Since the Blue Witch is still in the room, and there does not seem to be any special goodness and traces around the room, that is to say, even if the Oath Guards organization knows that our temporary residence is here, it has not sent any hostile to us. Threat warning.

Heloise’s confident and sly smile does not mean ‘I caught your handle’, but ‘you will take the initiative to participate in my actions’.

In other words, in addition to the favor of intelligence, she has a hole card that I haven't noticed yet.

What will this hole card be?

I tried to guess, but I couldn't guess it anyway.

This is not only because I don't know much about Heroes, but also because I don't know much about the entire demon world.

In order to figure out everything, I bought a lot of snacks for the Blue Witch and Tuotuo the next morning, so that they can stay at home with peace of mind and don’t run around randomly, and then rushed to the Oathguard Organization and used it. The price of a copper coin per person, please ask the guards to help inform you.

Driven by money, the guards at the gate behaved very positively.

After a short while, he went back and forth, with a smile on his face, and said to me politely: "The leader would like to please."

Seeing Heroes again was another feeling.

Although the handsome face has not changed, her temperament is completely different from yesterday, less charming and more capable.

"I knew, you will be back." Heloise smiled and got up, pulled a chair, placed it across the desk, and warmly invited me to take a seat.

"Although I still don't know your identity, judging from what you have done since you arrived in the Demon Realm, you are a person who hates evil and is a noble person with the same ideas and concepts as our swearing guard... ..."

"Ms. Heroes" raised her hand, and I interrupted her flattery: "You must know that you are smart. I am not here to listen to you complimenting me, and I am not in the mood to engage in commercial bluffs. Please be straightforward."

When I suddenly interrupted the conversation, Heloise did not get angry, but resolved the embarrassment with a smile, then sighed, sat back upright, folded her hands on the table, and assumed a serious negotiating posture. : "Since you want to be straightforward, I won't hide it anymore."

"In fact, the main purpose of my specially invited you is not only to find the hidden child hidden inside the Oath Guard, but also to ask you to help and cooperate, and strive to once again hit the people behind the Sha Xiu faction."

"The person behind the scenes of the Shaxiu faction?" After thinking for a while, I frowned and said solemnly: "Apostle?"

Heroes nodded slightly: "It is the apostle."

"The apostle is not something that humans can contend with, unless you can find a battle mage as powerful as the necromancer and a substitute for the elite group led by the necromancer."

"A substitute has been found." Heroes stared at me and said: "It's just a battle mage as powerful as a necromancer, sorry, no."


I was stunned for a few seconds, slowly sinking my face, and said: "Since I can't guarantee even the most critical factor, do you still want to defeat the apostle?"

"That's why I found you" Heloise said: "I hope you can make up this gap."

"Just kidding!" I sternly shouted: "No matter how strong I am, at best, I am just an adventurer with a gradual change. I have not even reached the awakening. I myself have no confidence to fight the apostle. Why do you have confidence in me?"

In the voice of my furious questioning, Heloise was surprisingly calm. She folded her hands, supported her chin, and looked at me with a calm gaze. After ten seconds, she slowly said: "Because I am from your I felt the breath of an apostle in my body."

Damn it!

Are you a dog nose?

I have taken so many baths, and I also used a lot of bath essence, you can still smell the apostle?

In my astonished gaze, Heloise continued: "Do you think my rhetoric is too exaggerated? It's just because you don't understand me. Now that it's all here, and the future of the Oath Guardian organization is indeed true. If you need your help, I might as well confess everything about me to you."

Taking a deep breath, Heroes slowly said: "My name is Heroes, and the ancestor of my family is Niwu, the founder of the Oath Guardian. You already know these two things, but I don't I told you that after turning into a battle mage, Ni Wu was accidentally eroded by the powerful frost element magic in a battle experiment with her friends. Although the magic element was removed in time, her body has been removed since then. It has also mutated, becoming a completely different physique from ordinary people, and this physique factor can be passed on to the next generation through genetic transmission."

Hearing this, I was puzzled and looked at Heroes.

"Yes, I also have the same mutant physique as my ancestors. It's just my mutation point, not physical appearance, but perception. I can perceive the magical energy contained in your body and some of the power hidden in your body. ."

Taking a deep breath, she apologized: "I'm sorry that I probed your body without permission, but please believe me, I have no intentions."

At this moment, I am speechless.

It's not because she has the ability to detect magical energy and part of the energy in the body, nor is it because she explored my body without my consent, but because she said that her mutation has nothing to do with the appearance of her body!

In other words, is she so handsome?

Fuck, a handsome woman is actually born!

This is simply the misfortune of men, but also the sorrow of women.

"Boy, your focus is crooked" Odachi's voice sounded in my mind again.

"Okay, I see." Subconsciously rubbing my temples, I restrained my excitement and continued to listen to the story of Heroes.

Seeing that I didn’t have any sullen expression, Heloise was relieved immediately, her tone became a little more relaxed, but still heavy: "As you can see, my ability is not reflected in combat, and It is reflected in perception. Because of the lack of ability, I was removed from the list of heirs to the head of the headquarters. In the future, it is my brother, a boy who likes to destroy.

"I can even foresee, in the not-too-distant future, when he enters the ceremony and becomes the general leader of the Oath-Guardian organization, what a terrifying appearance the Oath-Guardian organization will look like!"

"Truthlessness, madness, destruction, killing, blood flowing in rivers, corpses all over the field... The Oathsman organization is clearly an organization that guards the peace of the devil, and is a symbol of the accumulation of countless efforts of the ancestors, but it will be in the near future. Deteriorating completely, what a terrible thing this is, and what a sad thing this is."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal. Please collect them: ( Those who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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