The black plague has been in the demon world for hundreds of millions of years, and there is no one who is not afraid of this stuff.

I remember that DiRigi told me this.

But I only said it once, and then I kept silent.

Before leaving the Hefeng Continent, I had curiously tried DiRigi's plague.

The black and purple aura enveloped me like a veil, and drilled into my body along my orifice, but I could clearly perceive the killing intent hidden in my body at the moment when these foreign bodies just invaded my body He became active in an instant, and the whole army was wiped out by the plague.

Di Ruiji was very interested in the killing intent in my body, and even released it for a while, but only released it once, and never used the plague against me again.

I was very curious, so I asked her why, Di Ruiji's answer was also very simple: "I can't bear to let these little guys go to death meaninglessly."

Let's get back to business and put the idea of ​​King's Landing Demon aside for now.

In the incomprehensible gaze of the grocery store owner, I coughed and said, "Sorry, I just thought about it, I missed my number."

"Are you busy?" The grocery store owner suddenly asked: "If you are busy, I won't bother you. We can talk to you next time."

"No, I'm not that busy. I just feel a little bit emotional. I can't believe that Bakkar has been expelled from the Demon Realm for so many years and there are such a large number of followers."

When the grocery store owner heard me say this, he was relieved. He smiled and said, "You have never lived in the devil world. Many things are not clear. Although the surface is bright and beautiful, the inside is full of thorns and traps. , They will be stabbed and even lose their lives. This is only for the powerful and powerful. For those of us at the bottom, we are basically destined to be enslaved when we are born, either by the nobles or by the organization. Either we were enslaved by the high-level organization or enslaved by the apostles, and we have no hope in our lives."

"If Your Majesty did not initiate the Dragon War, perhaps we, the people at the bottom of the Demon Realm, would still only be able to live like ants. I don’t know what day they will be crushed to death and slaughtered. It is precisely because of that passionate and heroic In the Dragon War, the talents of the major organizations finally saw the power of the people at the bottom. When we unite and think about the hope to move forward, it will be a torrent, a torrent that can break through the shackles of class!"

The boss of the grocery store has a loud voice, almost attracting successful adventurers who are fighting in the distance.

A few adventurers who were more than ten meters away from the shop looked around blankly. Just as their eyes were about to freeze in the grocery store, another group of other organizations came. Several guys wiped their faces and showed a hideous look. , Killed towards the other side.

It was another burst of flesh and blood.

In the respectful and enviable gaze of the grocery store owner, I put Nilin into my pocket: "You have a huge lineup, which is great. Keep going, my friends, when Bakar returns to the demon world in the future, you have to perform well. ."

"Yes," the grocery store owner looked forward to: "I will always look forward to that day!"

Did you really come back that day?

I shook my head, and there was a smile of unknown meaning at the corner of my mouth: Who knows.

In fact, when I was talking, for a moment, I really hoped that I could use their power to cooperate with the Oath Guardian to have a gorgeous turnaround.

But when I thought about something, I decided to abandon this plan.

the reason is simple.

This group of followers of Bakar seem to have deep prejudices about the six major organizations of the Demon Realm today.

This can be confirmed from the conversation just now.

They regarded the six organizations as lackeys of the apostles.

Although it is true that there are running dogs of the apostle, it does not mean that they are all.

Of course, the above is only my guess, after all, I am not from the devil, and I don't know much about the inside story.

After leaving the grocery store, I went to the deli and bought a lot of cooked food. Then I went to the snack shop and bought a lot of snacks that were not nutritious but still quite delicious.

Then I wandered back to the hotel.

But on the way to the hotel, I was attacked by several unidentified adventurers.

It seems that these adventurers are killing people and have red eyes, and everyone looks like an enemy.

In the face of this kind of guy, there is only one method I usually take, which is to lead them into the corner of an alley where no one is there, and then kill them.

Right now, the town is chaotic, and it's easy to find an alley corner with no one.

After a while, I wandered out of an alley as if nothing was happening, looked around, made sure no one noticed, and left.

The newspaper the next day did not report on the adventurers I killed.

It’s really chaotic right now. Even gossip reporters and tabloid reporters don’t have the energy to take care of them one by one. They will only choose heavy ones. For example, the top of an organization is under attack. The children were killed in each other's fight. Such news is wonderful and worth seeing.

As for other ordinary members, ordinary adventurers, and passers-by, they die if they die, and no matter how much they die, it doesn't matter.

In the hotel, in the room.

The blue witch pouted and frowned, lying on the side of the bed, her face full of unhappy.

"What's the matter?" Put the snacks on the table, took two packs, handed one of them to her, and asked, "Who upset you?"

"They" the blue witch slenderly pointed her hand, and the target was the adventurers in the melee.

"How did they provoke you?" I asked curiously.

"I've been fighting and killing all day, and I can't calm down at all, it's noisy!"

The blue witch was angry.

It turned out to be because it quarreled her.

"How about you" I turned to the tuo squatting on the side: "Do you think so too?"


Tuotuo's eyes answered me firmly.

"So you think so too" I replied with a smile. At the same time, I stuffed the potato chips into my mouth, chewed, and said to the tuo: "Okay, don't read it, you can't eat this, there is too much salt. Easy to get sick."

"Wang Wu..."

Tuotuo left disappointed.

"Don't be sad, forbearance, give you a whole pork chop when you eat."

I shouted at Tuo Tuo.


The little terrier became excited instantly.

Looking at this big and young foodie, I couldn't help shaking my head and smiling bitterly.

The town was so chaotic that the idea of ​​smoothly inquiring about information was lost. I only contacted a few seemingly more reliable intelligence dealers. Taking advantage of the early morning of the next day, the adventurers were still resting with blue Sex witch, left the town.

As I headed towards the next town, I kept wondering whether the next town would be as chaotic as this town, right?

If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

There may be a chance to find someone in a quiet and peaceful town, but looking for someone in troubled times is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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