The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 2996: Opponent is too strong

Facing the increasingly fierce magical fluctuations, I quickly stopped my movements, waved my hand, and said, "Brother, please don’t get excited, take a deep breath, yes, like me, inhale—exhale—inhale, oh, please stop Condensed dazzling lines, I am not malicious, you should be able to perceive it, right?"

"Killing intent can be disguised." The tavernkeeper looked sharp and said solemnly: "If I don't prepare in advance, when your hand is taken out, my end may come."

"No, no, you are worrying too much, trust me, I don't mean to hurt you, I just want to show you something, something that might relieve your hostility."

However, even though I persuaded in every possible way, the boss remained silent, and gathered the dazzling patterns, five, six, seven, eight... until ten, the cohesion did not end.

His eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and he stared at me quietly, until the next second, he said: "Okay, you can take your hand out."

"Are you fully prepared?" My eyes were calm and my face was as usual: "Can I really take things out?"

"Yes," the tavern owner said solemnly.

"So" slowly took out his hand, and slowly passed it to the table, slowly spreading his five fingers.

At the moment the fingers opened, a powerful and ethereal wave of magic flashed across the room in an instant.

The tavern owner was stunned. He stared at the thing lying quietly in the palm of my hand. His eyes froze for a while. After a while, he looked astonished and said with difficulty: "This, this is.... .."

"Don't say you don't know" I gently pushed the thing that bloomed with powerful magical fluctuations in front of him, so that he could take a closer look: "Although this thing has disappeared in the demon world for hundreds of millions of years, it represents The significance of this is that after hundreds, thousands, and hundreds of millions of years, it will not be buried in the dust of history."

While speaking, I stretched out my index finger, tapped the thing a few times, and said in a serious tone: "Because it is history."

With the end of the last word, ten of them are full of magical power, and they may burst out with powerful destructive dazzling patterns at any time, and all of them disappear.

After about two breaths, no more fluctuations were felt.

The tavernkeeper did not reach out to touch the thing on the table, but stared at it with shocked expression, feeling the magic contained in it and the magic wave that it radiated extremely seriously.

That is the magic wave that only belongs to the strong, and it is a symbol of strength.

The owner of such a thing once led his servants and launched a fierce attack on the apostle who sits high on the throne and prides himself on being a god.

Although it was finally defeated, its owner was still not discouraged. In order to inform more people of the truth about the demon world, in order to awaken more people, and to break free from the shackles of fate, its owner even turned himself into Shura. Hell, show people with a dirty face, use cruel methods to train people, and then use extravagance and extreme desire, tyrannical disguise, to deceive his former enemy, and at the same time, he must overcome his destiny.

In the end, its owner was still defeated and had to cheat to death.

However, he did not really die, but reappeared in the world in another posture.

Yes, the owner of this thing is exactly the original ninth master and apprentice of the Demon World-Tyrannosaurus King Ba, who has power comparable to that of an apostle, although he does not possess the power of an apostle. Carl.

And this thing is an inverse scale of Bakar.

This was the last day before the portal was opened. The evil dragon Spitz quietly handed me something, and at the same time, conveyed Bakar’s greetings: You must use this thing, and don’t forget me. Black nightmare.

Of course I will not forget.

At this moment, looking at the sluggish expression of the tavernkeeper, I said silently in my heart.

I'm sure that before arriving in Silent City, Maker Luke must have conducted similar experiments in the Demon Realm, but limited by various factors, this one-third of the Demon Realm cannot extract enough black nightmares.

But the inability to extract enough black nightmares does not mean that there is definitely not.

During the time I was in contact with Luke, I tentatively mentioned topics related to the black nightmare to him.

At first, Luke didn't want to say it, but I couldn't help but I would ask him questions from time to time. Luke finally told me what he knew about the black nightmare.

According to his analysis, the black nightmare only appears when there is an excess of energy, and this excess is not double or twice, but N to the Nth power.

That being said, it may not be clear, let us give an example.

If it is said that to create a seed, the energy required is five, and the one who created the seed has poured energy of five to the tenth power in the process of creation, which means that there will be an extra 9.765,000. The energy of six hundred and twenty, the extra energy will be expelled by the seed and form a piece of something similar to an energy stone, but this thing is much more powerful than an energy stone.

Since the appearance is black, the energy contained in it is too great, and it is terrifying like a nightmare for Luke, so Luke directly called it the "black nightmare".

It sounds trivial, but this is the name that most intuitively embodies the scaryness of the black nightmare.

Of course, the above is just a metaphor. The energy that can truly form a black nightmare is not just a mere five to the tenth power, it is very likely to be five to the five hundredth power, or even more.

In Luke's view, once a black nightmare the size of a fingernail is activated, the power that can erupt is enough to erase a town from the map.

Listen well, it is to erase, not destroy.

When I heard this description, I broke down in cold sweat.

You know, I have absorbed the black nightmare the size of two fingernails. No, one of them is obviously larger than the fingernails, and even two toenails are as big as the two toenails.

Fortunately, the Black Nightmare didn't explode at the time, otherwise, there would be no more than half of Ai Rui City.

No, this is not the point. The point is that under that degree of explosion, no matter how strong the self-healing ability is, it won't be useful, because I definitely can't even leave ashes.

Just when I was thinking about it, the tavernkeeper's voice suddenly remembered, low and serious: "This is... the thing of the apostle?"

"Bakar, also known as the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, he often claims to be the strongest apostle in the devil world, but I don't believe it, can the strongest be beaten and run away?"

As I spoke, I showed a sardonic smile.

The tavern owner was slightly moved, as if he was a little excited and wanted to be impulsive, but after thinking about it again and again, he calmed down. After thinking for a few minutes, he suddenly got up, poured me a glass of wine, and said slowly with a heavy tone: "No He is not strong, but the opponent is too strong."

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