After being forced to ask the truth about the matter, I silently exited the room, stepped out of the wall, and stepped into the night.

In this world, the best places to inquire about intelligence are nothing more than three, one is a gambling shop, the other is a custom shop, and the third is a street corner.

So soon, I got the information I wanted.

Like the ancient organizations in the Hefeng Continent, the ancient organizations and the newborn organizations, the Demon Realm has its own organization.

The founders of these organizations are all powerful, with the help of powerful strength, they are rooted in the demon world, and they are deeply rooted, after hundreds of millions of years, they can be called behemoths in the demon world.

Among the behemoths, standing at the pinnacle, there are a total of six organizations-all members are the oath guards of the battle mage; the sect who does not hesitate to fight for power and resources; the spinner of the strongest summoner group in the demon world Yes; the organization that has the deepest knowledge of elemental magic, and is also the organization that gathers the largest group of elemental magicians, Tara Kuta; an ancient library composed of magical scholars who specialize in the sidelines and love to find new ways, and do not hesitate to pass through the cruel The way, the scary summoner organization that summons the strongest summons, the second promise.

In order to achieve a certain goal, a group of young people from a combat unit under the branch of one of these organizations shot and injured the noble youth and severely injured him-right leg fracture, three rib fractures, internal organs were impacted to varying degrees, and the rest All parts are skin trauma.

Some people might guess that this group of perpetrators are most likely to be the Haxiu faction. After all, they are evil and unscrupulous.

However, in fact, this incident was not really done by the Shah Xiu faction, but by the oath guard who was called by the demon world as the incarnation of justice.

The reason they hurt the noble youth is actually because the noble youth has always maintained a neutral attitude towards various organizations. Even the defenders of his father close to him stayed away.

And just yesterday, a group of young people from the Guardian met him and talked about the issue of standing in line. The noble youth rejected the suggestion of standing on the same road with the Guardian and said that he just wanted to be a happy one. The free nobles do not want to interfere with the disputes between these organizations.

Then the group of grumpy youths from the Oath-Guard started a verbal confrontation with the aristocratic youths, clamoring, and then moved their hands.

You give me a punch, I give you a kick, fighting each other happily.

When they hit it, they burst into anger. All the young people of the swearing guards were not given for nothing, and they were good at martial arts. Not only did they beat the guards of the noble youths, but even the noble youths who were not very powerful. They were also beaten severely.

That's the fact that the group of men showed mercy, otherwise it would be as simple as being seriously injured?

Although I knew that this was a fight between two groups of young people with strong firepower, it was a bit too much, but when the fight was done like this, it didn't even mean to apologize.

At least you have brought a gift. It's really impossible to go. You can be forgiven if you say sorry in person.

But according to the words of the gang of swearing guards, the noble youth was seriously injured purely because he was weak and lacking ability. If he had the ability, he could be beaten back.

After hearing the retelling of the grievances of the noble youth, I planned to beat up these little ruffians for the noble youth.

Oh, you think you can do whatever you want if you are strong, right?

Well, I will let you taste the pain of being done what you want.

The identity of the perpetrator is well investigated.

First, find the beggar who is stationed in the streets and corners all the year round, use both copper coins and force to get the approximate whereabouts of the group from his mouth, and then use the information given to follow the vine to find some shop owners, and also use coercive methods to make They took the initiative to confess the information I needed, and then investigated them one by one according to the information.

In just over three hours, before eleven o'clock in the evening, I had mastered the home locations of all the perpetrators.

There are seven guardians in total, and their home addresses are not far apart.

After deciding the order, start to do it.

First is the first.

Sneak in quietly, pry open the door lock, tiptoe into the room, gently walk to the room where the assailant is.

At this moment, the first assailant is sleeping, and his sleep looks very indecent.

I will be pulled up by the quilt that was kicked aside, and I will cover his mouth and punch him in the stomach.

This punch was not powerful, but it was enough to make him lose all combat power.

The next thing is very simple, it is a fat beating, until the nose and face are swollen.

With the last knife, knock him out, and then leave gently.

The whole fat beating lasted for three minutes. I didn’t brutally break his leg, or even break him in any part—at most, internal organs were injured, but I could recover after three or five days of rest in bed. I believe that they will not just rest for three or five days, because my fat beating was mainly his face. When I knocked him out, I couldn't help but glance at my masterpiece. This product has already been beaten. Become a pig's head, and no one can reduce the swelling for a month.

Of course, if there is a good pastor, it can be advanced, but there is a prerequisite, the swelling must be cleaned up, otherwise the swelling will be bulged together, which looks even more embarrassing.

I just beaten one after another. In one of them, the assailant was a girl, and the bruise on the arms of the noble youth was caused by her.

Facing a girl, I naturally can't beat her into a pig's head, after all, she hasn't done anything terrible, and, girls, they always have some privileges.

So I wandered out, and when I came back, I had an extra paintbrush and a small bottle of ink in my hand.

This kind of ink is very powerful. It can be easily wiped off when it is first painted, but once it dries, it will look like a pattern on the skin. It takes two weeks to decompose naturally.

I got this kind of magical ink in a very hidden shop, and the manager specifically told me that even if I was discovered, I must not confess him.

First, I knocked the girl out with a knife with one hand, then straightened her head, and wrote on her face with a paintbrush. On the forehead is Ye Lu die bitter, the left cheek is I am very fierce, the right cheek is my super fierce, nose Click a point and draw another difference on the chin.

Very good, close.

I happily put the brush and ink in the plastic bag, and then put them in my pocket.

When I was out, I was caught by the girl's father, but I didn't mean anything wrong, nor was it terrifying. I just glanced at him and continued to walk towards the door.

The girl’s father isn’t happy anymore. You are so big, brat, you came to my girl’s boudoir in the middle of the night, and when you were arrested, you still dared to walk towards the door sternly. Do you really think the old man can’t carry a knife?

I guess he thought this way, because in the next second, he would conjure a spear from nowhere, and it would be a shot at me.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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