I thought this was another boring shopping trip, but unexpectedly saw an interesting scene.

An indigenous girl from the Demon World with a pointed hat and a small broom rushed into the grocery store. When she came out, she had a lollipop in her mouth, which was a circular stick with a vortex pattern in cross section. sugar.

She walked back happily with sugar in her mouth.

At this moment, three adventurers armed with sharp blades came out on the side of the street. They were covered in blood, their faces were fierce, and their eyes were fierce, apparently just recently.

When the three thugs turned a corner, they happened to face the indigenous girl. The three of them only glanced at her, and greeted her unkindly. While teasing each other with foul language, they stretched out their sinful hand and planned to do something with the girl. foot.

It stands to reason that I should scream at the uneven road, anyway, these three add up to a cut, and it's no trouble at all.

But the problem is that there are too many people on the street, especially the adventurers of the six major organizations. God knows what consequences I will bring if I act on impulse.

Hey, nothing, after all, you can't think of one thing when you bring your sister to brush pictures.

Taking a deep breath, calming my emotions, I decided to watch the changes.

As long as the girl is brought into the alley, as long as the crowd is within five meters of the three guys, I can be sure that I can kill all the insiders in an instant, without being noticed by anyone else.

Just when I made my calculations and planned to stage a heroic rescue of the beauty in a small dark corner, things happened suddenly.

I saw the indigenous girl subconsciously fell backward, and at the moment her body floated forty-five degrees, her little broom suddenly became a big fly swatter!

The fly swatter aimed at the heads of the three thugs and patted them without hesitation.


With a crisp sound, two of the three rushed to the street on the spot, and the other one was also dizzy.

Seeing this, the indigenous girl didn't give the remaining person any chance to recover. Riding a broom, she soared into the sky!

Yes, it just soars into the sky!

Like the witch riding a broomstick in the anime, she flew with a swish.

While flying, the broom head continued to sprinkle lavender dust downwards, under the sunlight, it looked like a looming purple tulle.

I was enjoying the beauty that appeared out of thin air. Suddenly, bursts of heart-piercing howls rang into my ears and shocked me.

The horrible howl came from the three thugs. I took a closer look. Good guy, the beautiful and crystal clear purple powder on the skin, like a strong alkali and strong acid, crazily corrodes the skin and muscles of the three people. ...And in just a few minutes, their skin and flesh were corroded to the limit, revealing the bones.

Even so, they still did not die, they continued to roll, struggle, and tried to get up from the ground, but found that they couldn't even stand still, they could only roll on the ground like maggots, wailing.

This struggle lasted more than five minutes, until the internal organs were eroded and destroyed by the purple powder, and they were relieved.

This scene made me quite shocked.

Not only me, all the people present, no matter passers-by or adventurers, showed varying degrees of panic.

There were even a few who were timid and fainted directly, and a few who were relatively courageous. Although they were not fainted, they urinated their pants, which was more embarrassing than fainting.

Shaking my head, I went into the deli, leaned on the counter and waited for a while, the boss finally came back.

The boss didn’t notice me as a customer until he came to me. After a few seconds, he came back to his senses. He ran into the counter and said enthusiastically: "Buy cooked food?"

I nodded and showed him all the cooked food I was about to buy.

When he was packing cooked food, I chatted with him: "It was really a good show just now, it was wonderful."

"Isn't it?" When the deli owner heard me mention the battle, he immediately became interested: "This is the first time I have seen people from the ancient library kill people on the street. This method is cruel to the six organizations. Hand!"

"Like you, it's the first time I saw people from the ancient library take action. I didn't expect that the people of this organization used poison to kill."

"Poison?" The owner of the deli was stunned. After a while, he recovered and continued to pack the cooked food I bought, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect the customer to see clearly. You must be a powerful adventurer, right? ?"

"If it's powerful... it's not that good, it can only be said to be average."

I shook my head, half-truth.

"Dare to ask, which of the six organizations do you belong to?"

His questioning attitude was rather humble.

"No one," I said, "I'm just an adventurer who is interested."

"Adventurer by interest?" The boss was startled, bagged the cooked food, and handed me the change. Then he said again: "It doesn't look like it, it doesn't look like it at all. The guest you give me the feeling of The first adventurers in the room feel the same to me."

"Is that so?" I asked with a smile.

"Well, it can't be wrong."

Picking up the cooked food, I laughed twice: "Then thank you for your compliment."

When I got out of the deli, I walked home slowly. On the way, I saw the indigenous girl again. This time, she hopped into the grocery store as she did before. There was not much meeting, and she was carrying a costume. The bag full of lollipops hopped out again and ran towards the alley.

I guess the branch of the ancient library is probably somewhere in the alley.

But I have nothing to do with the ancient library, so I won't bother each other.

Especially after seeing the fighting methods of the indigenous girls, I was even more relieved of the desire to provoke the ancient library.

That big fly swatter, and that kind of weird means of attacking poison, has never been seen before, and if you act rashly, you will suffer a lot.

Instead of this, it's better to wait and see the changes first, and it is not too late to consider whether to contact them after discovering the attack methods of the magical scholars, a profession that does not exist in the Hefeng Continent.

When we got home and put the cooked food on the table one by one, the Blue Witch and Tuotuo and I started our first meal since we came to this town.

During the meal, I mentioned what I had seen and heard with her just now, and asked her if she had any knowledge of the profession of magic scholars or the organization of ancient libraries.

The blue witch thought for a while, shook her head and said, "I can't remember."

Seeing that she didn't seem to be cheating, I couldn't forcefully ask.

Just when I was gnawing on a pig's foot, the blue witch suddenly said: "However, during my time in the Red Witch's Forest, I have encountered hundreds of invading magical scholars, but they are very powerful. Weak, they can’t even beat my men, but they seem to have a good means of escape. Only a hundred of the hundreds died, and the others escaped alive.”

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