The moment I got the phone, I thought a lot.

The first is technology. In terms of technology, especially communication technology, the Demon Realm is far more popular than the Hefeng Mainland.

The second is my situation.

Don't forget, in the last town, I had a crime against the Oath Defenders organization.

Although in my opinion, the offense was nothing, at best, it was a small punishment, but in the eyes of the other party, it may not be the case.

And the leader of the Oathguard under the anger and hatred is very likely to contact the Oathguard Organization in this town through a convenient mobile phone to retaliate against me.

At first, this was just a false proposition I assumed.

Today, it has been verified.

"You are An Xiaoyi, right?" A sturdy man, holding a spear, stood in front of me: "Congratulations on our trip."

"where to?"

"You will know when you arrive."

I shook my head and said solemnly: "If you don't tell me, I won't go with you."

"If you don't cooperate, it will make things very troublesome." I handed the spear from the left hand to the right, and said solemnly: "I hope you don't make things more embarrassing."

"Are you planning to use force?" I asked in a low voice, pinching my chin.

"If it's a last resort, yes, I will do it."

The strong man nodded.

After a stalemate with each other for a few minutes, I suddenly smiled and asked again: "If I go with you, can I guarantee to come back before dinner?"

"It depends on the progress."

He gave me a vague answer.

"Can you not disarm?" I pointed to the demon knife at my waist.

"Of course, as long as you don't mess up."

"Generous promise" I responded with a smile.

After all, I walked towards a luxurious building in the center of the town surrounded by a group of oath guardians.

When I arrived at the door, I raised my head and glanced at the plaque hanging high above it: Oath Guardian.

"Please don't look around" the strong man said: "Come with me."

Nodded, I followed the strong man and quickly walked into the organization building.

A path went straight and stopped in front of a huge and beautiful door.

The strong man knocked on the door three times gently, with a soft creak, the door was opened, and a woman in a snow-white uniform poked her head out.

This is a beautiful woman with a nice face and better figure. There is no flaw in her snow-white uniform, which complements her meticulously combed hairstyle and shows her rigorous personality.

The strong man walked up to the front and whispered a few words to the woman. The woman narrowed her eyes, looked up and down at me several times, then stretched out her soft right hand, raised her slender index finger, and gently supported the lower frame, saying: " Come in, the leader is waiting for you."

Entering the door, looking at the office size that looked very similar to the former New Heroic Guild, I didn't feel any surprise.

However, the furnishings inside are relatively luxurious.

In fact, back then, Jin Siqi could also afford such luxurious furniture and furnishings, but she was the kind of pragmatic woman who wanted to run the guild and did not like to waste money on vain things, so she denied extravagance. Style, all funds are invested in union construction.

Recall that in the past, in order to make the new heroic guild more perfect, I invested at least tens of millions of gold coins back and forth.

Although the money is not even a dime for my backstage, Master Dewey, it is also a huge amount of money that makes me distressed!

Of course, if the New Heroic Guild is still in Jin Siqi's hands, I would naturally not feel a little bit painful. After all, I am a fiancee, so the gold coins will be used as spending for her to have fun.

But the problem is that the guild has now been confiscated by the old duke's gang!

Although all the valuables inside have been moved, important members and their families have been moved to Moonlight City, but the shell of that guild is worth at least one million gold coins!

These are the most precious decorations and designs in Dasai City. Just gold used several tons, silver is countless, and gems have hundreds of them.

If I take these coins to the Demon Realm for consumption, at the price here, I can buy this town, and then I will buy the two previous towns together!

When I think of this, I have the urge to cry.


"You are An Xiaoyi...I'm sorry, are my men embarrassing you?"

A young voice rang in front of me.

Gathering his gaze, I saw a handsome man sitting on an office chair a few meters away, looking at me in surprise.

"Eh? Oh, no, no." I shook my head and said, "They are good, and they didn't make me embarrassing."

"That's good." The leader of the Oathguard Organization smiled at me, and lightly nodded: "Can you tell me the business?"

I nodded: "Please speak."

"A few days ago, I received a complaint from Warren, saying that someone maliciously attacked the defender of the oath and injured many members of the organization, and told me the name of this person, called An Xiaoyi, which is you."

He smiled and looked at me, and asked me in a very gentle tone: "Can you tell me, is this true?"

I thought about it and nodded: "Yes."

"Can you tell me why?" He stared at me with his eyes, as if he wanted to judge the authenticity of my words through micro expressions.


Next, I will beat the swearing guards to organize the perpetrators, and drew some harmless but destructive paintings on the girl's face, and talked to him at the same time.

After listening, the leader leaned forward with a smile.

Afterwards, under my strange gaze, he returned to normal, took a deep breath, and said, "Sorry, I lost my mind."

"It's okay" I waved: "Aren't you angry? I hurt so many of your companions?"

"They deserved it," the leader said: "I am not angry."

"That's it" I nodded: "If you are not angry, do you want to let me go back? After all, I have told you the truth and process of the matter, so it should be of no value anymore."

"No, you think too much." The leader suddenly got up and walked slowly in front of me. Only then did I realize that under his handsome and delicate face, he was actually a thin body.

"I'm very curious, how do you have such a strength" the leader whispered: "Even dozens of changers are not your opponents."

"Study diligently and practice hard" I thought for a while, and added another: "There is also a talent."

The leader smiled suddenly, handed his right hand to me, and said: "It seems that you are still very vigilant, but this is normal. Tell me about myself. My name is Heroes and I am the leader of this town's oath guard organization.

"Heloise?" Smacking my lips, I curiously said: "Are you...madam?"

"Very unreasonable statement, Your Excellency An Xiaoyi" Heloise was not angry, she still smiled and said, "But you are right, I am indeed a female."

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