In this world, there are many people who seem to be ordinary, but in fact have outstanding identities, mixed among a group of ordinary people.

They either want to experience ordinary life, or simply to enjoy the pleasure of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, or to achieve some unknown purpose.

For those in power, these people are the most terrifying force.

Because you have no idea what identity the person you offend has.

Take the people around me, Mr. Taylor, who is sloppy and sloppy, is this kind of guy who pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Everyone saw that he was a horrible old man with constant alcoholism, a terrible life, and dying, but in fact, he was a man who could beat three national forces without breathing.

This is the typical pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

The topic is a bit further, let's get down to business.

At this moment, the very handsome and handsome girl sitting with me is exactly the kind of person I said pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

I really did not expect that she not only knew the purpose of my coming to the Demon Realm, but even helped me investigate clearly what I wanted to investigate.

There was even an unexpected gain-as the identity of the woman who appeared behind the scenes, she was also integrated into a document and handed over to me.

The powerful woman who counted six apostles one after another, her name was Herder, and her name was Weeping Eye.

Weeping Eye Herder.

According to the information, Weeping Eye Herder was the first to discover and use natural element magic, so she was also called the ancestor of magic by the people of the devil, or the **** of magic.

It is said that she was born between 800 million and 1 billion years ago. If I remember correctly, according to the records of the oldest batch of historical documents in the Hefeng Continent, fairies and elves appeared as early as more than two billion years ago, and are recorded It is clearly stated that these two races have long possessed a very high level of civilization, including magic civilization.

In other words, the woman of Weeping Eye Herder is very likely to be the first person in the demon world to discover and use the power of natural magic, rather than the true ancestor of magic and the **** of magic.

But these are not important, I only need to know one thing-she is very accomplished in magic, and is definitely higher than most of the demons and modern magicians in the Hefeng continent.

Otherwise, why can she create such a lifelike puppet like Alice, but the modern magician of Hefeng Continent can't create it.

The information not only explained the approximate birth date of Weeping Eye Herder, but also described her appearance, weapons, and the moves she had used so far.

There is even the relationship between her and the undead boy of the Haxiu faction.

The Dark Eye, an eyeball-shaped man-made object with almost endless magic power, can immortalize the holder, but it needs to meet harsh conditions to be resurrected.

From front to back, from beginning to end, I read it seven or eight times before putting down the file and looking again at the girl who still had a handsome smile on the other side.

"Who are you?" I wondered: "Why do you own these things?"

"Before asking about the identity of a lady, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?" Heloise whispered.

"...Yes," I said: "My name is An Xiaoyi, I am male, and I am in my 20s..."

Listening to my self-introduction, Heloise’s expression suddenly became funny. She covered her mouth and laughed and interrupted my self-introduction, saying: "This is not a blind date show. I just need to know some important points. But, let’s say, where are you from? Why are you so desperate to find the naughty Becky, and what is your relationship with the sinners in the Demon Realm?"

After looking at the girl for a while, I sighed lightly, and said, "Well, since you have asked and gave me such key information, I will tell you frankly. I am from the Hefeng Continent. You heard Ever the name of this planet?"

After hearing this, Heloise thought for a while, and then nodded: "I've heard that there is a fellow from the Hefeng Continent under that woman's command. He is very strong, but I don't know who is stronger than you."

Seeing her smiling face, I stretched out my hands a little helplessly: "Obviously he is better."

"So not confident?" The girl was a little surprised.

"After all, he hit Xilan hard," I said: "That is an awakened powerhouse far beyond the power of the country."

"I know the strong awakening, but what is the power of the country?" The girl blinked and asked me curiously.

"National a term of ours, referring to a group of adventurers with particularly powerful power."

"Oh oh oh" the girl nodded repeatedly.

"The second question, I searched for Becky because she was the reason I came to the Demon World this time. As for why I wanted to find her, I think you should be able to guess the reason."

"Really?" The girl frowned for a while, and asked tentatively: "Is it related to... the apostle?"

I nodded.

"Understood" the girl nodded slightly and said, "It must be the one who has been resurrected."

I squinted, looked at her, and muttered, "You know a lot."

"It's all trial questions." The girl smiled: "If it's more complicated, I definitely can't think of it."

"The third question, Xilan, is my half master."

"Oh?" The girl looked at me suspiciously, and after a moment, she said uncertainly: "Xilan came to the Demon Realm tens of millions of years ago. Can he be your master? Are you worthy this year?"


"Hmph, either it's nonsense that Xilan is your master, or you lied about your age" the girl firmly said: "Otherwise, there will be no third possibility."

"Why not?" I said solemnly: "Have you ever thought about the possibility that I will learn from the descendants of Xilan."

"If this is the case, Xilan is not your master, not even half of the master," the girl said: "You are just a disciple of his descendants."

"Why is it so clear?" I spread my hands and said, "In fact, they are all the same. After all, Xilan's moves are all created by him, and the teachings of later generations are also based on his template. At most, there are some moves. There have been changes, but it can still barely be called Xilan's personal biography, right?"

The girl thought for a while, then nodded: "Well, it just makes sense."

"Okay, can you tell me your identity now?"

"My identity?" A sly light flashed in the girl's eyes, and a sly smile appeared on the handsome face: "Secret."


I was deceived by a woman again.

I heard that the more beautiful women are, the better at deceiving people.

But I haven't heard that the more handsome women are also the better at deceiving people.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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