "This is what is drawn on the map."

With a frown, I stared at the map for a long time. After making sure that the map was not taken upside down, I sighed and said, "It seems to be correct, it is indeed here, but is it too luxurious? Click it?"

"Luxury?" The blue witch blinked and shook her head. "I don't think so. The desolate town is not as prosperous yet!"

"It can't be compared like this" I retorted: "No matter how bad the town is, it is also a well-formed town, but this one is the nest of thieves."

"Is there a difference?" The blue witch didn't understand what I meant, and murmured, "It seems there is no difference?"

"Of course," I corrected: "The town is a place where it can produce independently and promote the flow of money, but the gang of thieves only understands the boundaries of plundering, not producing, or producing very little. The former belongs to the settlement area. Those are parasites."

"In other words, to eradicate them is to eliminate harm for the people?"

The blue witch asked.

"From the point of view of the town, it may be, but it may not be. After all, I can't guarantee whether the high level of the town has a deal with these thieves, but from our point of view, they must be punished."

"For justice?"

"No, for the transaction."

Holding the hilt of the Demon Sword in my hand, I moved forward and faced the entire band of thieves.

When I was two hundred meters away from the band of thieves, I was spotted. Many thieves ran out of the nest with knives and guns. They were all fierce, howling wolves and howling ghosts. They seemed to be able to peel me in the next second. The bones are fried in the pan and made into snacks.

Facing the hideous faces, I was completely fearless. Instead, I turned my head to observe the blue witch, but found that the latter was also fearless. Even the little hound in her arms walked naturally and did not. Chaos.

"Aren't you afraid?" I asked in a low voice.

"Why should you be afraid?" The Blue Witch asked puzzledly: "Is it because they look bad?"

"They are all thieves who kill people without blinking their eyes," I emphasized.

"I kill a lot of people," the blue witch said frankly: "I have to kill some almost every month, and it has never been interrupted in these years."

I was speechless.

Co-author, this girl has long been accustomed to the scene of the dead mountain and blood sea.

If you think about it, even if you kill five in a month, you will kill 60 in a year, and you will kill 600 million in 10 million years. Besides, for tens of millions of years... The number of humans underneath can circle the blue planet several times.

Thinking of this, I stopped talking nonsense, pulled out the demon knife, took the lead, and rushed forward.

Some people like to call miscellaneous soldiers as cannon fodder, because they are very weak, weak like cannon fodder, suddenly disappeared.

Facts have proved that the miscellaneous soldiers are indeed no different from cannon fodder.

The cannon fodder swept their arms, or flew around, or broke directly, as were the miscellaneous soldiers. Under the awe-inspiring power of Xilan's demon sword, who had blessed the killing intent, they couldn't even stop them, so they were cut into pieces. Two cuts.

Although the appearance of the aborigines of the Demon World is slightly different from that of the humans in the Hefeng Continent, their behavior at the time of death is very consistent.

Or screaming, or dancing with hands and feet, or convulsing all over, or convulsing all over...In short, there are many tricks and ugliness.

It only took a few minutes to clean up all the miscellaneous soldiers.

After taking a breath, when I was about to turn around and enter the lair, I suddenly heard the blue witch whisper: "Be careful behind!"

Actually, I don't need her to remind me, I have also noticed that there is a strong wind whistling behind me, but the sound of the strong wind is not loud, and it is not too urgent, presumably the power of this attack is also very ordinary.

So at the moment I turned around, I waved my hand and made a muffled sound, and the attack was shattered by me.

Taking a breath, feeling the scattered lingering power, you can conclude that this is a magic missile.

The magic missile that can release this kind of power, presumably the strength of the releaser should not exceed the eighth level.

Kicking the door collapsed, I slowly stepped into the nest, and I saw a group of dozens of magicians who were constantly gathering magic missiles and attacking me.

The colorful magic missiles are very worth seeing, but they are not powerful enough, and they blow up on me, only ripples, not even a bit of substantial damage.

I was too lazy to question them, so I just waved my knife and killed a group of magicians clean. Then I slaughtered in the village and killed the whole nest clean. Then I searched their treasure house. Come out, sweep away all the money and jewels that are easy to carry inside.

Finally burn the old nest.

Looking at the burning fire, the blue witch asked me curiously: "Why don't you let those unarmed people go?"

"I can let them go, but can you guarantee that they won't turn against us?"

After pondering for a moment, I said, "Once hatred is formed, it will be difficult to calm down."

"I always feel that our behavior is not just..."

"I never said that we represent justice" I said calmly: "This is just a deal, a deal where the weak and the strongest."

The blue witch hesitated for a moment, and then murmured again: "I still don't understand, even if I know it, it is only natural to let go of the cub..."

"Some cubs will forget their grudges over time, because they are simple, as long as they eat and drink enough, and can reproduce, they are satisfied. But unlike humans, humans are far more complicated than wild beasts."

The blue witch pouted and stared at me for a long while, wondering: "Are you a human?"

Turning my head, I wondered, "Why do you ask?"

"I always feel that you are more cruel to humans than to beasts..."

"That's because you don't know humans yet."

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