I remember that the Demon Realm indeed has the six most powerful organizations, and even Heloise gave me the general situation of these six organizations, and I read it like a spectator.

Sworn Guardian, led by a melee mage, an organization that most adventurers from the devil world can participate in.

The Haxiu faction, established by the Weeping Eye Herder, and secretly controlled, has the most powerful organization in the Demon Realm.

The Swirling Demon Society, an organization of summoners established by Katie, the wizard who claims to be infinitely close to the apostle, is not clear whether the wizard and the wizard belong to the same type of creatures, but in my opinion, they are by no means the same kind of creatures, just a comparison of their names. It's close.

As for why I think this way, the answer is simple. The real elves will not be infinitely close to the apostle in strength, but the apostle will be destroyed at the touch of a finger.

This is not what I said, but the original Ninth Apostle, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar personally said-with a playful attitude, you can easily imprison me in the palm of your hand, as if you can destroy me with your fingers. Exhausted, this horrible feeling is something I have never experienced before.

All of the above are the feelings of Tyrannosaurus King Bakar when he challenged the new elders of the fairy clan.

The strength of the new elder of the fairy tribe is similar to that of the new elder of the elven tribe.

It is conceivable that the strength of ordinary adult elves and ordinary adult elves, which are slightly inferior to the elders in terms of strength, can probably easily obliterate the existence of the apostle.

Therefore, I can be sure that Katie is not an elf, but may be an aboriginal in the demon world, or a forest elf lost in the demon world.

But I heard that Katie is still alive and lives in Central Park. If there is a chance, I must pay a visit.

Keke, it's far away.

The next demon world organization is the elemental division organization. It is said that the first leader of the organization is the elemental mage named Void Mage Ron. It is said that this elementalist is also as powerful as an apostle.

Then there is the ancient library. This organization is rather mysterious. Even Heroes can't completely figure out the organization structure and core members of the organization. The only thing that can be determined is that the leader of this organization is called the Inferior One Yiqi , And this is also a big man who has lived for hundreds of millions of years. It is said that even the apostle will not easily provoke this organization. It seems that it is not unreasonable, but too troublesome. As for the troublesome method, it is not known.

The last of the six major organizations of the Demon World is the second agreement. The founder of the organization is Smila, who is known as the originator of the Sacrifice Stream Summoner. She was supposed to be a core member of the Swirl Demon Society. Di's gentle heart is completely different from the killing heart, causing the two who should be close partners to part ways and even become enemies.

Now when I think of the relationship between Katie and Smila, I feel quite embarrassed.

However, there is no Tarakuta.

Yes, none of the six organizations is named Tarakuta!

So I raised this question to the tavern owner very seriously.

After listening, the tavern owner was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed and laughed, he said: "It is indeed possible for the girl of Heroes to do such a thing."


The tavern owner took a sigh of relief and continued: "Since the child was very young, the relationship between the swearing guard and Tarakuta has not been very good. The child is deeply influenced, so he habitually organizes Tarakuta. The members’ occupations were called out as the name of the organization."

"Occupation as a name?" I murmured, "That is to say..."

"The real name of the Elemental Division organization is Tara Kuta."

The real name of the elemental division organization is Tara Kuta...

Wait, Tara Kuta?

Isn't this the name of the elemental magician organization founded at the end of the ancient times on the Hefeng continent?

Could it be said that...Tarakuta was actually inherited from the Demon Realm?

How can this...

Suddenly, my brows frowned.

No, it is very possible.


Yes, Alice was ordered to pass on this organization, it must be so.

She did this for only one purpose-as a dark game of Weeping Eye Herder, when necessary, to use her strength to guide her mind and turn the tide of the battle.

If I expected it to be correct, the deaths of Stalker Silok, Tyrannosaurus Bakar, Longfoot Rotes, Black Plague Dirich, Flame Devourer Antoun and Maker Luke, In fact, it was all made by Weeping Eye Helder through Alice's hand.

Among them, Tara Kuta, who was managed by Alice and others, must have contributed a lot.

After all, most of the core members of Tara Kuta at the time were Mori Fairies. I believe that a considerable number of these Mori Fairies can be linked to the Fairy Royal Family.

With their lead, the people’s perspective is transferred to the apostles, and then the people are guided with appropriate language to make them hate the apostles, and finally turn this hatred into violence and attack the apostles.

At this point, Alice, no, it should be said that it was Weeping Eye Herder's plan, and it was completed.

Hidden chess pieces, misfortune, this woman really slipped away.

The corners of my lips curled up, and I chuckled secretly in my heart, then raised my head, looking at the tavernkeeper, and asked: "I really don't understand. They are all aboriginals of the Demon Realm. The Defender of Oath and Tara Kuta are neither like 佧. The Xiu faction is extremely crazy, and it does not stand against each other like the Spin Demon Society and the second agreement. Why does it become an opponent?"

"This starts from the core content of the two organizations" said the tavern owner: "In the beginning, after Niwu created the Oath-Guardian organization, Talakuta has also helped the Oath-Guardian in many ways, even When the guards were chased and intercepted by the Haxiu faction, they helped the guards of the oath to overcome difficulties. The two organizations at that time could be described as close to each other. However, a demon world hundreds of years after the death of Niwu and Pai At the league meeting, someone raised a question, is it the magical variant that is stronger, or the original magical?"

"Once this question was raised, the entire venue was quiet. If Lord Niwu and Lord Pai were alive, representatives of the two organizations would definitely stare at the guy who asked this idiot question with contempt, but unfortunately, The two adults have passed away for hundreds of years, and during these hundreds of years, as the Oath Guards organization has grown, many people have concealed arrogant thoughts in their hearts, and even in some light and secret, there will be some small actions to show themselves Some of them look down on Tarakuta, and some people in Tarakuta begin to think that the Oathsworn organization are muscular fools who can only fight in close quarters."

"That's how the estrangement was born, and with the emergence of this problem, the estrangement gradually derives into a contradiction, and finally becomes an opposition, which is what it is today."

The tavernkeeper filled his glass and poured it into his mouth, his face full of unwillingness.

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