Some people are threatened and will choose to compromise.

Some people are threatened and will choose to fight back.

There is also a kind of person who, after being threatened, is inexplicably full of respect for the person who threatened him.

Aristocratic youths are in this category.

Oh, I have to mention here, the reason why I call him a noble youth is really because I have no interest in him, so naturally I am not interested in his name, nor in his family.

This situation is equivalent to having no interest in the author and singer of the song I don’t like.

Even when he introduced himself, I immediately interrupted him: "Sorry, I have no interest in this, and I don't want to know, we have to rest, you should go back."

He said, picking up the teacup and seeing off the guests.

However, the aristocratic youth did not show me the courtesy and knowledge that an aristocrat should have.

"Please don't do this" the noble young man said: "I really came to visit you because of admiration. If you don't believe me, look at the gifts all over the floor..."

As he said, his gaze focused on a plate of cantaloupe peels that had been gnawed cleanly on the table.

And the initiators of this, the Blue Witch and the Beagle, as if nothing had happened, cut open another new cantaloupe and divided them equally with the Beagle, and finally did not forget to leave me a finger. A small slice of melon with a thick head as evidence of not eating alone.

My eyes twitched for a moment, and my face turned to the noble youth, with no tone in my voice, and said, "How much?"

"No, I didn't come to ask for money, I really came to visit you because I admired you!"

"...Well, as a gift you admire me, then, do you need me to do anything for you?" While talking, I stretched out an index finger: "Say well in advance, these things you gave, It’s only worth one shot for you, and only once, understand?"

The aristocratic youth looked dumbfounded. After a while, he cried and said, "Why don't you understand me? I came because I admired you, not to show your things!"

"No merit will not be rewarded" I shook my head and said: "You should quickly state the conditions."

The aristocratic youth was completely speechless now. He sighed weakly, stood up from the wooden chair opposite, then sighed deeply, arched his hands, and left dejectedly.

"Why don't you befriend him?" The Blue Witch asked curiously: "I don't think what he said just now seems like a lie."

"I can distinguish clearly" responded indifferently, and then sighed softly: "Although this guy does something extraordinary, he doesn't look like a guy with no bottom line. He also explained the previous thing clearly and only ordered That group of gangsters shot at me, and there is no order to do it to you, those guys are only temporarily upset, huh, deserve to be beaten, hey, like this, if you are angry, you will come out, if you have hatred, you will get revenge and worship. I didn't hate the straightforward guy who didn't go wild even if he was rejected."

"If you don't hate it, be a friend" The Blue Witch looked at me curiously: "Why do you choose to refuse?"

"Because I can't stay in the Demon Realm for too long. Once the matter is over, I will leave immediately, but if a bond is established here, when I go back, the bond will be like a chain, firmly locked in his heart. ...And locked in my heart...this lock called friendship."

"Didn't you tell me before, you came here by yourself, since you have the ability to teleport this time, you can often come and play with him in the future!"

The Blue Witch spoke very lightly and very rationally.

But she will never know how I feel at this moment.

Just last night, Di Ruiji contacted me through the consciousness space. She told me that a strange magic wave was flying in the direction of the Hefeng Continent.

The object that emits strange magical fluctuations is still in the space-time domain outside the demon world, but it is moving fast, and it may arrive here in a few months. If possible, I hope I can solve the demon world as soon as possible. To bring back the naughty Becky, it’s best to be able to unlock the seal in the body, even if it unlocks the magical part, because only in this way, can we be sure to defeat the offender without causing destruction. enemy.

This is the first time Di Ruiji has spoken to me in such a serious tone, enough to make me aware of the crisis we are currently facing.

The strong in the universe, flying across the universe, rushing to the Hefeng Continent for hundreds of millions of miles, the purpose is obvious-in a domineering way, tell a creature on the Hefeng Continent that they are here!

Under such a heavy emotion, you told me to make friends. Isn't this funny?

In fact, if I hadn't agreed to Luke, I would hate to open the portal directly, rush home, quickly organize the wedding, and enjoy the last moments of life with all my wives.

Yes, that's what I think. The reason is very simple. Even Di Ruiji feels the troublesome existence. With my current situation, can I stop it?

"So you want to give up?" Odachi's voice suddenly sounded in my mind: "For the sake of short-term enjoyment, give up the long-term happiness that may be gained?"

"Otherwise, what else can I do?" I asked back: "The guy DiRigi finds tricky, but even the apostle finds it tricky!"

"So, in your eyes, the apostle is the strongest existence?" Odachi's tone did not contain the slightest joking, but seemed very calm.

"No, Deep Sea Overlord is the real strongest."

"Except for the overlord of the deep sea?" Odachi asked again: "Is there no stronger existence?"

"...There are too, but those are all enemies, enemies capable of destroying the world."

"Enemy?" Dadachi smiled: "What is an enemy? I really didn't expect that you haven't chatted for a while, but you didn't realize that your thinking is no different from the people who eat melons?"

Faced with Odachi's sneer, I opened my mouth, but didn't refute it.

"What is an enemy? The strong is the enemy? The uncontrollable is the enemy? Isn't it possible that in this world, only things that can be controlled by you exist, and those that cannot be controlled by you are all enemies?"


"Haha, enemy, hahahaha, is it funny, huh? Do you think your ideas are funny? Very naive?"

Odachi laughed wildly, and the sound made my brain hurt, but it was unprecedented, this time I didn't find it annoying.

Perhaps it is right.

This world, including this universe, has too many things that I can't control. They may not all be enemies, but they can also be friends.

Like an apostle, like a deep sea overlord...

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