Why is there such a smile?

Does she think she will eat me?

Who gave her this confidence?

Oath the Guardian Organization?

No, no, this possibility shouldn't be great. After all, none of the adventurers of the Oath Guards organization I have seen is better than me.

If you want to win me with the power of the Oath Guardian organization currently deployed, it is impossible.

Then why does she show such a smile?

Suddenly, there was a flash of thought in my mind, and my face changed: Is it possible...

My complexion returned to natural in an instant, I raised my head and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, coughed lightly, and said, "It's getting late, I have to go back. There are still people waiting for me to eat."

Heroes rested her chin in her hands, and a smile appeared on her face: "That girl who seems so innocent?"

"Yes, it's her" I responded with the same smile.

At the same time, my fingers trembled uncontrollably. It wasn't nervousness, it wasn't fear, but...a precursor to a murder.

I have to say that the tone and demeanor of Heroes successfully aroused the longing for killing that I had hidden in my heart for a long time.

"Oh, oh," Heloise suddenly smiled: "Don't look at me with such scary eyes. People are still just a little girl."

"Really?" My smile remained unchanged, but my tone was slightly teasing: "But in my opinion, it's not too small~"

——I have reached the age when I can be responsible for what I say and do.

"Huh? Do you really think so?" Heloise raised her hand, adjusted her short blonde hair that was hanging in her ear, and then her tone changed slightly, seemingly regretful: "But it's a pity, I I want to stay with you for dinner."

"Next time" I said: "I'm a little tired, I want to go back to rest early and leave."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

On the way back, I walked like flying, not to avoid stalking. After all, I was already on the line with the leader of the Oathguard Organization, which meant that as long as I had not left this town, I had an unclear relationship with the Oathguard.

The reason why I am so anxious is because I am very worried about the Blue Witch and Tuo Tuo.

God knows if that woman will use people around me as a threat to force me to submit.

If so... it would be easier to handle.

He rushed to the hotel and opened the door. What you saw was the kind and familiar household garbage all over the floor, as well as the sweet and crisp sound.

This girl must have secretly bought crispy potato chips behind my back.

In the last town, when the Blue Witch and I were visiting the night market, she was attracted by the lingering scent, and followed the scent to a stall that specializes in potato chips.

Staring lustfully at the large tray full of potato chips, the Blue Witch was stuck in it, unable to extricate herself, even I couldn't take her away.

She didn't want to leave with me until she bought a whole pocket of potato chips.

The rest of the night, I couldn't sleep well. The crisp sound of chewing potato chips continued to torture me until more than three in the morning, when the Blue Witch was tired from eating and fell into a deep sleep unconsciously.

Seeing her mouthful of food scraps and the potato chips still held firmly by her fingertips, I really hate myself, why should I take her out to the night market.

At that time, I was thinking, if I go to the next town, I will not take her to the night market again, let alone buy her such torturous potato chips.

However, at this moment, when I heard the familiar sound of chewing potato chips again, I suddenly felt inexplicably relieved.

What can I say?

I can only use two words to express my feelings at the moment: it is so fragrant!

When I entered the door, I saw the blue witch lazily lying on the sofa, taking potato chips from her handbag with one hand, grabbing a potato chip with the other hand, and throwing it away.

The technique of throwing potato chips is extremely skillful, I don't know how long I practiced.

At the moment when the potato chips were thrown out, the little hound flew around to pick up the potato chips more skillfully.

Uh, how should I say, being skilled makes people feel bad.

Yes, it really hurts!

Watching the potato chips spin in mid-air, and when it is about to land, Tuo Tuo's mottled tongue sticks out, and at a lightning speed, it accurately rolls the potato chips and gets involved. In the mouth, then squeak and eat.

After eating, he ran back to the blue witch, squatted down in front of the sofa, and continued to look forward to the next potato chip.


Standing at the door, I made a sound, and while attracting the attention of the Blue Witch and Tuotuo, I fixed my eyes on the pocket of potato chips beside the sofa.

"Huh? Why are there pockets of potato chips here?" The blue witch calmly pretended to be stupid: "Oh, it's all new and hot, this is not good, wasting food is a heinous behavior, I have to eliminate these evils! "

Having said that, she grabbed a handful of potato chips with a righteous expression, stuffed it into her mouth, and continued to say in a righteous tone: "Woohoo, facing so many sins, my strength is too thin, stubborn. , Come on, let's help me eliminate the evil forces together!"

While talking, she reached into her pocket, grabbed a handful of potato chips, and threw it in front of Tuo Tuo.

Tuo Tuo lowered his head impatiently, and began to eat in silence.

This person, a dog, eats dimly, without sun and moon!

A quarter of the potato chips in Yidouzi was quickly killed, and the blue witch was just now suddenly, and said to me: "Xiaoyi, you are here, it is just right, come quickly, come and help me eliminate the evil!"

Seeing her acting so hard, I had to cooperate with her, walked up to her, pinched a potato chip, stuffed it into my mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it.

"Oh, your ability to destroy evil forces is still too low, look at me!"

The blue witch reached out and grabbed a large handful, and her head was stuffed into her mouth. When she chewed, the crisp noise of the potato chips was almost in time for the firecrackers.

I couldn't laugh or cry, I reached out and wiped the corners of her mouth and cheeks, and said, "It's important to eliminate the evil forces, but you can't hurt yourself for this reason. Eat slowly and don't choke."

The chewing movement of the blue witch stopped for an instant, and she looked at me in surprise, her eyes seeming to be inconceivable.

After a while, she raised her hand in a daze, touched my forehead, and then touched her own, subconsciously muttering: "No, no fever..."

Reaching out and squeezing her small face, I stood up and smiled and said, "Okay, eat, I won't object to it in the future."

"Really, really?" The Blue Witch asked suspiciously.

"Except for bedtime in the future, you can eat whenever you want."

After hearing what I said, the Blue Witch was relieved immediately, she took a long breath, then leaned back and collapsed on the sofa again.

I lazily picked up a slice of potato chips with my index finger and middle finger, put it in my mouth, chewed slowly, and then complained at me: "Say it earlier, it made me choke to death. Quickly, pour me a glass of water."

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