The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2959: Unfamiliar white-eyed wolf

The hotel owner rubbed his hands and said with a bright smile on his face: "Work is easy, the treatment is favorable, such a good opportunity, don't miss it~"

I barked my teeth, chuckled at him twice, and went into the back kitchen to continue heating my barbecue.

When the boss saw this, he didn't say much. He winked at the chef on the side, and the chef moved to my side calmly, watching every step of my barbecue.


My barbecue skill, how can I learn it by myself?

Under my dazzling operation, the meat became hot, and the chef was also stunned by me.

When I left, I smiled at the boss: "Thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to do this, let me go."

After all, holding the plate, return to the table.

After eating for another quarter of an hour, we just got off the table.

When sending us away, the boss gave me a business card and said: "If you need it, you can contact me at any time."

After receiving the business card and looking forward and backward for a while, he found a line of numbers marked with a phone number!


There is a phone in the Devildom?

From this moment on, I have a new understanding of the Demon World.

This is a world not inferior to the current Hefeng Continent in terms of technological level. After all, Hefeng Continent does not provide communication equipment for the public, while the Demon World does.

After being a little surprised, I thought again that if I took the phone back to Hefeng Continent and handed it to Master Dewey, it might not be long before Hefeng Continent could have this kind of portable communication tool.

Thinking of this, I made up my mind and called to the boss who was standing at the door watching us leave.

The boss probably thought I wanted to change my mind, and ran over immediately: "Is there anything I can help?"

"Phone" I said: "We don't have a phone. Where can I sell it?"

A trace of disappointment flashed across the boss's face, and he still pointed a short distance away, and said, "The adventurer base is available for sale."

"Thanks a lot."

Leaving the hotel, following the boss's instructions, we soon came to the adventurer base.

Until now, I didn’t know that the Demon World also has adventurer bases, and there are also a huge number of adventurers coming in and out. In this case, there must be dungeons and other monster spawners in the Demon World. Place.

After explaining our intentions to the base staff, the staff enthusiastically introduced us to the corner of the lobby and let us choose our mobile phones.

Through the introduction, I was surprised to find that the mobile phone models of the Demon World are even more advanced than the blue planet!

This really shocked me.

After turning on the phone, there is not only a normal screen, but also a virtual projection screen, virtual buttons, and even the virtual projection screen can be enlarged anytime and anywhere into a 3D picture.

"This, this, this..." I was speechless, and could only sigh in my heart: "Black technology!"

When I couldn't speak because of the advanced technology of the Demon World, the blue witch had an unpleasant expression. She calmly asked the staff: "Excuse me, are there pictures of food?"

"Of course." The staff responded with a smile, moving their fingers slightly, and the pictures of the food were called up in a few clicks. The lifelike images instantly shocked me.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed, and at the same time, two words popped out in my heart: Fuck.

After asking about all the features of the phone, I bought two of the best performance and also the most expensive.

The enthusiasm of the young lady from the staff soared by more than two hundred times in an instant. While she packaged mobile phones for us, she kept introducing us to various types of services, such as five copper coins for one year package service, which can enjoy voice and text messages. , CRBT...A total of more than one hundred kinds of service items, while also enjoying life-long after-sales, home repair and other services.

Home maintenance?

Hearing this, I couldn't help laughing.

If I go back to Hefeng Mainland, can this service be implemented?

If it can be implemented, it will be interesting. I would like to see how they crossed the devil world to come to the Hefeng Continent to serve me.

So I curiously asked the staff member, if I went to other planets, would this service also take effect?

The young lady from the staff obviously had never received a customer like me. She was sluggish for a while before she returned to her polite smile and said, "Let me consult the supervisor, please wait a moment."

After speaking, he quickly left.

Not long after, she came back in a hurry, still with a professional smile on her face, and said, "I'm sorry, sir, we only support local business."

"Understood" nodded, I took out two silver coins and handed them to her, and said, "The change will be used as phone bill business."

The young lady from the staff was happy, took the mobile phone, opened the mobile phone service after a meal, and then handed it back to us respectfully.

After I got the phone, I tried to dial the number of the Blue Witch. Just dialed here for a second, it immediately rang from there. It was a song and the lyrics were in the common language of the Devil. I could understand it. All thanks to Longfoot Rotes. During the time I was preparing, I sent a clone of the octopus to a pond in the outer forest of the Fairy Forest, and taught me the Demon World when I was free. language.

Over time, I also have a preliminary understanding of Makaiyu, at least it is correct in communication, and there are no obstacles to writing, but there are some obscure vocabulary that I still don’t master, but it doesn’t matter. In most cases, I don’t know how to touch it. To these words, except in individual cases.

But I'm only here to rescue the naughty Becky, and I rarely encounter such situations.

Of course, all the above are just the thoughts of Longfoot Rotes, who can think of it, I just came to the landing point, I met the blue witch, and when my brain heated up, I promised to take her out of the devil world. !

Now my heart is abrupt, and God knows if I will encounter those rare words that Rotster intended to ignore and did not teach me. After all, the route of my trip has deviated from the original trajectory.

I found an inn and opened a two-person room. The Blue Witch and Tuotuo and I moved in.

As soon as she moved in, the Blue Witch couldn't wait to roll on the bed and vent her hard work.

I sit on the sofa and play with my phone.

Rolling and rolling, the blue witch fell to the ground, let out a muffled groan, and then fell motionless on her stomach.

While playing with my phone, I asked her, "Why, why don't I get up?"

The blue witch lay on the ground and lazily said: "My life motto is, wherever I fall, I will pupa wherever I am, never get up!"

"Hmm, you are lazy to a certain level" I am ashamed: "You don't even bother to climb up."

The blue witch turned her head lazily, and gave me a white look: "I know you can't help me get up!"

As soon as I said this, the little hound Tuotuo also turned to me and roared.

With a white look, I thought to myself: The unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, who cooked you the rabbit before, now feels sorry for your unscrupulous master again.

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