"It's hit!" The adventurer said with a surprised look.

"Yes," a voice, penetrating colorful magical effects like fireworks, said lightly: "But it doesn't hurt or itchy, just like when a mosquito kisses me."

"...No, that's not right." When the magic effects dissipated, I looked at the adventurer's terrified face, and said lightly: "The mosquito can kiss a small bag, your magic, but even the skin is broken. No more."

Then his hand twisted, and accompanied by a sharp sound, the spear made of high-grade fine iron turned into twists.

Then he raised his foot and kicked the adventurer out.

By this, the adventurers who were about to rush suddenly stopped.

Although an adventurer of level ten or so can also bend the top-grade fine iron with bare hands, it is impossible for me to understate the spear made of top-grade fine iron into a twist shape.

In an instant, they understood the strength gap between the enemy and ourselves.

Rao understands, but some things still have to be done.

For example, the command of the leader.

As a result, those with the strongest strength condensed the power of fading, and the dense magical dazzling patterns like toad eggs, rushed towards me again.

This time the impact, not only with the determination to die and the indomitable momentum, but also with howling like a pig.

The aura does have the effect of temporarily raising a bit of strength. For me, when I was a weak chicken, with my aura and talent, I managed to kill the tauren boss and survived from the tenth level boss. Opportunity to climb back in the room.

But there is still a prerequisite, that is, the difference in strength is not too great, at least not as bad as the fingertip universe.

But right now, the difference between their strength and mine, even if it is not the fingertip universe, is actually similar.

You must know the gap between the tenth level and the thirteenth level, but the difference is huge. The most direct manifestation is that the thirteenth level Alice can single-handedly abuse the tenth level me.

And when I faced Alice at the time, I was a kindergarten kid with no power to restrain me.

My situation at the time was re-screened before my eyes in a very similar way.

And this time, I replaced Alice, and this group of level ten adventurers replaced me at the time.

The result was no surprise. With the help of the metal handguard, I abused everyone and threw them all out.

This scene made the head of the Oath Guardian division feel embarrassed and at the same time feel very troublesome and angry.

"Who are you?" This was the first time he spoke to me in a normal tone: "Why are you here?"

"I just passed by" Tan Tanshou, I said: "As for who I am, you should know."

The leader looked gloomy and stared at me without moving, but the wand made of low-grade stainless steel he held in his hand was shaking slightly—it should be his hand shaking slightly.

Waiting a little impatiently, I frowned and asked coldly: "Are you going to fight or not?"

The leader was silent for a moment, and suddenly a few dazzling lines condensed, and suddenly he hit various key positions of my body.

But they were broken one by one lightly.

"Huh!" The leader didn't make any more moves, but glanced at me coldly, and said coolly: "Let's go!"

After all, ignore the confused subordinates, and return straight to the original path.

Soon, the group of oath guards disappeared, but when they disappeared, the girl with her face covered in bandages handed me a vague and angry look.

"Why didn't you fight back?" Odachi asked doubtfully.

"Do you think it is necessary?" I asked rhetorically.

"Yeah... it's true" Dadachi smashed his lips and said, "If you make him tender to death, maybe there will be more trouble."

"You're right" I nodded: "The Demon Realm is also a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I came here with a purpose. I can't lose my head because of my smallness."

"In fact, you are going to kill them all, maybe it’s less trouble than letting them go," Odachi said, "Anyway, in my opinion, the guy called the leader must not be a safe guy. It is very likely. It will cause you trouble because you can't swallow this breath."

"I think he definitely doesn't want his embarrassment to be known to his colleagues, especially those who are competing in the officialdom." I replied: "So even if he will trouble me, he will definitely not find a guy who is too strong. "

"How can you be sure that he will not seek revenge from the strong?"

"Very simple" I said: "The real strong will not be willing to be controlled by the weak."

"That's true, but what if he has the ability to allow the strong to do things for him?" Odachi's tone became mysterious.

"Hmph, it's useless to play mystery, I know what you want to say, even if he has something the strong needs and successfully lures him with it, then..."

"What's that?"

"That's bad luck for me," I said, "but this is not necessarily a bad thing."

"Hard mouth?"

"It's not hard to speak," I said: "If a strong person follows me, makes trouble for me, or attacks me, the journey after me will definitely not be too boring."

After listening, Odachi was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly smiled: "So you made this idea."

I also smiled: "Yes, because this is the Demon Realm, not the Hefeng Continent."

Without the locomotive, the Blue Witch and Beagle and I can only go there on foot. Fortunately, there is a complete portable tent in our backpack, so we can't sleep in the wilderness.

The Blue Witch had no complaints about this. She also knew that I had something to do and could not delay too long in a certain place. The idea of ​​going back and waiting for a new batch of locomotives was too unrealistic.

Since there won't be a situation of sleeping on the street and there are a lot of snacks nearby, she naturally has no complaints.

While grabbing snacks and filling her mouth, the Blue Witch walked side by side with me. One meter behind her, the little terrier followed me, but it was very inattentive. She digs the soil, sniffs the grass, and stalks. Going out a small circle and then turning back, anyway, it is a great fun.

We walked this way for a total of four days. At first, when there were a lot of snacks, the Blue Witch had no complaints, but from the third day onwards, the snacks in her bag were cleaned up. Fortunately, there were water bags and dry food. A lot, enough to last for a month.

But mere dry food cannot satisfy her, so I have to look around for food that can replace snacks when I am resting.

There are very few animals in the wilderness, even if they do, they are only small animals.

But this is enough.

Because among these small animals, there is the most suitable as food-hare.

In less than two hours, I caught three hares and came back. Then, in the blue witch’s praise of “how cute rabbits are”, I peeled them off and put them on a fire barbecue. .

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