The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3030: Three views are not guaranteed

This is an embarrassing question.

Fortunately, Alice is not nearby, otherwise it will most likely become a proposition.

Anyway, if Alice becomes angry and wants to kill Xi Lan, Xi Lan will definitely not hide.

Uh, probably...

Maybe it was not the time for my embarrassing proposition question, or Xilan was too thin in terms of feelings and embarrassed to answer, so he naturally chose to ignore the past.

I'm not ashamed to continue teasing him, smirk twice, and let it go.

"In addition to Saran, Alice, and Socia, I also know a group of guys who have lived for a long time. The most famous is the high priest who lives in Dasai City."

"Dasai City?"

Xilan's eyes turned into question marks.

"Ah, Dasai City, don't you know?"

Xi Lan shook his head.

"Uh... well, it seems that I didn't think well. I'm sorry, your period was the period of fairy rule, right?"

"During the reign of the fairies?"

Xilan thought for a moment, and reluctantly nodded: "The supreme ruler is indeed the emperor emperor. Well, it is not an exaggeration to be called the era of elf rule."

"Well, that's right." I said: "When you left the Hefeng Continent...I also forgot the specifics of the past tens of millions of years. The rule of the fairy emperor was overthrown, and the unification of Hefeng Continent was Breaking down, members of all ethnic groups painted the land as the border, and each acted in their own hands, entering the era of chaos."

"The chaotic period lasted for many years. It may be that the God of Creation couldn't stand the chaos in the world. So there was a dungeon abnormality and strange tide, which directly broke through the dungeon portal and rushed into the Hefeng Continent. In a tragic massacre, countless powerful monsters treat humans as snacks. It is said that because of this disaster, the total population of Hefeng Continent has dropped by one third."

"The remaining human beings finally realized that if they fight separately, they will exterminate the race, so they once again joined forces to fight this disaster together, but this time, they did not return the command to the goblins, but each Each clan sent representatives to adopt a cooperative and confrontational approach to deal with this disaster."

"Fortunately, the leader of this disaster was only the monsters in the dungeon. It did not cause a chain reaction and attracted the attention of other monsters. This disaster finally ended within a hundred years. Then, these leading adventurers divided the fruits of victory. Occupy a continent as its base, among which Dasai City is a continent to the north."

"Towards the north..." Xilan frowned, pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Is there a continent of snow-capped mountains?"

"Well, there is really a snow-capped mountain, and the snow on the mountain does not change over the years. It is regarded as a scene of Dasai City, and there are groups of tourists visiting there every year."

"I see," Xilan said, "That mountain, called Wannian Snow Mountain, was once the lair of Ice Dragon Skarsa."

"Ice Dragon Skarsa's lair is right there" I nodded and smiled suddenly.

"You seem to be thinking about something bad."

Xilan frowned and said.

"Huh? Are you there?"

"It should be right" Xilan said: "I have seen many guys with smiles similar to yours. After those guys laugh on their front feet, they will do some bad things on their back feet. I deeply doubt that you are planning to go back. Wannian Snow Mountain is doing things."

"Ha, I was discovered by you, that's nothing."

Tan Tan Shou, I smiled bitterly: "Yes, I do want to go to the snow-capped mountains to explore and see if there are still eggs or the like left by Skasa."

"I advise you not to do this" Xilan said with a serious expression: "Ice Dragon Skarsa is a powerful fighter under the command of the Ninth Apostle, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, and one of the four sword masters known as blunt weapon masters. Buwanga, when challenging it, almost fell into the sand."

"Excuse me, the blunt weapon master, one of the Four Swordsmen, Buwanga, when he challenged Ice Dragon Skarsa, did he ever talk to it?"

Xilan was taken aback by my question, and after a while, she shook her head: "No should be."

"That's right." I said: "The point of the problem is here. Even if Skarsa wants to live peacefully with Buwanga, the master of blunt weapon, Buwanga did not give him any chance to talk, directly I rushed up in my turn..."

"...Bowanga uses a hammer."

"Oh, it's not important, don't care about these details" I waved my hand and continued: "If Buwanga hadn't directly swiped the stick and rushed upwards, if he could talk to Skarsa peacefully, is it possible? Reconciliation between the two parties?"

"This... is probably impossible," Xi Lan said with no certainty: "After all, the opponent is a giant dragon, and it is a powerful warrior under the apostle, and you may not understand the arrogance of the dragon, that is simply... .... Like a stubborn stone."

"I don't think so." After I drank the porridge and poured a glass of water, I said leisurely: "The pride of the dragon race is forgiven. Who makes them inherently strong, but they can't communicate. , Or refuse to communicate, this is wrong. In my opinion, the dragons are actually no different from us. They are all creatures walking in the world, and they also know each other’s predictions. Oh, sorry, it’s the dragons who know the language of humans. So as long as you be patient and communicate well, it is still possible to reach a settlement."

Xilan frowned, and even slowed down the movement of the egg skin: "Listening to you, it seems that you are familiar with the look of the dragon clan?"

"No, I have one in my next home, but it is a small pterosaur. Although it usually quarrels, fights, but gets along well."

"No wonder you have such knowledge of dragons, but Ice Dragon Skarsa is different from Pterodactyl. He is a giant dragon."

"I'm not talented in Xia, and I'm friends with a giant dragon, very iron kind."

Seeing Xilan’s incredible expression, I continued: “I guess you’ve heard the name of this giant dragon. After all, he had also descended on the Hefeng Continent, and he was named after Skarsa-evil dragon. Spitz."

Dang Cang.

The tea egg fell on the plate, making a lot of movement.

Xi Lan looked at me with a dull expression, and after a long while, he muttered: "You, are you friends with evil dragon Spitz?"

"Is there a problem?" I wondered.

"That is called the most evil, cunning, and vicious dragon" Xi Lan solemnly said: "You were not fooled by him, that dragon, likes to play tricks and tricks."

"So what?" I wondered: "Even if Spitz likes to play conspiracy and tricks, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar will never like to play conspiracy and tricks."

Xilan was stunned again, and after a while, he asked me: "What do you mean by this? Could it be that you and Bakar..."

I smiled and took out Bakar's inverse scales and shook it in front of Xilan's eyes: "Hey, don't you know, I don't know, I will introduce to you, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar's inverse scales are genuine."

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