To be honest, it is not common for women to become leaders.

It's not that you don't have the qualifications to be a leader if you belittle women. It is that men have a greater advantage than women in becoming leaders.

The main reason lies in one point-men are generally rough-minded, while women are generally fine-minded.

You read that right, the most critical factor to become a leader depends on the delicate and rough mind.

An emperor of the Tang Dynasty once said: Don't be foolish or deaf, don't be a family man.

On the surface, this statement seems to be talking about the small family, but in fact it has been extended to the larger, and it is the same.

Take the five major guilds in Hefeng Continent, which guild is clean underneath?


Almost every guild has embezzlement and perverting the law, and even some bold branch presidents still brazenly embezzle and accept bribes, or commit minor crimes and commit minor evils, knowing that the president knows that they are corrupt and perverted.

However, the presidents who knew they were corrupting the law and committing crimes did not have heard of them. They threw a part of the innocuous crimes against the criminals into the brazier and burned them, and sealed a part of the crimes that affected the scope and put them in the treasury. There is a small amount of evidence that is conclusive and relatively influential, and put it into his own secret library.

As long as the behavior of the branch president under his command will not anger people, challenge the king's power, or collude with an enemy country, the president will adopt an attitude of indifference and recklessness.

Compared with a woman's delicate mind, a man's rough personality is more suitable to meet the above conditions.

After all, a rough personality is not only easier to give people an approachable feeling, but it is also more likely to forget certain crimes and other things, and talk to the branch presidents.

But the thoughtful woman is different.

Once remembered, it is very likely that they will never forget it again, and this kind of remembering is likely to affect their emotions and micro expressions.

If the branch president is a reckless man who doesn't know much about words, opinions and colors, and his brain is full of muscles, it would be fine.

If the club president knows how to perceive words and colors, and is good at it, even if the president will disguise again, the club president will still detect some clues from a few words, or some invisible micro-expression, and then expand this clue. Lenovo, finally judged the truth.

Therefore, it is very difficult for women to become the leader of the organization without a certain degree of mind or a nerve-racking personality.

So far, in addition to the Legion of Roses, among the other four major guilds I have seen, there are only a handful of adventurers who act as presidents or branch presidents as women.

That's why I was so surprised when I learned that the leader of the Oath Guards organization in this town turned out to be a woman.

But it seems that Heroes is accustomed to this kind of surprise and amazement. She just looked at me with a calm smile, her eyes calm and calm.

I didn't seem to take my impolite behavior seriously.

"So, Master Chief, you didn't come to me just to confirm my'evil deeds' and to punish me?"

"Of course" Helois smiled: "Although the Oathkeepers organization is an organization established to maintain the stability of the demon world, there are some little guys who are more proud than they can, and always like to use the name of the organization to show off, or Give vent to their overly vigorous energy. Under this circumstance, if senior cadres in our organizations as the elders do not act and let them go, righteous men like you are qualified to punish us instead. Yes, as long as the amount is not too heavy, this behavior can be acquiesced."

"Oh," the funny tone was answered, and I asked again: "Then your lord, what else do you want me to do, right?"

Seeing her looking at me with a smile and not speaking, I immediately understood and responded to her with a smile, and I continued: "Then please be frank and open and tell your needs. If the conditions and remuneration are right, I think I will not refuse. ."

"You won't refuse." With a confident smile on her face, Heloise walked slowly to the desk, with her long fingers resting on the edge of the table, her index finger quickly touching a button twice.

Soon, the secretary in white professional attire who had opened the door pushed in from the side room and bowed respectfully to Heroes, saying, "Leader, please give orders."

Heroes stretched her hand into her arms, took out an exquisite small key made of Mithril from the pocket of her underwear, threw it to the secretary, and said, "Bring that document."

The secretary thought a bit, then bowed and walked back quickly.

I found a chair and moved to the other side of the desk to sit down.

Seeing this, Heroes smiled, and said: "You really deserve to be the man who dared to let Valen take a shot. Your courage can be said to be the top of the entire town."

"Oh ha ha, how can you see it?"

"Even Varen, who is also the branch president, dare not easily move a chair to sit across from me, especially when he is so close to me."


We are separated by a table, okay!

I don't quite understand what Heroes means.

Not long after, the secretary came in again and put a stack of papers on the table. At the same time, she also saw me sitting opposite Heloise. In an instant, the eyes hidden behind her eyes shrank, obviously , This is not only a tense relationship, but also some other flavors.

It seems that Heroes is not sensational.

But why is this?

When I was thinking about it, Heloise waved her hand and the secretary hurried out of the room.

With the sound of closing the door, the file fell in front of me with a clatter.

"After reading it, you'll know what I mean" Heloise whispered, but at the same time, she reminded: "Remember, be sure not to say it, especially the name inside!"

At this point, she looked very serious, and her temperament seemed to be a young female leopard.

Nodding, I opened the file and turned my eyes quickly. When I just saw half of the first page, I couldn't help taking a breath, and at the same time I raised my head and stared at the handsome girl in front of me.

"These things...where did you get them?"

Heloise smiled and said, "If you want to ask questions, please finish reading."

With a strong mood swing, I swallowed and continued to read, the more I looked, the tighter my brows wrinkled, and the more I looked, my goal became clearer.

After reading it carefully, I closed the file and did not make a sound for a long time.

After a long time, I raised my head again, staring at the still smiling girl in front of me, and said, "These things are true?"

"It's all true." The girl nodded and responded with a smile.

The atmosphere fell into terrible silence again. After a long time, I asked quietly: "Who are you... on earth?"

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