I always feel that the unbearable experience of the Demon Realm that Tyrannosaurus King Bakar told me is just part of the many Demon Realm experiences.

Now, this has finally been confirmed.

It was a war that originated hundreds of millions of years ago, and the Demon World called it the War of Dragons.

The original ninth apostle, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, after insight into the conspiracy of Weeping Eye Helder, decided to launch a war that would change his fate.

The two sides participating in the battle are: Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, and all the dragons under his command to fight the Weeping Eye Helder, Conqueror Casillas, Rogue Silok, Black Plague Dirich, Flame Devourer ·Antoun, and almost all the strongest in the demon world.

This war lasted for a long time, and both sides had their own victories. It wasn't until the most mysterious and strongest existence in the demon world, Kahn, who also joined the battlefield, and the balance of victory tilted the demon world irreversibly.

The Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, who fought inextricably with several apostles one after another, but after fighting with the Faterant Kahn, he suddenly realized that he was not his enemy!

Looking at the casualties of his own army, the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar finally gave up his arrogant and arrogant dragon dignity, leading the remnants of defeated generals and fleeing the devil as a defeated.

This is the truth of that war.

Although the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar has always regarded the Dragon War as a shame and often kept silent, in the eyes of the tavernkeeper in front of him, the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar brought something to the devil world that was already in the dark. Beam of hope.

Fate can be resisted, but success requires a great price.

This belief has been circulated among ordinary residents of the Demon Realm, and has had a great impact on the future rise of many civilians.

For example, the establishment of the Oath Guardian organization.

Ni Wu, the founder of the Oath Guards organization, was originally an ordinary girl in the devil world, but she has always kept in mind the belief that ‘fate can be resisted’ and worked hard for it.

And when she was a teenager, the Haxiu faction was about to invade the hometown of Niwu.

At that time, Ni Wu had the same mentality as many civilians in the Demon Realm, full of panic and despair.

Ni Wu even knelt down and prayed, praying that the original ninth apostle, the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, who dared to fight against fate, would give her inspiration for her fate.

However, the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar had to flee back to the dragon clan territory because of severe injuries, and could not respond to her at all.

However, the power of idols and beliefs is powerful.

Although Ni Wu received no enlightenment, for some reason, she was still inspired by the illusory beliefs, condensing the dazzling pattern, and promoting it in a very short period of time. When the Xiu faction invaded, she led A group of civilian adventurers proficient in dazzling patterns counterattacked the invading army of the Sha Xiu faction and successfully defeated the enemy army. After that, they even challenged the enemy's behind-the-scenes commander-Weeping Eye Herder.

Although his side suffered heavy casualties, Unexpectedly, Herder also suffered a certain degree of severe damage!

Humans, severely wounded the apostle?

This is an unprecedented feat in the history of the Devil!

Niwu has become famous since then and has become the most shining star in the history of the Devildom.

After listening to this narration, I stared at the tavernkeeper with suspicion: "Who are you?"

"A pub owner" took a deep breath, and he smiled.

"You know what I mean, what I want to ask is, your true identity."

"I know you, An Xiaoyi, you are a human being from other planets. Your home planet seems to be the same planet as Xilan's home planet. It is for this reason that I will invite you to this room. Drank and talked."

I poured another glass of wine. This time it was the tavern owner who drank it himself. Then he sighed and said slowly: "Because you can get things related to Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, I will tell you about this. A real historical fact of the devil world, now, if you want to know my true identity, you have to come up with enough things to gain my trust."

"Of course you can" I said: "How do you think the trust of the descendants of Niu?"

"Descendants of Niwu?" The tavern owner thought a little, his eyes flashed, and he blurted out suddenly, "You mean...Heroes?"

"Yes." I snapped my fingers and smiled: "If I guessed correctly, you should have her contact information, right?"

The tavernkeeper's expression flickered, obviously, he was hesitating to believe me.

With a sigh of relief, I took out the phone and dialed Heloise in front of him.

After a short while, the call was established, and the voice of Heroes came from the microphone: "Hello, I am Heroes, are you An Xiaoyi?"

"it's me."

"Suddenly calling at this time, is there any help?"

"Yes" I said: "I need your help to be a prover."


"Yes, it proves that the relationship between me and the Sworn Guards organization is not bad, and I am quite trusted by the descendants of Nepal."

There was silence on the microphone side.

After dozens of seconds, Heloise suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, I understand."

"So" I handed the phone in my hand to the tavernkeeper, and said, "You can tell whether this is the descendant of the Niu, the leader of the Oathguard Organization branch, the voice of Heroes."

At this moment, the expression of the tavernkeeper was wonderful-dullness contained disbelief, disbelief contained unbelievable, unbelievable contained unbelievable.

Yes, the voice of Heroes is very distinctive. It is both male and different from the male voice. You can feel that it is definitely a female voice when you hear it, but it is still different from ordinary female voices.

After receiving the mobile phone, the tavernkeeper still had a brief communication with Heroes.

Afterwards, he completely believed that the other party was the descendant of Niwu, the supreme leader of the Oathguard Organization in the northern region, Heroes.

"Okay." The tavern owner returned the hung-up cell phone to me, and sighed lightly, saying: "Since even the descendants of Niu trust you, I don't have to hide anything. Just introduce myself, that name, It has been abandoned by me for a long time. Let me tell you who I am. I am a descendant of Pai."

"Pye?" I wondered.

"It's Niwu's closest friend."

I was suddenly curious: "The friend of the Battle Mage turned out to be the Elemental Mage. I thought these two organizations were always rivals."

"The Oath of the Guardian organization and Tarakuta are indeed full of contradictions, but this does not hinder the feelings between the members of the two organizations."

"Does it mean that those who really contradict the Oathguard Organization are actually extremist members?"

"You can say that" the tavernkeeper nodded.

"Wait" I suddenly thought of a point that cannot be ignored.

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