Of course I know!

The opponent's strength is weak and vulnerable to a single blow.

And here is the other side's place, it really wants to make things big, it won't end well.

The most troublesome thing is that the person who came is the identity of the Oath Guard, and the Oath Guard set up in this town is only a branch.

In other words, in other places in the Demon World, there are also organizations of Oath Guardians.

In addition, there is the lair of the oath guard.

Don't think that the strength of the Oath-Guardian branch in a town that can barely be called a big town means that the overall strength of the Oath-Guardian organization is weak.

Think of the Legion of the Roses. Even the branch of the Legion of Roses stationed in the Capital City of Eri City, its strength is only the eleventh level.

Look at its headquarters again, the strongest Rose Legion headquarters set up in the Moonlight City. Its president is one of the strongest adventurers of the young generation, and its vice president is a strong national power level.

Not only that, there are also a group of elite powerhouses at the upper level of the guild, all of whom are national forces.

These people are the strongest cards that the Legion of Roses currently have.

And from the conversation with the fairy queen, I caught some clues. What is certain is that inside the Rose Legion, there is still something hidden in the Rose Legion. Other than the fairy queen and the fairy queen, others may know, but there is no chance to understand and touch. The power of touch.

This power is very likely to be an awakened powerhouse like Father Taylor.

If it were really an entire awakened team...

Thinking about it, I feel terrible.

Looking at the members of this group of Oath Guardians in front of me, combined with the only powerhouse of the aristocratic Patriarch’s house that has faded levels, I can probably imagine that there must be equivalent to national power in the organization of Oath Guardians, even Beyond the power of the country, beyond the existence of the awakened strong!

Otherwise, how does it stand in the Demon Realm and become one of the six major organizations in the Demon Realm.

Thinking of this, I decided to show mercy to my men. They could kill without killing, or hurt without hurting. Of course, all of this was based on the premise that I, the Blue Witch and the Beagle, could retreat.

In front of me, there is nearly a hundred people in Wuyangyang.

Among the hundred people, there were those with hand-held magic wands, hand-held spears, and even hand-held metal clubs. All of them stared at me with bad eyes, especially the first dozen people, all exuding the aura of a fading power.

Stroking the handle of the demon sword, I asked in a deep voice, "Everyone, did you pass by accidentally, or are you especially waiting?"

"It must be waiting for you!" The girl covered with gauze carried the bronze wand in her hand and sneered: "You **** hurt our organization, and you want to get out, hum, it's not that easy. "

With a light sigh, I was helpless: "Why do you say that I hurt you? Is there evidence?"

"There is no evidence, but what about it?" The masked girl said angrily: "We have investigated you, and we can be sure that you were the one who attacked us that night!"

"So, you are planning to wrong an innocent good person like me?"

"Innocent good person?" The masked girl smiled angrily: "If you are an innocent good person, there will be no bad guys that day!"

After that, she turned to the leader and bowed and said, "Leader, please order."

Next to her, there were boys of the kind that I had beaten up so badly. They all bowed and said in unison: "Leader, please order!!!"

Accompanied by the loud voice, the other adventurers also bowed in unison: "Leader! Please give the order!!!"

"It's caused by the crowd, don't disobey." The leader looked at me and said lightly: "Since you hurt my person, naturally you have to pay a price."

"So" I said: "What price do you plan to make me pay?"

"Do you have any suggestions?" The leader suddenly raised a smile and looked at me.

"Well, let those who have been beaten by me, beat me in the other way, it's not good."



"But we have so many people here this time." The leader slowly raised his arms and opened them to the left and right, saying: "There is no compensation, but there is no way to be kind."

"Stupid*!" Odachi's scolding sounded in my mind: "Like this stupid*, you should cut him off with a single knife, then cut the bits and pieces and throw them into the waterway, and feed them to mice and maggots!"

I was amused by Odachi's reaction. The moment before I asked my subordinates to be merciful, but at this moment I was asked to cut the opponent. It was too dramatic.

After a little silence, I asked again: "Is there really no room for negotiation?"

"No" the leader said: "Do you think about it for yourself, do you want to be beaten, pay a compensation, and then leave safely, or do you want to leave scars and painful memories that will never be erased?"

"Actually, it's almost the same."

"How can you say the same?" The leader said coldly: "If you choose the former, you can at least leave it all, while the latter, I'm afraid you will regret it forever."

"Whether I choose the former or the latter, I will probably regret it for the rest of my life. After all, I believe that if you dare to ask for compensation from me, it must be the lion's open mouth, and you won't exploit all the money from me. After the calculation, without the money, to be honest, it is difficult to survive in this area. How is it different from the latter option?"

"Oh? In that case, do you want to be unwilling to cooperate?"

"Forgive hardships," I said, nodding slightly.

"What else can I say?" The leader snorted coldly and waved his hand: "Get on me, hit hard, until he begs for mercy!"

Facing the menacing adventurers, I secretly said in my heart: "Should I draw the sword or should I use my bare hands?"

Just thinking about it, a long spear slammed into my face.

The gun was fierce, fast and accurate. If I was stabbed, a completely penetrating ‘channel’ would be opened from my mouth and the back of my head.

And this is not the most terrible.

The most terrible thing is that the magic dazzling patterns that follow, each of them contains not weak magic energy, after touching an object, it will burst out explosion damage of different attributes.

The red is the flame, the blue is the frost, the green is the poisonous fog, and the yellow is the lightning...These dazzling patterns are like the spikes of a gun, closely behind the tip of the gun, ready to accompany the tip of the gun at any time Hit the opponent hard.

"Didn't you say a good fight? Why did you make a killer move?" I muttered in a low voice, while reaching out to grab the tip of the gun.

The moment the tip of the gun was grabbed, there was no way to get an inch further, but the dazzling pattern that followed passed the tip of the gun and hit my arm.

At the moment when Xuanwen touched my arm, dozens of explosions sounded one after another, just like the sound of dozens of two kicks going to the sky at the same time.

Lively and loud.

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