The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3017: Ways to wake people up

Since the journey is not too far away, we arrived at the next town in only one day.

The chaos in the next town is still the same. As soon as I entered the city, I saw three groups of people beating each other, and there were already at least seven or eight people lying in a pool of blood.

Looking at this scene, I don't know whether to say that they are stupid or strong in faith.

Behind these young faces, there is at least one great person who has worked hard to pull them up. They don’t think about becoming stronger, making money, and supporting the one who has worked hard to pull them up. Now they are full of silver. , The old man in need of care, just thinking about fighting with strangers who had never met in order to please him, until his death on the spot.

From this point of view, they are stupid.

But judging from the fact that they dared to fight the strangers they had never met before, they were members of the organization with firm beliefs.

Although their belief may not even count as a fart in the eyes of the people above.

However, they are willing to do so.

This is probably their way of survival.

As I was thinking, there was a muffled noise on the car window.

Turning his head and looking around, a young adventurer who was injured was banging on the car window hard. The meaning was obvious. I hope I can open the car door, take him for a ride, and leave this dangerous place.

However, I clearly remember that a minute ago, he stabbed a very petite-looking girl with a sword vigorously. The painful expression and desperate eyes of that girl when lying in a pool of blood, and his look at the moment. It's exactly the same.

While thinking, I suddenly saw that young man's face became hideous and terrified, and his mouth kept shouting with unknown meaning, but judging from his expression and tone of voice, he should be asking for help.

His index fingers of both hands were tightly clasped in the gap of the car door, trying to pull the car door hard, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't do so.

Just when he wanted to hit the car window with his fist, his body was suddenly dragged away from the door position, as if there was a strong suction vortex dragging his body hard behind him.

This time, the voice from the youth's mouth became more flustered, quicker, and more vague.

His eyes were full of horror and despair, and he kept looking at me for help, as if I were the last straw he could catch.

I missed the young man's body, and I saw a young man with the same thin figure, pulling the young man's collar back.

Don't think he is thin, but he has great strength.

With just a few drags, the young man’s hand was pulled away from the car door, his limbs kept kicking, his body kept struggling, he wanted to break free, wanted to escape here, wanted to live, just as before. The girl he killed like that.

The thin young man who dragged him was dragging him two meters away from the locomotive, and he condensed a crystal sword with his right hand, which pierced the young man's heart.

The sudden pain caused the youth's face to become distorted. When he was about to die, he did not forget to reach out to me, hoping to get my help.

No, to be precise, he doesn't just need my help, he needs someone to save him, no matter who it is.


There was a muffled sound.

The thin young man hit the window with his sword hilt.

"Stay away from here."

He said, his tone was very rude, even as if he was driving away mice.

But like an amnesty, I nodded and drove away quickly.

"Why do you behave so humble?" the blue witch who held the tuo frowned asked.

"This can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble."

I smiled and said, "I don't want to provoke too many people from the Big Six organizations before I accomplish my purpose."

"You can kill them all."

The blue witch was pouting dissatisfied.

"Speaking lightly" I said: "If there is a fish that slips through the net, it will be troublesome. In order to avoid all unnecessary troubles, it is necessary to pretend to be counseling."

The Blue Witch was still not convinced by my words. She was playing with her puffy dog ​​paws while muttering. She couldn't hear exactly what she was talking about, but it was definitely not nice.

After finding the hotel and paying the bill, we came to the room.

Although the streets are chaotic, the hotel rooms are still tidy and clean.

On the one hand, this hotel is often cleaned. On the other hand, it is also because the scale of this hotel is probably the largest in this town.

Anyway, along the way, I have never seen a bigger one.

Putting things down, I lay on the bed and took a breath while the Blue Witch was amused with fries.

As we all know, French fries are fried with potato chips, and potatoes can be eaten by dogs. However, since the enthusiastic boss sprinkles a layer of salt and other condiments after frying, this directly limits the dog’s edible fries. Quantity.

Since I have already fed Tuo Tuo six French fries on the road, and Tu Tuo also showed signs of thirsty, and drank a small pot of water in the car, so I explicitly forbid feeding Tuo Tuo French fries today.

The blue witch also thinks that the tuft of salt may have eaten too much, especially after hearing me say that dogs who eat too much salt will not only shed their hair, but may also be paralyzed. The blue witch is not like her tuo that turns into a half-dead. Plant dogs, lying on the ground every day, do not move, mainly to take care of excrement and urine.

When she thinks of this, she always says to me: "In case the tuo eats too much salt and is really paralyzed, let's make it into delicious stewed pork, so that it can relieve it and pay homage to it. ."

Every time I heard this, I would be shocked by her shocking and horrifying thoughts of eating goods.

Fortunately, this girl is just talking about it. Usually, she still pays attention to restricting the diet combination.

After my wild thoughts, I plan to take a nap.

When I was confused, I heard the blue witch's voice ringing in my ears: "Hey, wake up, I'm hungry."

When I opened my eyes, I saw the blue witch pouting her mouth, sitting on her knees, buckling her index fingers with her hands, raising her arms high, this posture, this action... I suddenly stared at my eyes, pale in shock, Shouted: "Wait...uh..."

Sure enough, as I expected, a pair of small fists of the Blue Witch slammed down and hit my abdomen.

The strength of the little girl is not great, but my abdomen is also very soft, so this time, I almost beat me into a prawn.

Rolling and rolling on the bed, I grimaced, raised my head and glared at her: "What are you doing?"

"Get you up."

Seeing that I was awake, the blue witch got out of bed casually, did a stretch, and exhaled comfortably, her face was full of happiness.

I'm speechless, but helpless. I can't beat her in the other direction. This is not a man's job.

Depressed for a while, I sat up, rubbed my belly, got out of bed, got dressed, went out, and went to buy food.

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