This town is one of the largest towns in the northernmost part of the Demon World.

Although its level of technological civilization is not as good as the towns in the center of the demon world and the southern end of the demon world, its personal strength is one of the best in the entire demon world.

In other words, the so-called sky is far from being in charge, and there are many strong people.

Although the level of civilization is not as good as that of the large cities and towns in the south, after all, they are among the big cities and towns. Even if they lag behind, they are much more developed than small towns and more than 90% of medium-sized towns.

This is something I also feel in Hefeng Mainland.

Generally speaking, the larger the urban area, the larger the population, and the larger the population, the greater the total number of taxes and talents that can be collected, and accordingly, the more abundant urban plans can be implemented.

Let's put it this way, as long as it is not as absurd as Carter Scott, even if left alone, the level of civilization and scale of large towns will always be significantly ahead of small and medium-sized towns.

This is the advantage of having a lot of people and places.

For the same reason, this relatively prosperous northern town also falls into this category.

Apart from the level of civilization of the town, what I care most about is the price of this town.

I heard the guards just complaining about the increase in food prices, but the small town where I settled before did not have the problem of rising food prices. From this, I guessed that prices in major towns in the Demon World are different.

Since the prices are different, it will naturally appear in the previous town. One copper coin can buy 20 steamed buns. In this town, one copper coin can only buy ten steamed buns.

Generally speaking, although traders can profit from the price changes from time to time, they are all petty profits after all.

But if you detect that the visitor is a stranger, you will immediately change from an honest and reliable vendor to a big profiteer.

It's good to double the price, and it's not uncommon to ask for it.

Therefore, the best way to avoid losing or being slaughtered is to first inquire about prices and then make plans. After all, it is the kingly way to plan afterwards.

As for the trivial things the soldiers babbled about among the vendors, the occasional ridiculous anecdotes, and the horrible flies and dogs among the nobles, I basically just heard them.

Hehe twice when I heard interesting places, and nodded slightly when I heard the places I didn't go, indicating that I was still listening carefully.

I babbled a little bit more, the soldier's speech was dry, and some words were too poor. I felt that he probably could no longer squeeze out any useful information. I took advantage of the soldier's coughing and spitting old sputum, and washed the blue The witch cast a look.

The blue witch saw me, she came to me reluctantly, and acted like a coquettish at me in a very strange way, and said she was hungry.

Upon seeing this, the soldier was fed by the dog food we sprinkled before he could even see through the clumsy acting skills of the Blue Witch.

The sour smell of love is unacceptable, so the soldiers hurriedly laughed and sent us into the city gate.

When we entered the city, the Blue Witch and I walked side by side on the street like a pair of lovers... followed by a single beagle.

And it's a real single dog.

Knowing about the prices, I came to a restaurant and ordered a few dishes that were quite filling-sauced beef, roasted trotters, shank of lamb with salt and pepper, and steamed something that looked bright but could not be named. Big fish.

This big fish is big and has arm length-this is only one-fifth of the total body length of the big fish. It is the part of the figure close to the head of the fish. The meat of this part is very delicate, soft and tastes excellent, but Correspondingly, the price is extremely expensive.

The blue witch was very fond of the big fish, and what she ate was devoured, and she ate the big fish clean like a storm.

On the contrary, it was me, with an indifferent expression, slowly tasting the dishes and drinking the wine.

The restaurant owner’s gaze constantly hovered over the Blue Witch and me. At first, his gaze looked at the Blue Witch with surprise, but after seeing her embarrassed while eating, he shook his head in disappointment. Then he fixed his gaze on me and saw that my eating and drinking movements looked gentle and graceful, coupled with the fact that there was always a lukewarm smile on my face, which made him unable to see my identity.

Since I can't see through, I have to stay away. After all, he is not sure whether I am a noble child who likes to pretend to be ordinary people, or an ordinary person who is good at disguising.

So the boss offered another plate of chopped roast beef as a gift.

The quality of this roast beef is absolutely superior. It is several grades better than the sauce beef in my plate, but this half-rare roasting method really makes me unappetizing because it reminds me of those in the blue planet. The grilled steak is medium rare and still bloodied.

Staring at the roast beef for a while, I put my chopsticks aside, greeted my buddy, and asked him to return the beef to the oven and remake it, and asked for it to be cooked.

My man is very dissatisfied with my attitude. First of all, this plate of roast beef is a free gift, and it is for nothing. You still pay attention to the fart!

Secondly, this beef is a high-end product. It is a luxury product only supplied to a few nobles and rich people. It is not a commodity that ordinary people can afford.

The boss came over when the buddy was hesitant to work. He first scolded the buddy severely, and then he took the plate to the kitchen and re-bake the beef in front of me. .

Facing his witty behavior, I nodded with satisfaction, and told the boss: "Serve two portions of this roast beef, which must be fully cooked."

The boss looked awkward: "Guests, there are not many such high-quality beef in our shop..."

I took out a silver coin, put it on the table, and wrote lightly: "No need to find it."

The boss immediately brightened his eyes, carefully picked up the silver coin, put it in his pocket carefully, and happily rushed into the kitchen and ordered.

It wasn't until I saw this scene that I had a good understanding of the prices of the northern towns of the Demon Realm that the soldiers said before.

The prices of the towns in the northern part of the Demon World are comparable to those of the towns on the edge of the Hefeng Continent, and they all belong to the very low price category.

The difference is that the most basic unit of currency in the Hefeng Continent is copper coins, while the most basic unit of currency in the Demon World is an inert metal that has no practical use and is extremely abundant.

Above it is the copper coin.

Therefore, the three copper coins for bribing soldiers can be regarded as generous little favors, so how can he be dissatisfied?

And the value of a silver coin is much more valuable in the Demon Realm, especially in the northern towns of the Demon Realm, than in the fringe towns of the Breeze Continent.

Even if you buy the best cow, you will still have a surplus.

This kind of value, used for a luxurious lunch in a restaurant, is simply lavish!

No wonder the restaurant owner has such an excited reaction.

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