The glittering golden scales dazzled Xilan's IQ.

Otherwise, why is this guy staring at the golden scales sluggishly, staying still for a long time, not breathing.

Just when I deeply doubted whether Xi Lan had been shaved off, this tens of millions of years old handsome uncle just hissed and took a breath, and pointed to the scales in my hand with a face full of disbelief. Trembled: "This...this is..."

"I didn't talk about it just now, the scales of Tyrannosaurus King Bakar are genuine and authentic, and there are official certifications, but they haven't been brought here yet."

Xilan shook her hands and touched the scales. Seeing him with an idiotic expression, I curled my lips and handed the scales over with disgust.

After rubbing it over and over several times, the color of surprise on Xilan’s face became more intense. After a long time, in a long sigh, he handed the scales back to me, saying: "Although I have never seen Bakar before. However, the magic wave contained in this scale is really powerful. Although you can't feel the aura of the power of the apostle, its owner is undoubtedly a powerful existence comparable to the apostle."

"That's right." I nodded. "So, not all the strong are as arrogant and reckless as imagined. Many strong are still very reasonable, but too many people think of the first thing after seeing the strong. How to protect yourself, and this method of self-preservation usually adopts the strategy of starting first, and doing so will not cause any harm to the strong, on the contrary, it may affect your own life."

Xilan nodded silently, cleaned up the leftover food, got up, and sorted his clothes.

"Are you going for a drink?"

"No, go back to the hotel to sleep."

"Okay, see you later."

Xilan waved her hand and turned to leave.

Putting a handful of copper coins on the table, I took the packed food, got up and left.

Back to the room. The blue witch was holding Tuo Tuo playing, and seeing me coming back, she immediately threw Tuo Tuo to the ground happily, and ran over to grab some food.

She was very embarrassed to eat, but the speed was really fast. Within a few breaths, the steamed buns were half dried, and the porridge was gone. Only the braised pig's feet and roasted chicken legs were left untouched. This is her eating habits.

Tuotuo crouched aside, pitifully looking at the oily blue witch who was eating.

Seeing that it was pitiful, I just wanted to give it that pig's foot, but it was intercepted by the claws of the blue witch, and it was given to me severely. In an instant, there were four more blood channels.

"Hey, such a big person, still protect food?"

I scolded with a smile.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu said, mouthful of food.

"Swallow and talk."

With that said, I handed her a glass of water.

After cleaning the food in her mouth, the blue witch solemnly said: "I'm happy!"

Hey, I have a bad temper!

Squeezing her face vindictively, I diverted my eyes and looked at Tuo Tuo again.

This time, Tuo Tuo stopped looking at the Blue Witch, and started looking at me. The poor little eyes broke my heart.

"If you don't feed Tuo Tuo, it will starve to death."

"No, no."

"If you don't keep it full, you won't be able to eat a few pieces of meat when you eat dog meat in the future."

"Huh?" The Blue Witch stopped her action abruptly, her eyes widened, staring at me for a few seconds, and then turned to Tuo Tuo with the smell of scrutiny in her eyes.

After a while, a roasted chicken leg that had been bitten was placed in the dog pot.

Tuotuo ate happily.

"Hmm, hurry up and eat, hurry up and get fat, and when you get fat, make you a dog hot pot, let you and I grab chicken legs to eat!"

The blue witch stared bitterly at the tuo, while she thought to herself.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

While I was taking a nap, I was awakened by the knock on the door. Outside the door was an adventurer organized by the Oath Guard, who was responsible for reporting Xilan's intelligence to me.

"He drank?"

I ask.

The adventurer nodded: "The seventeenth hotel in the east."

"How to get so far?" I wondered.

"That pub is active today, and there is free tasting of good wine."

The adventurer lowered his voice.

"Didn't I always say that I invited him to drink? How come the free wine tasting is the same as the bee seeing the flower?"

The adventurer whispered: "Maybe Master Xilan is used to this."

Hearing this, I glanced at the adventurer and said, "Well, what you said is not unreasonable."

Seeing me watching him, the adventurer quickly lowered his head.

I continued: "I appreciate your speculation, continue to use your imagination, it is best to use the shortest possible time to count all the behaviors that Xilan may have. If you do well, you will be rewarded."


When I entered the pub, I saw that Xilan was arguing with the hotel owner.

When I walked in and listened, I realized that Xilan didn't have any money and wanted to take advantage of the tavern activities.

Although I knew that Xilan might not be old-faced for drinking, it was the first time I saw it for this purpose. You see, the boss is annoying, and he almost committed suicide by touching the bar.

Help the forehead, helpless.

I stepped forward, took out a handful of Demon World Silver Coins, put it on the bar, and said, "Good wine, the best kind."

The boss slammed Xilan away, put the money in his palm, and said with a smile: "No problem, guest."

"and many more."

The boss stopped immediately and looked at me respectfully.

"Find me another quieter room."

Hearing the words, the boss glanced at the silver coins in his hands, slightly embarrassed.

I took out a few silver coins from my arms and put them on the bar: "Go ahead."

The boss' eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly, saying, "Hey, my lord, wait a moment."

After that, he returned to the bar, put the silver coins in his palms, and ran to the back room like flying.

Seeing Xilan's embarrassed expression, I chuckled, "Walking in the devil world, you can't live without money."

"I don't have that much money" Xi Lan smiled bitterly: "I'm just a pauper."

"It's because you can't reveal your true identity," I said with a smile: "After all, your reward list is still on the demon world's reward list, and it is firmly in the first place."

Xilan nodded bitterly, but said nothing.

After all, the apostle is the **** of the demon world, and Xilan who assassinated the apostle, although his feat is believed by many aboriginals in the demon world, no one dares to show it to his face. A great existence.

Therefore, Xilan, who angered the apostle, wanted to gain a foothold in the devil world, which was a problem.

The boss quickly came out of the back room. He respectfully acted as a guide and introduced Xi Lan and me to a room in the back room.

There are dozens of jars of fine wine in the room.

I sat down with Xilan, and after filling up the wine, I said: "Before drinking, I didn't vomit or spit out anything."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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