"What a wonderful animal world war!"

While driving, I admired.

"It's bloody, not pretty at all."

The blue witch sitting in the co-pilot had a vague voice.

Subconsciously turned his head.

"When did you get the roast chicken?"

"Just now," she said while gnawing on the roast chicken, "just when you watched the wonderful animal world war."


Only in this aspect of eating, this girl can definitely do it without knowing it.

"Although I don't want to say that, I still have to remind you that although it's okay, it's delicious, but the total amount is counted. If you eat it early, you can only eat grilled game in the next few days."

"It's okay." The blue witch swallowed the roast chicken in her mouth, picked up a bag of drink, took a sip, hiccuped, and said, "The game here is richer. If you're serious, you might be able to catch it. When it comes to pheasants and ducks, I have eaten a lot of pheasants and ducks in the forest before. Even without seasoning, it tastes very beautiful!"

Looking at the blue witch's longing look, I was speechless.

The wild animals here seem to have a good understanding of locomotives, and no one can't think about it or challenge the majesty of locomotives.

Whether it is a small house mouse or a lion-like beast with a thief size, the first reaction after seeing the locomotive is to avoid it.

House mice, rabbits, civet cats, foxes, etc. It makes sense for these creatures to avoid driving cars. After all, locomotives are bigger than them, their shells are harder, and their eruptions are stronger than them. Just carelessly. Broken bones.

But large creatures like lions don’t need this at all. Take a beast that looks like a lion thief. Its thinnest forelimb has four adult thighs together thick. When it’s on the ground, Its height is at least more than three meters high. If a person stands up, it must be five meters high, which has already exceeded the length of a locomotive.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that there is a tail like a scorpion behind it.

If this thing is of the same family as a certain monster in the myths and legends of the blue planet, it should be called a lion-scorpion.

In the myths and legends of the blue planet, this thing seems to be much more fierce than the griffon.

However, if I search for my memories of Griffins on the Hefeng Continent, I am generally certain that this thing should not be able to do the Griffins.

Because even in the face of the powerful onlookers of several giant dragons such as the evil dragon Spitz, the griffon has not lost its fighting spirit despite the horror. This is enough to show that the strength of the griffon may not be as good as the dragon, but it is also Not far.

After all, for other creatures other than humans, the strength of strength can be judged from the very beginning. When facing creatures that are several times stronger than themselves, what a weak creature shows is not resistance, but fear and obedience. .

The Griffin has never shown similar emotions. It even wants to struggle a bit, trying to get rid of this oppressive attack.

Although the final result is that it failed.

But it's a glorious defeat.

Anyway, I don't believe that the lion and heliconia can fight against the dragon, otherwise this thing will definitely not be raised on the grassland.

But what I want to say is that, according to its size, you can try it if you challenge the locomotive, so as to give me a chance to get rid of them.

Especially when I saw their sturdy limbs and body, I was even more eager to try the taste of roasting this animal.

I believe the meat must be chewy.

I just don't know how it tastes.

While spitting out in my heart, I slowed down and created opportunities for these fierce animals to attack.

The blue witch looked at my eyes strangely and muttered: "Why did the car speed drop?"

"Watch the beautiful scenery and fill your heart."

"It will be dark in a while," the Blue Witch said dissatisfied. "Do you want to camp in this dangerous place?"

"Don't worry, I have asked someone to strengthen the surroundings of the locomotive. Don't talk about them. It's just a running wild boar, and I don't want to cause any substantial damage to the locomotive."

"Wild boar!" Upon hearing the words, the blue witch's eyes lit up: "The wild boar is delicious and very chewy."

After that, he sipped, swallowed the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and then continued to chew the roast chicken.

A whole roast chicken had been gnawed by her, and the remaining bones and bones with meat were fed to the tuo.

Tuotuo was very happy to eat, and didn't care that there was a group of terrifying carnivores around us watching our car.

After a short while, I stopped the car, opened the door, and got out of the car.

"Do you really want to spend the night here?" The Blue Witch was slightly dissatisfied.

"Isn't it right here?" I asked back, "The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the air is fresh, and the temperature is very pleasant."

"Not good," the blue witch retorted, "Firstly, there are no mountains here, and secondly, the water is not beautiful, just some lakes. The air is good, and the temperature is still barely, but the comprehensive score failed."

"Don't be so strict." I patted the roof of the car and said to the blue witch: "Come, come down, and prepare dinner together."

"You are ready."

The blue witch ate the last piece of chicken into her mouth and said vaguely.

Huh? Is it because she is afraid of the carnivores around and she is afraid to get out of the car?

As I was thinking, she said again: "When you are ready, I will get off again."

Oh, it was not afraid, but lazy and didn't want to move.

Open the trunk, take out the newly bought small grill, light the fire, and then take out a few roast chickens, put them directly on the grill, and then take off the right hand guard, constantly turning the grilled chicken heated.

The purpose of this is very simple, I don't want to make the guards twisted.

As the temperature of the charcoal fire increases, the fat of the roast chicken finally becomes active, drips down the skin slowly, and makes a squeak.

Accompanied by the squeak, the aroma of the roast chicken overflows and spreads far away.

However, only this is the case. The lion and Helicopter who are watching us do not appear to be shaken at all. They just crouch in the distance, looking at us, looking like a big dog squatting in the distance.

"Interesting, with such a strong self-control, presumably wisdom must not be low."

After thinking about it, I stopped paying attention to them and continued to flip the roast chicken.

Not long after, the blue witch got out of the car and brought her tuo to the oven.

Sniffing Qiong Nose lightly, the blue witch was very satisfied with the smell of roast chicken, and she wished she could just reach out and grab it.

"Wait a little longer, it will taste better" I reminded in a low voice.

With a gurgling sound, the blue witch swallowed her mouth and stared at the grilled chicken that was constantly being turned over with her blue eyes. As long as I said "you can eat", she would immediately rush to grab the chicken.

However, just when the roast chicken was about to reach its best, a low roar came from a distance, and then the earth roared.

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