Dinner was spent in a mess.

In the next few days, I will spend at least ten hours in the tavern every day, and I will be cooking and talking about Xilan.

As the saying goes: streets and corners, casinos and custom shops, these are the best places to inquire about news.

I just want to say: what the saying goes.

After several days of inquiries, I got a better understanding of Xilan's whereabouts.

The most recent piece of information appeared twenty years ago.

Xilan had drunk here, and also easily solved a dozen or so sects lurking in, waiting for the opportunity to take the chase of his head.

I asked the tavern owner curiously: "Why can you be sure that this person is Xilan?"

The tavernkeeper believes: "In the Demon Realm, he can be completely fearless of the Shah Xiu faction, and can eliminate a dozen masters in a few seconds, and the weapon is still an adventurer with a sword, only Xiran alone."

Wonderful reasoning!

I think the tavern owner should be given 82 points and 66 points.

After beheading the adventurer who Ha Xiu sent to follow and kill him, Xi Lan did not leave immediately, but stayed in the tavern for another three days, until he had spent all his money before choosing to leave.

I asked the tavern owner Xi Lan where he went after this?

The tavern owner said that he didn't know, but what was certain was that Xilan went out of town directly.

Later, the tavern owner recommended to me the guard of the city back then and told me his address.

Carrying the wine jar, I came to the guard's house and found the guard.

Now, the guard has retired. The main job is to make money at home, and the side job is to brag with the neighborhood, and the job of guarding the city gate is left to his son.

Seeing me visiting him with a hip flask, the old man quickly saw through my intentions: "Are you here to inquire about Xilan?"

I was surprised at the time, so I asked him why he knew, did anyone tell him?

The old man said that no one told him that he guessed it himself. After all, a guard at the gate is not worth anyone visiting with a gift. The only possibility is to ask himself for information about Xilan.

I was convinced by the old man's wisdom, so I put down the wine jar and asked him straightforwardly about the direction of Xilan's departure.

The old man stared at me for a while, then suddenly said, "You are not from the Yanxiu faction. Tell me why you are looking for Xilan?"

I did not hide it, and confessed directly: "I approached Xilan for two things. The first is not easy to explain, but the second one can tell you that it is entrusted to ask if Xilan wants to return to his hometown."

"Entrusted by others?" The old man laughed ambiguously, and said nonchalantly: "Entrusted by women, right."

"Yes, it's a woman, you should have guessed the identity of that person?"

The old man laughed and said nothing.

Later, he told me that Xilan was heading south. According to his guess and judgment, there are two possibilities, one is to make money, and then to spend the day drinking and enjoying life in the wine city in the south, and the other is to continue assassination. Apostle, after all, he had done this before, and more than once.

Upon hearing this, I seem to understand why Weeping Eye Held keeps posting the wanted notice for Xilan until now. If it is anyone who has been entangled by a buzzing bug many times, it will definitely be. Hate it to the bone.

Besides, Xilan is not a docile creature like ordinary insects, but a fire ant that can hurt her, even fatal.

Later, the old man reminded me that he had better prepare mentally, because even if he found Xilan, he might not go back with me.

I asked the old man in confusion, why he said this, is there any basis?

The old man told me that there is no basis, but instinct, and...

Speaking of this, his son came back from get off work, with his daughter-in-law and the hot food he bought.

Upon seeing this, I couldn't stay any longer and left directly.

The next day, when I visited the old man again, the old man seemed to have forgotten what he didn't finish yesterday.

Adhering to the fine tradition of respecting the old and caring for the young, I put down the souvenirs and left the old man in silence.

To be honest, I don’t think the old man has forgotten about this, but he doesn’t seem to want to answer me.

I don’t understand the reason, and leaning on my chin in thought, to my surprise, the blue witch on the side chuckled from the end of the bed to the end of the bed, with her chin resting on my arm, enlightening me muffledly. After a while, the content is very simple: He didn't say that this matter is actually easy to understand, perhaps because he thinks that as long as you find Xilan, all doubts will be solved.

I have to say that the Blue Witch is reasonable.

Agreeing with the idea of ​​the Blue Witch, I finally got a good night's sleep that night, otherwise I really couldn't sleep.

In the next few days, the useful information I found in the tavern was very poor.

So I started to want to go.

Prepared all kinds of bagged snacks in advance, and bought a lot of roast chicken and roast duck air-dried beef and roasted lamb chops, as well as a lot of fresh vegetables, put them in the locomotive, and talk to the Jiucheng City Guard Team before leaving The four big guys said hello and left.

When I left, the four big guys from the General Administration reminded me that no matter which town I go to, I should try my best to make an agreement with the Yan Xiu faction and the second one. It is said that these two organizations have appeared briefly and intensely in some towns. The friction caused no casualties at all, but the situation has already begun, and it is estimated that it will not be long before the Demon World will usher in the latest turmoil.

The man who took the lead did not forget to tell me that if the outside is really messed up and it is difficult to survive, you can come to the wine town, which is a neutral zone and is safer than other towns.

I waved to them and boarded the locomotive and left.

To be honest, if I am not from the Hefeng Mainland, if it is not for me that I have no sense of belonging in the devil world, I really want to live a lifetime in the wine city.

Although I encountered an assassination within a few days, compared with the glitz and grumpiness of other towns, this place is more simple and simple than any other place.

The unintelligible drinkers, the simple and stupid moaters, and even the six major organizations do not set up a foothold here. When I think of this, I suddenly miss the wine city.

... even if it was less than an hour after leaving the wine city.

The wine city seems to be the geographical demarcation point of the northern region.

To the north of Jiucheng, it was almost desolate, except for the overgrown weeds, only hares remained.

To the south of Jiucheng, both vegetation and animals and insects have become more numerous.

After driving for less than an hour, I saw a group of foxes chasing a few house mice.

The house mouse is still very fast, it seems to be faster than the fox, but it does not have the cunning of the fox, nor the unity of the fox. When chasing, the house mouse will fall behind, run in other directions, and then be caught and bitten. dead.

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