Xilan was startled when he heard the words, put down the wine glass, and asked, "I have anything to say, but it doesn't matter."

"it is good."

Also put down the wine glass, I sat down in a hurry, and said, "In the past few years, you have been in the Demon Realm. In addition to the unfinished promise, what can you gain?"

Xilan frowned, and a trace of unpleasantness disappeared, but did not refute my face, but after a moment of thinking, he said, "No."

"In that case, how about going back to the Hefeng Continent with me?"

"No return."

"You may not know that today's Hefeng Continent is about to face an unprecedented catastrophe. If you can help from the strong, you may be able to reduce a lot of losses and variables caused by this catastrophe."

Xilan's eyes flickered, and after a moment, he asked, "You said... catastrophe?"

"Yes" I nodded and said, "It may not be an ordinary catastrophe, but a catastrophe comparable to calamity."

Xilan fell into silence for a while, and after a few seconds of pondering, he asked: "How did you hear about this?"

"The apostle told me."

"Tyrannosaurus King Bakar?"

"No, Longfoot Rotes."

"Longfoot Rotes!!!"

Xilan's eyes were wide open, and his surprise was even greater than before.

"You actually have friendship with Longfoot Rotes?"

"Forget it" I said: "But the friendship is not as deep as I imagined, anyway, it's no better than Evil Dragon Spitz."

Xilan's eyes flickered, and she couldn't judge whether my words were true or false.

Seeing his reaction like this, I chuckled and said, "Stop thinking about it. Our friendship started with a deal."

"What deal?"

"I promise Rotes to help him build a castle on the sea floor."

"..." Xi Lan was speechless, her eyes trembled, but there was a little more faith in her eyes.

"Huh?" I said curiously: "I didn't expect you to believe in this transaction?"

"Why question?"

"Because Lotters is an apostle. Generally speaking, apostles don't trade with humans, do they?"

"Generally speaking, it is true," Xilan said: "But Longfoot Rotes doesn't make a building, but it's well known in the devil world."

"Oh yo~" I couldn't help but let out a weird laugh: "I didn't expect Lotters to have such a dark history in the Demon World, and I can use it to tease him in the future."

"I advise you not to do this."

"What's wrong?"

"Rotes has a very strong mental power. Once he angers him, maybe the strong mental power will squeeze your soul out of your body."

"Is there such a thing?"

I was curious.

"This is the truth," Xilan said, "I wonder if you have heard of such a sentence, as long as Longfoot Rotes is in the sea, he will be invincible."

"Invincible?" I raised my eyebrows, and I couldn't help but smile: "This is not necessarily true, anyway, in the ocean of the Hefeng Continent, there are many guys that Rotes dare not provoke."

Hearing what I said, Xilan's body suddenly stiffened. After a few seconds, he smiled bitterly: "Really, I even forgot those existences."

"Right" I laughed: "There are still many guys who are stronger than Rotes, and I might as well tell you that I had a face-to-face chat with Longfoot Rotes, during which he also angered me. , But I was not oppressed to the point where my soul came out of my body, I just felt a little oppressed."

"Slightly oppressive?" Xi Lan poked out his hand curiously, but stopped halfway through. He looked at me with questioning eyes, and said, "Can I touch your forehead?"

"of course."

The moment Xilan’s finger touched my forehead, I could feel a powerful wave of magical waves rushing into my body along the contact point. After going round and round, I returned to the contact point and reintegrated into him. Among the fingers.

However, in the next second, his face changed drastically, and his voice became trembling: "You...why do you have so many seals in your body?"

I scratched my head and said helplessly: "About this, I don't know how to answer you. The seal is the thing that Tyrannosaurus King Bakar told me. Before that, I didn't know anything about it."

Xilan's expression changed, and finally returned to a surprised and incomprehensible expression. He murmured: "With so many seals, you can still have such a huge magic wave...You, are you not a human? "

"Uh... it doesn't really matter at all about this issue, right?"

"No, this is very important" Xi Lan insisted: "I really want to know who you are, no, what race are you?"

"Doesn't you think of me as a human being?" I said with black lines: "After all, our behavior characteristics are almost the same, except for the fact that I have one more left arm than you."

"I don't think this is a trivial thing that can be perfunctory." Xilan said: "Your existence has surpassed my cognition. If you can't tell frankly, I think we will seldom meet each other in the future. "

After that, he was about to get up and leave.

"Hey, wait, wait" I quickly walked closer, pressed him back on the seat, sighed, and said, "Actually, I tell you now, it really doesn't make any sense. Just like you can see, my body There are a lot of seals, which are no different from ordinary humans. Unless the seals can be cracked, I can only survive as ordinary humans."

"However, since you have to know my true identity, it doesn't hurt to tell you, it's not a secret anyway."

When I said this, I sighed, returned to my seat again, straightened my back, and said solemnly: "It's true that I am a descendant of the fairy clan."

"Fairy?" Xi Lan suddenly got up after hearing this.

The sudden reaction frightened me. I even wondered if he didn’t believe what I said, and thought I was lying to him, so he planned to leave the meeting, but unexpectedly, he actually knelt on one knee and said solemnly: Xilan, Xuan Sword Saint, pay homage here."

I was shocked by Xi Lan's behavior. After a while, I leaned over, helped him up, and said, "Which one are you doing?"

Although Xilan sat down, his **** was only stained with a chair. He bowed his head and said: "The courtesy can't be abandoned. Although the fairy emperor no longer exists, it is uncountable after I left the demon world, so I am still Subjects of the Fairy Clan."

"Hi," I shook my head, waved at him, and said, "You think too much. My goblin clan and the goblin clan you are talking about are not the same race."

"Huh?" Xi Lan raised his head suspiciously, looking at me suspiciously.

Seeing Xilan's puzzled gaze, I couldn't help but explain with a wry smile: "The fairy clan you mentioned is not a real fairy clan, but a member of the forest fairy clan."

"Sorry Fairy?" Xilan looked blurred, and didn't understand the proper term.

"Uh, let me explain to you a little bit more carefully. What the forest fairy is a fairy with an impure bloodline, or a hybrid fairy, do you understand?"

Xi Lan shook his head again, making him even more confused.

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